VIDEO: Greenbrier Board Of Mayor & Alderman Meeting 7/6/2020
GREENBRIER TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – This report covers (in its entirety) the Greenbrier Board Of Mayor & Alderman City Meeting held on July 6, 2020. Click here to view on YouTube
Normally, the public is invited and encouraged to attend; however, due to the size of the meeting room and social distancing/gathering mandates for the Coronavirus, the meeting was closed to the public.
Smokey Barn News partnered with the city of Greenbrier to bring the meeting safely to you.
City of Greenbrier Regular Board Meeting Agenda
July 6, 2020
City Superintendent Tommy Maitland to retire after 42 years of service to the city of Greenbrier. Rachel Slusser CMFO, CMC, City Recorder to step in as interim City Administrator.
Alderman debate on whether to allow outside candidates to apply for the position with internal candidates.
Public Hearings
The City Recorder will report to the Board at the appropriate time who she has spoken with regarding for or against:
• Ordinance 20-05, Ordinance tO amend Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map by rezoning one parcel from A to RB (Mayes Farm) — r« speak for or against
• Ordinance 20-06, Ordinance to amend Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map by rezoning one parcel from A to RB (Watts Farm) — To speak for or against
• Ordinance 20-09, Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Section 5.051 relating to the Town Center Commercial District — To speak for or against
Citizen Comments
1. Call to Order by Mayor Dawson
2. Roll Call
3. Prayer — Moment of silence for everyone having difficulties during this time
4. Pledge to flag
5. Adoption of the Agenda
6. Presentations/Memorials
7. Communications from the Mayor
8. Communication from the Aldermen
9. Communications from the City Attorney
10. Reports from Committees and Department Heads
11. Old Business
a. Ordinance 20-05, Ordinance to amend Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map by rezoning one parcel from A to RB (Mayes Farm) — 2nd Reading 1
b. Ordinance 20-06, Ordinance to amend Zoning Ordinance and Zoning Map by rezoning one parcel from A to RB (Watts Farm) — 2nd Reading 1
c. Ordinance 20-09, Ordinance amending the Zoning Ordinance, Section 5.051 relating to the Town Center Commercial District — 2nd Reading 1
d. Ordinance 20-10, Ordinance to increase the water and sewer rates — 2‘d Reading I
12. New Business
a. Ordinance 20-11, Ordinance to amend Municipal Code Title 9, Chapter 2, Section 9- 201 (Peddlers) 1st Reading ‘l
b. Resolution 20-03, Resolution to update the current purchasing policy 1 — only one reading
c. Resolution 20-05, Resolution calling for a public hearing on the proposed annexation of Cemetery Road ‘ — only one reading
d. Resolution 20-07, Resolution to retire job title of Superintendent/City Superintendent ‘ only one reading
e. Discussion of sale of the 2534 Hwy 41S (surplus last month) — instead of auction, sell to adjacent land owner
f. Finance
1. Adjustments to water and sewer account – $ 9,980.87
13. Adjournment
To read the full agenda in detail, click –> Here