RC Schools Delay First Full Day Virtual/In-Person Options Available
ROBERTSON COUNTY TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – Robertson County Schools are making some last-minute minor changes as we move into the 2020 school year, according to Dr. Chris Causey, Director of Schools.
Robertson County Schools have moved their official start date for the first full day of school forward two days, we have added the details below. We have also added information below regarding COVID-19 face coverings for students and details regarding In-person and Virtual options.
“We are excited to welcome both our in-school option students and our virtual option students back to school this week,” Causey said. “Our virtual-option-parents received a phone call today with directions on accessing the introduction video that is on our website.
“Please look forward to a welcoming letter and individual student schedule in the days to follow. For our in-school option students, those with the last name starting with A-G will only come to school on Wednesday, those with the last name starting with H – O will only come to school on Thursday, and those with the last name starting with P – Z will only come to school on Friday.
“In order for our individual schools to make any modifications to their re-opening plans based on the increase or decrease in both in-person and virtual numbers, the first full day of classes will be moved to Wednesday, August 19. Once again, the first full day of class has changed to Wednesday, August 19. There will be no school for students either in-school or virtual on Monday or Tuesday, August 17-18. While I am aware that this is a change from earlier guidance, this will give our administrators, teachers, and other staff time to get more things in place in order to serve our community better. All faculty and staff will report on these two days.
“In closing, the staggered schedule for this week has not changed. However, the first full day of school for our students has been moved to Wednesday, August 19.”
In-Person Option
Students enrolled in the in-person learning option will attend school 5 days a week – regular hours. Lessons will be provided through direct instruction with a teacher. Attendance will be recorded daily, and typical procedures will be followed for assignments and assessments.
Procedures will be in place at each school to assist in maintaining a safe environment. These procedures will include a modified daily routine to maximize social distancing and to minimize number of student contacts.
All students participating in the in-person option will have a temperature check daily prior to entering the school building or the school bus. Students may not attend school if their temperature is 100° or above. Masks will be required unless students are outside. More information will be provided by individual schools in the upcoming weeks.
For questions, please email [email protected]. Include child’s name, grade, and school when emailing.
In-Person Option Questions and Answers
Q. Will my child have to wear a mask on the bus or at school?
A. Yes; To begin the school year, all students will be given a mask as they get on the bus, or once they enter the school. The student is to keep the mask on during the school day, except at times when a teacher allows them to remove it based on the social distancing available in the classroom. All masks should adhere to board policy 6.310.
Q. Will my child have his/her temperature checked every day?
A. Yes; To begin the school year, all students will have their temperature checked before entering the bus or before entering the school building if the car-rider line is used.
Q. What happens if my child has a temperature of 100 degrees or greater?
A. If your student is supposed to get on the bus, he/she will not be allowed to get on the bus and will need to return home. If your student is a car rider, he/she will not be allowed to go inside the school building. In both of these instances, the child will not be allowed back to school without a doctor’s note or a negative test result with no symptoms.
Q. What will my child’s day look like?
A. Social distancing in the classroom and use of additional spaces to enhance social distancing
• Breakfast and lunch may be eaten in the classroom
• Teachers will wear a face shield while interacting with students and other staff members along with a mask when social distancing cannot be accomplished.
• Fewer class transitions than in the past
• Additional procedures for general routines
• Outdoor spaces will be utilized when possible
• Visitors, parents, and volunteers will be very limited and should call ahead before arrival.
Q. Will we have open house?
A. Each school will have an individual plan for communicating beginning of year information. However, typical open house or large group meetings will be held virtually.

Virtual Option
Students enrolled in the virtual learning option will have a typical instructional day routine – regular hours, instruction, assignments, and assessments.
Students will be expected to login each morning at normal operating school hours. Reasonable breaks and lunch are part of the daily schedule. Hours will be aligned with the school of zone. Prior to any access, students and a parent/guardian must complete an online orientation program so that parent/guardian can serve as an in-home learning coach. The student will access the virtual curriculum and the RCS teacher for the duration of the school day.
All content is online, and all assignments will be submitted digitally. Scheduled real-time direct instruction will be provided through the online platform. The content, purchased from an outside vendor, is aligned with state standards and will be delivered by RCS teachers. Students will be assigned to a class and to an RCS teacher who will work directly with your child to provide support and to monitor participation and progress. Attendance will be taken daily and for each subject. In-person sessions at school will be scheduled for students not meeting expectations in participation, progress, attendance, and academic achievement. Additionally, failure to maintain adequate progress may result in the loss of the virtual option.
More information may be found here For questions, please email [email protected].
To view Virtual Option Questions and Answers, click –> here