Blood Drive – June 8th At NorthCrest Medical (Save A life, Give Blood)

Blood Drive - June 8th At NorthCrest Medical (Save A life, Give Blood)

Blood Drive – June 8th At NorthCrest Medical (Save A life, Give Blood)


NorthCrest Medical will be hosting an American Red Cross Blood Drive Monday, June 8th, from 10:00a.m. to 3:00p.m. in the Ground Floor Conference Rooms located at 100 Northcrest Dr, Springfield, TN 37172 (MAP).

To make an appointment online, go to and look for the NorthCrest drive to make a donation appointment. Appointments start at 10:00a.m. and run in 15 minutes increments up until 2:45p.m.

EVERY donor will receive a $5.00 Amazon Gift Card!

This will be NorthCrest’s last drive with the Red Cross. The next drive on August 24th and beyond will now be handled by Blood Assurance, their new NorthCrest blood supplier.

Look for more news to come!
