Smokey Barn News Saturday, August 10, 2013 Springfield, TN
UPDATE 10:00PM Saturday

Tracy D. Cone, was arrested Saturday for allegedly striking an officers bicycle as he fled in a vehicle. He was charged with Reckless endangerment, evading arrest, unlawful possession of a weapon, possession schedule VI and possession drug paraphernalia.

The police spent a couple of days looking for Cone and with a tip from a citizen Cone was captured without incident in a store in Springfield (see below for more details on his arrest.) He was taken into custody and processed into the Robertson County jail. After spending about 3 hours behind bars he posted bail and was released. The bond amount was $9600. Using a bail bondsman, Cone would have only needed a fraction of that to make bail. According to the Robertson County Detention facility’s website, Cone was booked in at 3:35 P.M. and bailed out at 6:23 P.M. UPDATE: (Monday morning 9:00AM) Cone has been re-arrested on Monday August 12 around 3:00AM on unrelated charges. According to the Robertson County Detention facility’s website Cone was charged with Assault, domestic violence. As of 9:00AM Monday Cone has not Bonded out.
Please remember, all suspects are innocent until proven guilty by a court of law.
BELOW: Reported earlier today………………
Smokey Barn News Saturday, August 10, 2013
They Got’em, Tracy D. Cone, Jr Arrested In Springfield
Smokey has received word that Tracy D. Cone (the suspect wanted in connection for allegedly striking an officers bicycle as he fled in a vehicle) was arrested at the Cricket Wireless store in Springfield around 11:50AM Saturday morning 8/10/2013. The suspect came into the store to purchase a new phone. The story came to Smokey from William White of CMT’s Treasures, thank you Will!
Springfield Police Chief David Thompson said, “We would like to express our appreciation to someone in the public who was not only aware of what was going on but also picked up the phone and gave us a call, we certainly appreciate that. This is one of those circumstances where we have a guy that was allegedly involved with drugs, guns and attempting to allude the police and its good to get him off the streets. ”
For the full story read below.
Smokey Barn News, August 9, 2013 Springfield TN
Friday afternoon at approximately 4:45 PM, Joshua Pentecost was arrested in an apartment on Sky View Terrace located in Springfield. He was wanted for allegedly shooting at a police officer in Springfield. (see below for more) He was arrested by Springfield Police Officers and Robertson County Sheriffs Deputies without incident. Details on charges will be provided after booking and processing for the arrests… and charges will include Attempted 1st Degree Murder of a Law Enforcement Officer for shooting at a Springfield Police Officer on 08/09/2013.
According to Detective Rickie Morris of the Springfield Police department, the suspect was trapped by officers in an apartment in the Sky View Terrace apartment complex located at 500 Skyview Terrace in Springfield.
While officers had the Sky View apartment building surrounded someone called and said Pentecost was at Mort’s Market located at 408 Memorial Blvd in Springfield (which is some miles away from the Sky View apartment building) and he wanted to turn himself in. A handful of officers went to Morts to see if the suspect was there. Meanwhile all the other officers stayed at the apartment complex, just as a precautionary measure on the off chance the call was a hoax to lure the officers away from the apartment complex so he could escape.
“Needless to say the suspect wasn’t at Morts “, Morris said. A short while later the suspect was captured in an apartment without incident at the Sky View apartment complex.
Springfield Police were assisted by TBI, US Marshals and Robertson County Sheriff’s office. There were also other jurisdictions running down leads for Springfield officers and looking for him in their cities such as Goodlettsville, Morris said.
Original report: August 8th, 2013
Springfield Officer Shot At, Another Almost Run Over
Around 10:40 PM Thursday evening August 8th a Springfield Police Officer heard gun shots near another incident. As the officer arrived a car was fleeing and the officer attempted to stop the car. The suspect vehicle drove up Park Drive where the driver got out of the car and fired four shots at the Officer. The suspect then fled on foot and fired additional shots nearby.
The officer was not injured. The suspect has been identified as Joshua Pentecost, white, male, DOB 11/29/1988, 5’11”, slender build, brown eyes, brown hair, listing a Springfield home address.
There were three (3) active warrants for his arrest before this incident including a warrant for escape, and presently, there are four (4) additional active warrants including attempted first degree murder, reckless endangerment, felony evading arrest, and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.
Earlier on in the evening at around 9:54 PM, and believe it or not just one street over, another suspect (unrelated to above story) was observed driving a vehicle on East 21stAvenue in Springfield. A bicycle patrol officer approached the vehicle and asked for identification, and the driver produced a driver’s license. There was a strong odor of marijuana present. At some point the driver rolled up the window, slammed the door shut, and drove away in a reckless manner. As the suspect recklessly drove off he struck the officer’s bicycle. Though the two incidents occurred just one street apart, Springfield Police Chief David Thompson says “They don’t believe there is a connection between the two crimes.”
The officer was not injured. This vehicle was found a short time later on 23rd Avenue East unoccupied. Illegal substances were in plain view, and when inventoried, the vehicle contained additional drugs and a camouflage semi-automatic pistol with a silencer attached to the barrel and an extended magazine. The suspect is Tracy D. Cone, Jr., Black, Male, 6’2”, 225 lbs, DOB 9/15/1988. Warrants are being sought for felony fleeing and attempting to elude arrest, reckless endangerment, unlawful possession of a firearm, and possession of drug paraphernalia.
Anyone with information on the location of either one of these suspects is encouraged to call the Robertson County Communications Center at 615 384-4911 or Crime Stoppers at 615-382-3799.
We bring you ALL the News in Robertson County, Tennessee.
wow, just from reading the above comments (not to mention the rest of the horror stories coming from springfield lately) it goes to show how much ignorant trash resides here. Parents who didn’t give a damn about the law or school raising kids who care even less about the law and school; and the city claims they want to clean it up?? hahaha that’s a joke! If it were the truth they would destroy every bit of project housing in the county and realize that robertson county is too small to have so much govt. housing in it. and offer remodeling construction vouchers to the residents of historic homes ie…. batts blvd;southmain;and eastland heights. (believe it or not those used to be the nicest neighborhoods in town) That would destroy the ”nests” of drugs and crime that has been created by the neglect of the local govt. it would also boost the property value of the springfield area in general and might actually make larger companies want to bring their business here and offer true good jobs to our community, but instead of wanting that for the residents of our ONCE great city/county–they build a damn HUGE detention facility and make a backdoor deal with the federal government to house their inmates in it as well. OUR LOCAL POLITICIANS AND PLANNERS CREATED THIS RACKET AND WE ARE ALL THE VICTIMS! MONEYS RECEIVED THROUGH OUR COURTS AND FEDERAL MONEY FOR OUR JAIL RUN THIS LITTLE COUNTY, AND UNTIL THE CRIME SPREADS INTO THE LEGACY OR THEIR LITTLE QUIET SUBURBS THEY WILL NEVER DO A DAMN THING AND THIS WILL ALL GET WORSE. **Watch and you willl see what i tell you is true**
david, i think people are so quick to judge others they tend to forget words hurt and any disobedience of the law they have done. Heaven is the only place I know of that is perfect, this world…well……….. its going to hell. Literally !!!!! But we reap what we sow and when we talk ugly about people…… it’s a boomerang affect, you’ll get it right back.
Amen sista. I wanna live where he lives.
Hey stepmother did u feel so terrible when u cashed that reward u got for turning him in? Look josh needs help period.what child wouldnt growing up with a stepmother who spent all their fathers money on drugs?get over yourself GOD will guide him through this and his real family…in sme ways I think u ruined that poor do u sleep?
I keep seeing “adults” here making statements “the parents should have got him some help, or dont teach their kids properly”….. Do you ADULTS not know that judging the people (parents) is wrong? Were you “taught” not to judge others? Were you taught not to point the finger, especially when we have no control over someone else and what they do? I see alot of judging how the stepmother feels. Does she really deserve that or is it that your no more considerate of people than you think josh is ? Is this what your teaching your kids? to behave in such a disrespectful manner to those that are hurting? If so, then your no better than how you THINK their parental guidance is. Just saying !!!! Enough is enough.
you might not have, I wouldn’t have either. But understand that everyone don’t act like me or you or respond to things the same. At the end, there’s alot of things He could have done…. BUT he made the decision to surrendered.
Yes, that officer at the end of the day has family to go home to.. and He did Bless God. But placing blame on the parents is so wrong. So I guess your saying that if anyone disregards the law of the land…and that can range from stealing, a speeding ticket and even as far as murder…. it’s because of how we were raised? So that would mean that everyone of us …. our parents didnt raise us right (according to you) because I dont know anyone that has NEVER done anything wrong, now if we got caught is a different story. Thats a bold statement right there. LOL . where do you live? We might need to move to the CITY OF THE PERFECT ONES. Parent do the best they can. And in the times we live in today……..its very hard.
Well, if it were my child… and he did call me mom sometimes. I wouldn’t be ashamed or embarrassed no matter what they do. Doesn’t mean I would agree or think they were in the right. It means that whatever decisions he makes and what ever the consequences are… I will love him through it. Telling someone they raised a coward is not very fair statement to make. It doesn’t matter how we raise our children they one day will make their OWN decisions no matter how they were raised. There have been people that grew up in church and RAISED in church that have made bad decisions. So its not in how we are raised at all. ITS THE ENVIRONMENT WE GET AROUND !!!!! But again, name calling, assumptions and labeling the whole family is wrong. The parents did not fail and they are not to blame for his actions.
One would think someone else “knows better”, that could be with the simplest of decisions that we all make, including you and me. We’ve all done things we are not proud of. If you’ve never lived the life that some people have lived you have no idea why they do the things they do. I ask that you not label someone due to their last name, THE PENTECOST FAMILY has not been in law enforcement for years, thats total “assumption” on your part. Everyone has/does and will experience fear in their live. Have you not ever been in fear? When people are in fear they make bad decisions. There is no age limit to fear or scared, which ever you want to call it. Am I ignoring what happened? NO I am not !! Am I saying Josh wasnt wrong? NO Im not!!! Am I disregarding the officers? NO I am no, I have respect for them. One of my best friends is a retired Sgt. !!! I Thank God they are ALL ALIVE, including Josh. But what happened does not give any of us to be disrespectful to the family either. The family of this young man are going through a terribly emotional time and their lives has just changed for the rest of their lives. If you dont have respect for Josh, thats fine but have respect for the family. This very same situation could happen in ANY OF OUR LIVES AT ANY MOMENT. I myself….. Im not the judge of anyone God is and God loves josh just as much as he loves the rest of us. Now, Im sure that it probably sounds like im picking sides but I dont do that either. But what I will do is pray for this young man, have compassion for him and his family and love them all just as Jesus has loved ALL OF US no matter what we have done or do.
This boy should know better!! Has the Pentecost family not been in law enforcement for YEARS??? Did he think he could do whatever just because of his last name? Has this town turned into the Wild Wild West? You can’t even go to the store without worry of something happening. Police officers jobs are hard enough with out the worry of this kind of thing. Using the excuse of “He was just scared” shouldn’t that have stopped at the age of 5 or 6 years old???
Joshua is an adult and me and his father raised him with very high standards, he just got around the wrong people a few years ago and started doing things that he shouldn’t and I tried many times to get him help and get him back on the right track. And he did get started in the right path but I know he was scared and yea he shouldn’t have shot at the officer but I love my son and will defend him to the end. I know what he done was wrong but I will just have to do what I can for him now. And thank God that he is alive and yes not in a morgue. It’s very hard to see your son on tv as being wanted, it just hurts.
“Might not have been the best way to act”is a gross understatement.. he’s very lucky he’s not in the morgue for the comment asking if it were my child and how I’d feel..I would imagine that I would feel embarrassed and ashamed to know that I raised a coward that would open fire on an officer that is still in his car with no way of defending himself..we all have our flaws and no one is perfect,but my god where do we draw the line..hopefully at attempted murder..
He was not a violent person? I understand he is family and all, but damn think you would get the kid some help.
There were three (3) active warrants for his arrest before this incident including a warrant for escape, and presently, there are four (4) additional active warrants including attempted first degree murder, reckless endangerment, felony evading arrest, and possession of a firearm by a convicted felon.
That officer, at the end of the day also has a family to go home too. Imagine if he was shot, as this officer puts his life on the line to serve and protect not only the city, but his family. That’s a big responsibility. Officers go by code of conduct to maintain peace of the community. If an officer approached me, the last thing I would be thinking is shooting him. Officer is just doing his job. Josh knows he was wrong, i’m sure he was scared. But being a law abiding citizen acting as a civilized adult would of been in his best interest which apparently wasn’t taught by the parents nor encouraged.
Let’s see if I saw law enforcement I don’t think I would shoot at them, I’m just saying.
Joshua was not a violent person he was just scared and acted. It might not have been the best way to but it happened and now he is in custody. How would you feel if it was your child? I love him with all my heart and I am just glad that he is there and not somewhere worse. So please before you start speaking negatively about someone you don’t know, think of what you would have done.