Update: Hwy 431 Expansion Timeline
ROBERTSON COUNTY TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – Few would argue that the Tom Austin Hwy expansion project in Springfield wasn’t needed. It was, however, a bit of a headache for Springfield businesses along the route and their customers to endure.
So what did Springfield get out of the deal? Commuters can zip down Tom Austin without having to wait for vehicles turning into businesses and it’s far easier to exit businesses on the route and lighting is better. Additionally, real estate along the route looks more attractive for prospective developers, so Springfield should see some cool stuff popping up along the route, in fact, they already are.
Leg two… …..But there’s still work to be done.
The first leg of the journey went from Hwy 41 down to Walling Rd. The second leg of the journey will go from Walling Rd down to Old Hwy 431. MAP Though it may not be pretty to watch, it should be far less painful for commuters, if not for the simple reason that there are fewer access driveways and companies on that section of 431.
Will things be better when it’s done? We’ll have to wait and see but likely yes, although for rush-hour Nashville commuters the bottleneck will just be moved a little further back.
We did confirm with TDOT that Tom Austin will be 5 lanes all the way to Old Hwy 431, not 4 as indicated on their website. TDOT assures us it will be 5 lanes.
In addition, “There will be five 12-foot lanes across with 10-foot shoulders. There will not be any curb and gutter like the section that was recently completed from Walling Road to US 41. No lighting changes, no sidewalk,” according to TDOT Community Relations Officer Kathryn Schulte.
When will it all be done? According to the project manager (Jones Bros. Contractors, LLC.) August 31, 2020. The cost, $28,320,400.99, according to Schulte.
When it’s all said and done the improvements should make it easier for commuters to navigate and as investors come into town it should present well. Like having an updated Airport terminal, looks matter to investors. Ten years down the road (no pun intended) Springfield should be well on the way to reaping the rewards.
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