R.C. bus driver was taken into custody and charged with two counts of alleged rape
Smokey Barn News
Wednesday September 17, 2014
Robertson County, Tenn.
R.C. Schools Bus Driver Arrested For Alleged Statutory Rape
A Robertson County Schools bus driver was taken into custody Tuesday and charged with two counts of alleged rape, one Statutory Rape. Patrick Dale Pendleton, 27, of Springfield was arrested Tuesday and booked into the Robertson County Detention facility on a $100,000 bond. According to Springfield Police Chief David Thompson, the alleged victim is a 16 year old male.
As of 1:00pm Pendleton had not bonded out of jail. Pendleton’s bond was originally set at $150,000 but according to Chief Thompson, the bond was lowered to $100,000 Wednesday by a commissioner.
Robertson County School officials have acknowledged the arrest with a statement that indicates that on Tuesday September 16, Robertson County Schools were notified that Pendleton was arrested on charges involving an underage person. According to the release, the employee was immediately suspended without pay pending the outcome of an investigation by the Springfield Police Department. School officials also indicated that they plan to fully cooperate with Police during the investigation.
According to Thompson, there were two alleged incidents with the same victim, one in Gallatin TN on a Robertson County school bus and the other in Springfield at Pendleton’s home. After an investigation of the allegations, Springfield Police obtained a warrant and arrested Pendleton. The investigation was triggered by the boy’s mother who contacted police with concerns and alleged that her 16 year old child had been sexually assaulted.
According to Thompson, “there is no evidence at the moment that there were any additional victims but the investigation is ongoing.”
This is the second time Pendleton has faced charges while employed as a bus driver for Robertson County Schools. Back in November of 2013 Pendleton (26 at the time) faced charges after the bus he was driving struck a teacher as she walked to her car in the parking lot of Springfield Middle School.
Below is Smokey’s initial Video report on the accident, for the full report click here.
All suspects are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.
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If you’re gonna post on the Internet, you need to make sure you get your facts correct. Do not bad mouth a good person because you are ignorant to the situation.
He was different growing up but thats why there is a judge and jury. To the women who allowed him to take care of her son because of the things you didnt have most preditors pray on there victim in that why helping and giving them things i say this cause im that child that did suffer abuse from a person like that he called just helping until he wanted something in return. But im just saying…….
3 days ago he drove the school bus and kicked a student off the bus cuz she would not set down and when he got close to my bus stop he was cussing at all the kids off, me and my sister got off the bus cuz we was scared that he was going to hit us cuz he almost hit a student. And he did run over a teacher at the middle school. He is not allowed to drive again cuz of it.
Patrick is not a bad person. This is all a set up. Just to clear it up…. The teacher walked out in front of a MOVING bus. If you’re gonna walk out in front of a big huge moving bright ass yellow vehicle, you’re dumbass deserves to be hit. He would never hurt a soul, much less a child. This is ridiculous. I hope this kid knows that he has ruined this man’s life 100% and this is not something you can take back. The kid needs to be sitting back and thinkin real hard is all I got to say.