A Message For Orlinda Residents

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A message from Orlinda City Manager Kevin Breeding.

Services offered by the City of Orlinda

The City of Orlinda has a public storm shelter in the basement of City Hall. The storm shelter is open anytime there is a tornado watch or warning. It has cable tv, radio, tables and chairs, playing cards, kids games. You may bring sleeping bags (many do) and other overnight needs.

Orlinda City Hall is located at 7501 Highway 52. It is Open from 8 am until 4:30 pm Monday through Friday during those hours, you may do all the following at no charge:
2-1-13 032

  • Pay your CEMC Electric Bill
  • Pay your White House Utility District Water Bill
  • Pay your Springfield Gas Bill
  • Renew your Robertson County License tags
  • Have a legal document notarized by a notary public
  • Send or pick up an occasional fax
  • Have a few copies made occasionally
  • Purchase a stamp when post office is closed
  • Access high speed internet service using free from anywhere inside City Hall, in the parking lot, or on playground

The Orlinda Library is located at Hwy 520 and Hwy 49 intersection. It is open from noon to 5 pm Mon-Thu, & Sat, closed Fri & Sun.

  • There are several computers for public use, all with high speed internet
  • A free high speed internet hot-spot is available in or outside of library & at gazebo
  • There is a wide selection of adult books available for checkout
  • There is a special children’s room to make reading fun for them
  • Both adult and children’s books are rotated and updated monthly
  • You will find the newest books from the biggest name authors &
  • You can request any book thanks to our partnership with other libraries
  • A large selection of movies are available for free rental.
  • We have a selection of paperbacks for sale for under $1 for traveling, etc.

The Orlinda Community Center is located directly behind City Hall. This building is available for rent 365 days a year (unless already rented)

  • It has a full kitchen with refrigerator, stove, microwave, and serving bar
  • Has handicap access, separate restrooms, full sized piano, lots of cookware
  • It has a seating capacity of over 100, and can be arranged any way you wish.
  • It’s perfect for meetings, parties, family reunions,  receptions, etc.
  • It is for the community, so we only charge $100 + deposit

2-1-13 034The City of Orlinda Park and Playground is located beside and behind City Hall.

  • There are 2 regulation sized tennis courts, & a 2-goal outdoor basketball court
  • There is an extremely nice children’s playground with a variety of equipment
  • There is a very nice, well maintained baseball field & bleachers- available to the public, seating for 50 people.
  • A large picnic shelter with separate restrooms and table
  • Is available at all times, and may be reserved for special occasions for free

The city has a second, smaller park (VetPark) near library with historic WWII artillery. There is also a beautiful gazebo there, often used for weddings and making photos. The City offers people the option to order engraved bricks for the gazebo walkway

The Orlinda Volunteer Fire Department provides medical and firefighting services. They also acquire and provide free toys at Christmas to needy families via their own Toys for Tots. They will provide free blood pressure checks to walk-ins at the Fire Hall on Hwy 49. 24 hours per day, 7 days per week:

If you have other suggestions, let me know and I’ll see what we can do! Meanwhile, I wanted to be sure you all know whats available in the small town of Orlinda, TN!

A Message from City Manager Kevin Breeding

It’s too COLD for Garage Sales but you MUST have your FIX!! Here you go… Across from KFC in Springfield.SATURDAY AND SUNDAY Hours Sat: 10-7….Sun. 10-6. Friday is Cheap, Saturday Cheaper, Sunday even Cheaper still.

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