Teen LifeFlighted After Serious Crash In Greenbrier
GREENBRIER TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – A serious crash in Greenbrier sent one teen to Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville via Life-flight helicopter.
The crash occurred on Distillery Road about 100 yards from Hwy 76 around 3:30pm. (Location of crash)
Officials say a lengthy extrication was involved in removing the 17 year old teen from the crumpled wreck.
No word on a cause of the crash that is being investigated by the Tennessee Highway Patrol.
Greenbrier Fire, Ridgetop Fire, the White House Community volunteer Fire Department and Robertson County EMS all responded to the crash.
Life-flight landed at White House Heritage high school.
If more information on the teen’s condition becomes available we will bring it to you.
At the time of transport the teen was reportedly in critical condition.
PHOTOS: Matthew Kevin Thompson
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