4th Of July Events, Summer Activities Across The County
ROBERTSON COUNTY TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – With Covid-19 it’s hard to figure out what events haven’t been squashed or canceled. Don’t fret because Smokey has been working hard to piece it all together for you. Just remember, things can change but all the information below is how things look at the moment. Email [email protected] for updates, changes of new events.
Greenbrier Turning Of The Pig & Parade Update…
One of the largest fundraising events for the Greenbrier High School Band program is the annual Turning of the Pig that has been held in Greenbrier, TN for over 100 years and according to Rachel Slusser, the City Recorder for the City of Greenbrier the event will move forward as scheduled.
Here is the schedule of activities for the Greenbrier’s Turning of The Pig…
The Turning of the Pig is a large community-wide festival held annually on July 3rd (4pm-until) at the Greenbrier City Hall Park
790 W. College St. Greenbrier, TN 37073 and provides food, carnival games, live entertainment, local artisans, and family fun. Hundreds of pounds of pork are cooked on open pits during the festival and pulled pork is available for sale by the pound beginning the morning of July 4th.
Greenbrier July 4th- Annual BBQ Sale 6am-noon:
Pork by the pound, Whole Boston Butts, Family Packs!
All profits generated from this event will go to support the amazing band program at Greenbrier High School.
Preparations are already underway for this year’s event and vendors are invited to apply for a booth at the 2020 Turning of the Pig!
Bobby The Bobcat To Be Grand Marshal for the July 4th parade at 10AM
“I am so thankful and honored to be this year’s Greenbrier 4th of July parade Grand Marshal! I can’t wait to celebrate this great American holiday by seeing all of you at the parade! The 4th of July parade starts at 10 a.m. Line up the streets from GES to GMS! Please make sure you all practice social distancing and other Covid-19 guidelines when attending the 4th of July parade! Let’s all have fun while staying safe!” 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸 #lovemytown #lovemycommunity #gbp #4thofJuly #LoveYouAll

Vendor Booth Information:
• Vendor booths are a 10 x 10-foot space.
• Non-profit vendor booth fee is $30.
• For-profit vendor booth fee is $60.
• All vendor applications are subject to approval. Please, NO food vendors EXCEPT for desserts.
A vendor/sponsor application is provided below. Please complete the form and send via email to [email protected] or send by mail to the address listed: Greenbrier High School Band Boosters PO Box 108 – Greenbrier, TN 37073
NOTICE: Greenbrier Historical Society Library Re-opened
Hours Wed/Thur/Fri 10 AM to 4 PM and Sat 10 AM to 1 PM — located on W. College across from City Hall.
Hundreds of books ready for checkout. Wear mask inside building, and practice social distancing for the protection of all. All books are sanitized upon return.
Library phone 615-643-8461. Follow on FaceBook

Cross Plains, TN 4th Of July Update
In the interest of public safety, The Cross Plains Heritage Commission has canceled the Fourth of July Remembrance at Kilgore Cemetery.
In its place, a special virtual remembrance with guest speakers will be prepared for viewing on The Visit Cross Plains Facebook page. We look forward to returning to our normal activities in 2021.
According to the Cross Plains Fire dept., officials have decided after much discussion that the fireworks show has been canceled for this year.
Cross Plains Trash & Treasures Update
“The City of Cross Plains has determined that it is in the best interest of everyone to CANCEL The Annual Trash and Treasures this year.
This was a tough decision! If you have any questions or would like a refund for fees paid please contact Tammy at City Hall @ 615-654-2555. We are as disappointed as you are.”

Adams, TN – 4th Of July Update…
The fireworks show is a go behind the Bell School House provided by the Adams Fire Dept! Residents are encouraged to find locations around or near the area to view the show from their vehicles according to Fire Chief Ray Brown. The show will begin at dark.
The Annual BBQ Picnic, dance has been canceled due to the COVID pandemic.
Adams Threshermen’s Show Update
“Regretfully we inform you this is the official notice that the 51st Annual Threshermen Show has been postponed until the 2021 show. We are very sorry to make this call but we think its the best decision for the safety of our guests, members, vendors and all involved.
Due to public outcry, we are entertaining the idea of scheduling it later in the fall of 2020. We know people are unhappy with us canceling but with the rules posted by Gov. Bill Lee it makes this a very hard decision. The final decision will come down to the four board members.”

Springfield 4th Of July Update…
Springfield 4th Of July Fireworks “A Go” But Park To Close
As other cities across the nation cancel their 4th of July fireworks celebrations, the City of Springfield has announced they will go forward with theirs but the park will be closed to the public, the city says.
The show is scheduled to take place on Saturday, July 4, 2020.
According to Springfield city officials, J. Travis Price Park will be closed to the public during the fireworks show to ensure the safety of citizens due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Citizens will need to find locations around or near the park to view the amazing show that is sure to illuminate the sky for blocks.
According to Springfield Parks Director Terry Martin, “There are many locations surrounding the park that ofter a great view of the show.”
Residents are encouraged to continue to follow CDC guidelines which include social distancing.
The annual spectacular fireworks show will begin at dark.
Pavilions, Post 48 Building, and The Center to reopen for reservations July 1
Reservations for City of Springfield Parks & Recreation Department facilities can be made beginning July 1. Facilities include park pavilions, the Post 48 Building, and The Center.
All events must be held in accordance with the guidelines set forth by Governor Lee as part of the Tennessee Pledge. Reservations can be made over the phone or in-person. To make a reservation, visit The Center at 401 North Main Street or call (615) 382-1655.
Splash Pad?…Playgrounds?…
We are receiving many messages inquiring about the opening of the splash pad, pavilions and playgrounds. According to Springfield Parks Director Terry Martin, the parks are following Governor Bill Lee’s guidelines and will remain closed until he gives the all-clear. This includes the Jr. Pro Football sign-ups and the soccer sign-ups.
Youth Baseball To Resume Under Gov. Lee’s Exec. Order No. 38

Also…Saturdays – Enjoy the 41 Flea Market in Springfield
7:00 AM til 5:00 PM – 2862 Highway 41 S, Springfield, Tennessee 37172
* Open Air Market
* Large selection of items
* Unique Vendors
* Great Bargains
For more info Call (615) 969-3167
Also… Wednesdays In Springfield – The Classic Tin Cruise In
Held Every Wednesday, from spring till Halloween, Classic Tin Cruise In will be in Springfield, TN. Classic car, truck and bikes Cruise In for Springfield and the surrounding communities coming together for some Burgers and a Coke!!! Being held at Burger King, 2018 Memorial BLVD, Springfield, TN . Any questions please call Shelby Horner at 615-336-2257
Also…Saturdays – Springfield/Robertson County Farmers Market
Saturday’s at 8 AM – 1 PM 4635 Hwy 41N, Springfield, Tennessee
Robertson County fruits, produce, flowers, eggs, bread, meats, honey, crafts and more!
Notice: Martins Chapel BBQ Canceled
“Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, regrettably, we have canceled our annual all you can eat BBQ. We will be back strong as ever next year June 26, 2021. Always the 4th Saturday in June.” Martin’s Chapel Church in Springfield, TN.
Veterans Motorplex @ The Rim is the BEST Weekly
OUTDOOR Family fun in Robertson County!
The City of White House 4th Of July Update…
Due to public safety concerns for large gatherings resulting from the Covid 19 pandemic, the difficult decision was made to cancel this year’s Americana Celebration and Fireworks Show. The City of White House will work with the White House Area Chamber of Commerce to plan for making 2021’s Americana Celebration even better! #DiscoverWhiteHouse #MyWhiteHouseTN #AmericanaCelebration
July 4th 20th Independence 5K – White House, Tennessee Parks and Recreation Department
Saturday, July 4, 2020 at 8 AM – 2 PM – White House High School
Starting Line Location:
White House High School, 508 Tyree Springs Road
Race will start and finish at White House High School Trailhead. Runners will being down the Greenway past the Veterans Memorial Trailhead and double back ending up at the White House High School Trailhead.
Overall Male and Female
Masters Male and Female (40 & over)
Awards in five year increments beginning with age 11 thru age 75, also a 101 Division
Click HERE for Registration
White House residents are invited to the local Farmers Market…
Wednesdays White House Farmers Market
Wednesday’s at 3:30 PM – 7 PM – 105 College Street, White House, Tennessee 37188
Market will be open from 3:30 – 7:00 pm. Come out and see us!
June 14 – (White House, TN) Flag Day/ Flag Retirement Ceremony
Hosted by American Legion Auxiliary, White House, TN
Sunday, June 14, 2020 at 6 PM – 3321 Highway 31 W, White House, TN 37188
Celebrate Flag Day! Americans everywhere will proudly hoist the Stars and Stripes for Flag Day on June 14. American Legion Post 206 will conduct a proper flag-collection and retirement ceremony at the Post beginning at 6:00pm.
We urge all members of the community to attend this event. Everyone will have the opportunity to present a flag for retirement. If you have a flag you wish to have retired, you may bring it or you may use one of the many flags that we have collected.
June 25 Music Under the Stars in White House, TN
Thursday, June 25, 2020 at 7 PM – White House, Tennessee Summer Concert Series at Fran Hudson Ampitheater 105 College Street White House, TN 37188

Pleasant View June Cruise’n and Groove’n & City Wide Yard Sale Saturday, June 20th
Special announcement with Miss Tristan McIntosh at the June Cruise’n and Groove’n! This month features Jeep’n in June and is coming off the heels of the largest cruise in we have ever had in the history of Pleasant View in May! You guys were awesome! Everyone practiced great social distancing and were very respectful of each other’s space.
This month will not disappoint either because we will have Tristan McIntosh in concert. Oh, and the entire event is FREE!!!! Father’s day weekend, Saturday June 20th, from 5:00 until 9:00. Concert will start around 6:15 pm / 6:30 pm (as long as she can keep her inner Axl Rose in check!).
So bring that hot rod, Jeep, truck or car you want to show off, a lawn chair, some hand sanitizer and some tip money for the band.
June 20 – Pleasant View City Wide Yard Sale
Saturday, June 20, 2020 at 7 AM – 3 PM – 1008 Civic Court, Pleasant View, Tennessee 37146
Annual City Wide Yard Sale! – Call City Hall to have your address put on the yard sale map! A donation truck will be available at City Hall from 3-5pm on that Saturday to take leftover donations.

Enjoy Goodlettsville Farmer’s Market Every Thursday
Historic Manskers Station – 705 Caldwell Dr, Goodlettsville, Tennessee 37072
Goodlettsville Farmer’s Market is held weekly on Thursdays thru October 8, 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm on the lawn next to the Visitor’s Center.
The Goodlettsville Farmer’s Market is held weekly on Thursdays, 3:00 pm – 7:00 pm, May 7 – October 8. The market is held on the lawn next to the Visitor’s Center at Historic Mansker’s Station in Moss-Wright Park. The market will feature the season’s best fresh produce, farm fresh eggs, baked goods, meats, locally grown plants, hanging baskets and other goodies. The Visitor’s Center Gift Shop will be open during the market hours.