Fair Board Lowers Admission Price Friday & Saturday

The Fair Board has decided to lower the cost of admission for the remainder of the fair.
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reduced fair price slider a

Smokey Barn News
Friday August 29th, 2014
Springfield, Robertson County, Tenn.
  (Sponsored Ad)

Fair Board has lowered the cost of admission for the remainder of the fair.

Smokey received the following press release from the County Fair Board this afternoon:

Since its inception, the main goal of the Fair is to offer a time of fun and entertainment to Robertson County families. We realize that things have not gone as smoothly as years past. The Robertson County Fair is a non-profit organization and the board itself receives no compensation for running the fair. All the money taken in goes right back into next years Fair, the only purpose of the fair is to offer something we as a community can be proud of and enjoy.

Though we work hard to make every year come together without a hitch sometimes things can happen that are outside of our control.   Due to weather and other factors we have had a few issues this year, so we have decided to offer a discount for the remainder of the Fair. We have had one publication announce that the Truck & Tractor pull admission is $10 which is less than the actual cost. We have decided to honor that ad as well as try to give something back to the community and to those who may have had some difficulties this week.  

We are going to drop our admission prices Friday and Saturday night for the tractor pull and the Demolition Derby. Adult price will be $10.00 and students will be $5.00 (Students are through High School age only.)  

The Carnival will be pay as you ride Friday and Saturday night plus Fair admission. On Saturday afternoon the Carnival will be offering a wristband from 4:00PM to  7:00PM which is $12.00 plus Fair admission.  

We at the board hope you do come and enjoy yourselves because, frankly, that’s the only reason we have it! So come on out and enjoy all the great entertainment this weekend at the Robertson County Fair.

Robertson County fair Association

See more info on the Fair Below…

All rides are up and runninghttp://youtu.be/YXla4sL_G8A

Truck & Tractor Pull Friday Night at 7pm with Fair Admission!

Truck show a

Also Friday August 29th

The BRION GAMBOA Band comes to the Robertson County Fair! Get your 80’s on . . Show starts at 8pm with Fair Admission!!

The Brion Gamboa Band - formerly Breakingdown's photo.


Demolition Derby Saturday Night at 7pm with Fair Admission!

Derby B


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Comments (3)

  1. Springfield August 31, 2014
  2. Chris Cunningham August 30, 2014
  3. Nikki August 29, 2014