“Autumn In The Brier” Fall Fun Event by The Greenbrier Historical Society

“Autumn In The Brier” Fall Fun Event by The Greenbrier Historical Society

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“Autumn In The Brier”

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Smokey Barn News Greenbrier, Tenn

Saturday September 21, 2013 10am – 1pm at The Greenbrier Historical Society Museum grounds. Craft booths, Silent auction, Used book sale, Activities for children, Food and more…..

BOOTH SPACE $10 Call (615) 643-8461

Check out the Greenbrier Historical Society on Facebook

GHS BOOK SALE-Books Needed…

for our Book Sale at Autumn in the Brier: If you have books in good condition that you no longer wish to keep, the Greenbrier Historical Society is now collecting both hardback and paperback books for our Fall Book Sale. Please bring donations to the Library/Museum during our hours-Wed.-Fri.–10:00-4:00 and Saturday 10:00-1:00. All donations would be greatly appreciated.

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