Two rollover accidents occurred Sunday Evening just minutes apart. The first accident occurred at about 5PM on Kinneys Rd between Felts Rd and George Justice Rd in Cedar Hill (Location of wreck) and the second wreck occurred 20 minutes later on Flewellyn Rd near Robert Pryor Rd in Springfield (Location Of Wreck). As a crow fly’s, the two accidents were less than 5 miles apart. Both vehicles had one occupant, both drivers were young females, both vehicles were heading east, both vehicles rolled over at least two times and both drivers declined medical treatment, in other words they both walked away uninjured.. The driver of the white car was heading home from church when (by her mothers account) she heard a “pop” and the car veered to the right, hit the recessed area on the side of the road and started rolling. I did notice that both front tires were flat. In the case of the accident involving the pickup truck, we unofficially heard that the driver may have over corrected after drifting off the road but we were not able co confirm that.
The wonderful news is that the two young ladies involved in these accidents are having dinner with family tonight instead of something much much worse.
Jim Ball reporting