Annual Autumn In The Brier Event Coming September 12
GREENBRIER TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – The annual “Autumn in the Brier” will be held on Sat. Sept 12 from 9 AM to 4 PM at Greenbrier Historical Society Museum & Library grounds on W. College Street across from Greenbrier City Hall, with craft booths, book sale, bake sale, silent auction and plate lunches and sandwiches from the grill.
Booth spaces are available for $10. Booth vendors can pick up a form outside the library door or call 615-643-8461 (open Wed. thru Sat.) to have one mailed to you.
Proceeds benefit the Greenbrier Historical Society Museum and Library.
Fall fun for everyone!, take a look at the event in 2012 from Smokey’s video archive.
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