1st Annual Robertson County’s Got Talent @ RC Fair

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There is a new talent show event at the Fair this year – Friday night August 30, 2013 7:00 PM will be the Robertson County Got Talent Show! Location: Century Stage, Ages 20 and up and prize money for the winners.

Entry Form Due Robertson County Extension Office or Fair Office. DEADLINE EXTENDED UNTIL WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 28

The annual Share-the-Fun Talent Show for ages 5-19 will be held again on Saturday night Saturday, August 31, 2013, 6:00 P.M. – Century Stage.

Don’t forget Youth Praise and Worship night on Wednesday night of the Fair! 

Got Talent Info Ages 20 & Up

Friday, August 30, 2013 7:00 PM
Location: Century Stage

Entry Form Due Robertson County Extension Office or Fair Office by Friday, August 23
UT Extension, 408 N. Main Street, Springfield, Fax: 384-2941
In lieu of an entry fee, all participants must pay the fair admission of $10. Advance fair passes may be
purchased for the participants when entry form is submitted for $5 each. Parking is on your own.

All Entries must be checked in at Century Stage by 6:30 PM on August 30, 2013

Premiums: 1st – $100, 2nd – $50, 3rd – $25

1. Open to ages 20 and up.
2. Open to amateur talent, not professionals. Performance in weddings or at funerals is not considered professional.
3. Acts limited to 5 minutes, including any spoken intros by the act. Number of acts may be limited due to time
constraints. Acts will be considered on first come, first serve basis.
4. All acts must be family appropriate. The fair reserves the right to not accept or to dismiss an act if not appropriate
for a family-friendly atmosphere, i.e., language, subject matter, gestures, etc.
5. A CD player and PA system with three microphones will be available. Make sure your CD works in a CD player
and not just on your computer.
6. Public restrooms are available for dressing, if needed.
7. Acts will be judged based on the Applause Meter.
8. There will be 1st, 2nd and 3rd place trophies. Cash awards: 1st place – $100, 2nd place – $50, 3rd place – $25.
9. Trophies and cash for first three placings will be awarded per act, not per person in the act.

ClICK HERE FOR ENTRY FORM OR To Enter just email [email protected]

Applications also at the Springfield UT Extension Office –  615-384-7936

Share The Fun Talent Show Info Ages 5-19

Saturday, August 31, 2013, 6:00 P.M. – Century Stage
Coordinator: Kathy Finley

1.   Open to Robertson County and adjacent counties youth, ages 5 – 19 (age on August 23, 2013.)
2.   Limited to one non-youth accompanist.
3.   Acts will consist of no more than 10 members. Class determined by oldest member of the group.
4.   Acts will be classified as one of three age divisions.
5.   Acts will have a time limit of 3-5 minutes depending on the number of entries.
6.   All acts may give a short introduction to their performance (included in the time limit).
7.   Be ready to perform and checked-in at the Century Stage by 5:30 p.m.
8.   A p.a. system with three microphones will be furnished.
9.   Piano/keyboard, cd/tape players, any other equipment or instruments will not be furnished.
10. One pass will be provided per performer when the application is submitted. One additional pass will be provided
per act.
11. CD’s and/or tapes should be cued for play in cd/tape players to keep the program moving.
12. Music should be appropriate for all age groups, i.e, language, subject matter, etc.
13. Only one entry per lot.
14. Applications are due by Friday, August 23, at the UT Extension Office, 408 N. Main Street, Springfield. Applications
may be faxed to 384-2941, but passes must be picked up at Fair Office after August 23.
15. Applications are available in the Fair Catalog or at the UT Extension Office. For more information, contact 384-

Prizes: 1st – $25, 2nd – $15, 3rd – $10 place ribbons per lot, participation ribbons and trophy for “Best of Show” selected from combination of all lots.

Class I – Ages 5 – 8 years old

Class II – Ages 9 – 12 years old
Class III – Ages 13 – 19 years old
Lot 1. Instrumental Performance (Entries including exclusively instrumental music.)
Lot 2. Vocal Performance (Entries including any vocal music act – with or without instrumental back-up.)
Lot 3. Dance Performance (Entries limited to: jazz dance, ballet, clogging/tap, square dance, baton, acrobatics/gymnastics. Gymnasts must use and furnish their own mats.)


Applications also at the Springfield UT Extension Office –  615-384-7936

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