Springfield Neighbors Says “Slow Down” Want More Action From City
SPRINGFIELD TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – If you drive down Cheatham St. in Springfield you might think someones running for office but if you take a closer
you will realize that the signs are delivering the same message, “Slow down”.
The signs were put up by neighbors that are fed up by people driving to fast while there are children out playing and they are concerned that someone is going to get hurt.
Smokey Barn News talked with Dana Risk who lives on the street, he says people need to slow down, stop texting and pay attention when they drive because they will find it hard to live with themselves if they injured a child.
UPDATE: June 1/2016
Springfield Police Respond Quickly To Speeder Complaints
The residents on Cheatham St in Springfield have had it with speeders so they got together and posted (SLOW DOWN) signs in their yards that passersby’s can’t miss.
Now just days after a story on Smokey Barn News, (see video report below) Springfield Police wasted no time going after speeders. They have started with a speed monitor sign and told us that there is more in the works.
Springfield Police told Smokey Barn News today that they take neighborhood speeding seriously and didn’t know speeding on Cheatham Street was such an issue until seeing our story.
Now that they know, Springfield Police will be monitoring the traffic and encouraging drivers to slow down.
Smokey Barn News (Sponsor/Advertisement)
Sunday, June 4 at 9 AM – 1 PM – 8th Annual Camaro Day At Payne Chevrolet
Come join us for Payne Chevrolet’s 8th annual Camaro day! If you wish to bring your Camaro, give us a call at 615-384-5573 and let Steve Russell know to expect you! 2807 Memorial Blvd, Springfield, Tennessee 37172
Thank you for the kind words. I’m available most days between 8:00a and 11:00p.
Most folks don’t know this but I once ran a marathon because it was on my way or that I played college football in high school.
Everyone knows why they are racing down Cheatham is because women are wanting to see the new sex symbol in SPRINGFIELD,That’s what they are saying at APPLEBEES,WAFFEL HOUSE, O”CHARLEYs, COURTHOUSE,We saw a crowd of nothing but women walking from depo restaurant headed to the home were this sex god lives,We heard later own two or three fainted when he waved at them,that’s one reason for the fast driving women are wanting to be first,
Its not just Cheatham st. Woodside dr. Connected to 17th ave. It’s just as bad and there’s been pedestrians hit multiple car accidents and nothing is done about it.