Bomb Threats Called Into 200 Carmike Theaters Across the Country
SPRINGFIELD TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – UPDATE: The bomb threat at the Springfield Cinema included about 200 Carmike theaters across the country today. The (alleged) bombs were supposedly set to detonate during the first showing of “The Expendables 2,” an action thriller premiering today. The Bombs were supposed to activate during the first showing of the movie. Carmike operates 250 theaters nationwide, the premiere was scheduled in roughly 190 of the Carmike’s theaters. The bomb threats came in from a person claiming to represent a vendor service for the theater Carmike, a spokes man confirmed.
The director of marketing for Carmike Cinemas (Terrell Mayton) said phone calls were received at “locations across the country”
Tensions are still high just a month after the massacre during the showing of “Dark Knight” in Colorado on July 20.
Smokey will provide updates as they come in.
Jim Ball reporting August 17 2012
Two Separate Bomb Threats called into the Carmike Cinema 1 located at 718 South Main Street, Springfield, TN The two calls came in around 9:15 AM Friday. One call from a TX area code and another from a VA. The Springfield Police, FBI and other agencies are working the case.
UPDATE– ALL CLEAR They have thoroughly search the building and are calling an “All Clear” 11:00AM
August 17th 2012