How To Get A Free hour Of Sleep This Sunday Morning
Fall Back! It’s Time To Set Your Clocks & Check Your Batteries
ROBERTSON COUNTY TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – Daylight Savings Time will begin at precisely 2 a.m. this Sunday, November 4. All you have to do is set your clocks (back one hour) Saturday night to get your free hour of sleep Sunday morning. If you forget, not only will you lose your free hour of sleep but you could also face the embarrassment of showing up really early to church Sunday morning.
This is also an opportune time to change the batteries in your smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors.
Every home should have working smoke alarms to provide an early warning. Statistics show that most fatal fires occur at night and almost every day a life is saved because of a working smoke alarm.
The maximum lifespan of Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors are generally 8-10 years. Please test old units, if they do not respond properly when tested, they should be replaced immediately for the safety of you and your family.
If you have health issues and can’t change the batteries yourself, many Fire Departments will come to your home and change them free of charge. Smokey Barn News has confirmed with Fire Departments in Springfield, Portland, Guthrey KY VFD, Ridgetop, White House Community VFD, White House City, North Robertson Fire and Pleasant View. All said they would be happy to come to your home and change smoke detectors batteries for those with health-related issues. Some fire departments may supply the batteries, some may not. Some Fire Departments even have programs that offer free smoke detectors to residents within their coverage area if you ask.
OK now, (like Smokey does every time there is a time change) we have added our video of Jim Ball setting the Robertson County Courthouse clock. Other than a reporter for Smokey Barn News, Jim is also a clockmaker and manages the big old clock. Jim rebuilt the old clock in 2006 during the courthouse restoration.
So if you are new to Smokey enjoy Jim’s delightful tour of the Courthouse clock and roof above.
Clock Room Tour VIDEO:
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