Vendors & Sponsorships Available For Greenbrier’s 2023 Turning Of The Pig
GREENBRIER TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – The Greenbrier Boosters will be hosting the historic Annual BBQ Festival known as “Turning of the Pig” again this summer July 3-4, 2023 and in an effort to make it bigger and better than ever, they have opened up the application process early for anyone interested in a vendor booth or sponsorship of this nostalgic family fun two-day event.
“Who’s excited for Turning of the Pig? We’re looking for sponsors and vendors! Applications for sponsors and vendors are now being accepted for 2023 Turning of the Pig on July 3rd!” says Toni Carver- Booster President.
The annual festival is free to attend, but the funds from the Turning of the Pig pork sale is the biggest fundraiser of the year and helps to meet all the needs of the Greenbrier High School Marching/Concert Band program.
The event is held at the Louise Martin Ball fields on July 3rd from 5-9 pm followed by BBQ sales on July 4th from 7 am until they’re sold out. The Independence Day Parade will be held on July 4th at 10am in the Greenbrier Elementary School parking lot and travels south towards the Greenbrier High School. Parade application forms will be available soon.
Traditionally Boston butts/pulled pork is slowly cooked on a huge open fire pit throughout the evening on July 3rd. The pork and family picnic packs are ready for sale by 7 AM the morning of the fourth.
There will be a movie in the park immediately following the event at dark hosted by the City of Greenbrier. The movie will be announced at a later date. BBQ will be sold by the pound for this event as well as popcorn, drinks, candy items, and vendor items will be available at Turning of the Pig.
So come on out and enjoy the live country and gospel music, food, a dunking booth, carnival games and an array of local vendors selling everything from crafts to Greenbrier memorabilia. The Historical Society traditionally sells homemade ice cream and fresh-squeezed lemonade.
So, if you would like to participate as a vendor or sponsor in this annual fun-filled family event this fourth of July, you are encouraged to email [email protected] to receive an application.
*All vendor applications are subject to approval.
A Look-Back at the Turning Of The Pig Over The Years

For over 100 years, Greenbrier has celebrated the Fourth of July with the Turning Of The Pig at City Hall. For loyal fans, last year was somewhat bittersweet following the announcement that the 2022 Turning Of The Pig would be moved to Martin Louise Park.
So what is the Turning Of the Pig any way?

The event has a long history in Greenbrier. It’s hard to find anyone that hasn’t heard of Greenbrier’s Turning Of The Pig. It’s the place to see and be seen, especially during an election year. Greenbrier’s Historical Society President Sheila Watts invited Smokey Barn News to come by for a look back at the history of the 4th Of July and the Turning Of the Pig in Greenbrier. “Greenbrier’s first 4th of July celebration occurred July 4th, 1910, and was located at a shady oak spot on the old highway (Old Greenbrier Pike).

“The event moved to what was then the school grounds which later became the City Hall grounds in 1916 and was sponsored by the Greenbrier’s Parent/Teacher Association.
“All the proceeds benefited the one school we had at the time. As we developed three schools, it got a little bigger. The event was celebrated on the 4th for decades until the band boosters took over in the mid-1980s, around 1988 (we think) and it was moved to the evening of July 3rd and renamed “Turning of The Pig” because they sell BBQ pork for the holiday.
“This will be the last year (2021) it will be held at city hall, we’re told. The event will be moving to Martin Louise Park in 2022 and we’ll start a new page of Greenbrier history over there. The event starts Saturday, July 3, 2021 beginning at 5:00 pm, ” said Greenbrier Historical Society President Sheila Watts.
Continue scrolling for fun historical photos and event info.