If You Are Looking For The Story Of The Missing Teen..

Earlier today Smokey reported about a missing teenager mattress ad 511Missing teen found slider 2 24 2014Smokey Barn News Feb 24, 2014

If You Are Looking For The Story Of The Missing Teen.. 

Earlier today Smokey reported about a missing teenager in Robertson County. The teenager has been located safe and sound and is now with family. Smokey decided to remove the story from our main site www.SmokeyBarn.com and our Facebook page before the story had a chance to propagate to the deep web. This action should help prevent the teen from having the story pop up in 22 years. Since Smokey was the only agency to carry the story it should completely disappear in a few days.

The important thing is the teen is now home with family.

Feel free to express your feelings of gratitude that the teen was found safe in comments below or on our FB page (See comments) but please don’t mention any names.

Jim Ball reporting
Smokey Barn News
SmokeyBarn.com’s Robertson County Daily

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