Smokey’s People & Community News Across The County May 4, 2019
ROBERTSON COUNTY TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – A lot has happened in the last week and Smokey Barn News has pulled it all together for you and an exciting story about a very special reunion that you will not want to miss!
H.B. Williams Elementary Celebrates 230 Yr Old Tree During Arbor Day Celebration
H.B. Williams held a tree dedication on Arbor Day, Friday, April 26. The entire student body, faculty, staff and members of the community joined Principal Witt as they recognized the significance of a Large White Oak tree on the back of their property. It is estimated by White House Arboretum Director, Randy Allen to be approximately 230 years old. He believes it is possible that it sprouted from an acorn between 1790 and 1820. This means that it was most likely a young mature tree in 1835 when White House was established and could have been growing here before Tennessee became a state in 1796.
Some of those in attendance were Director of Sumner County Schools Dr. Del Phillips, Sumner County School Board Member Ted Wise, White House Inn Museum members Josette Williams and Susan Holcraft, White House Chamber of Commerce representatives Drew and Mandy Christenson, Valerie Webb.
The school was able to send each child home with a white oak sapling. With generous donations from several businesses in our community, we were able to purchase 700 saplings. Principal Witt thanked Tate Ornamental, Wilkinson Plant Center, Striker Systems, Copper Creek Electric, Webb Sanders Law and TNRealty Partners for making the tree distribution possible. The sound and power for the event was graciously provided by Ben Doeden and his bright yellow Watchfire mobile sign truck.
To culminate the program a student representing each grade read a poem or other original work that acknowledged the significance of trees to our environment.
It was a fun celebration for the “gentle giant” that watches over the campus and a wonderful way to acknowledge Arbor Day.
Dr. Bob Pruitt Named As New Supervisor Of Secondary Education For
RC Schools
Dr. Bob Pruitt has been named as the new Supervisor of Secondary Education for
Robertson County Schools, replacing Dr. Bill Locke, who will be retiring at the end of this school year.
Pruitt has served RCS for 16 years as a teacher, assistant principal, principal, and
currently Supervisor of Student Services. He said he is looking forward to this new
responsibility and the prospects that come with it.
“I am very excited to have this opportunity to transition back to a teaching-focused role in our school district,” he said. “I have loved my time in school operations as an assistant principal, principal, and supervisor; I now most eagerly look forward to returning to classroom considerations, instructional programming, assessment practices and the first love that drew so many of us to the educational field–teaching our kids!”
Director of Schools, Dr. Chris Causey said he is pleased to announce Pruitt’s new role.
“Dr. Pruitt brings a lot to his new position,” Causey said. “The interview committee was impressed with his existing knowledge of high school curriculum, graduation requirements, ACT programs, and current pedagogy in the classroom." This placement should be a smooth transition that will help Robertson County Schools continue to move forward in our goal of academic excellence.”
Pruitt will assume his new responsibilities on July 1.
The City of White House, TN- Police Department 2019 spring DEA drug take back at Kroger’s
White House Police Dept collected 90lbs of RX medication. If you missed the take back event, there is a drop box in the White House Police Department lobby for your convenience.
Robertson County Emergency Medical Services – Pediatric airway training
Courtesy of Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt
Springfield hosts Gas Line Accident Simulation
The City Of Springfield, TN Government – The Springfield Gas System hosted a FREE safety awareness day, equipment rodeo, and gas main damage demonstration at the Robertson County Fairgrounds on Friday, May 3, 2019. The event was designed to promote the use of safe digging practices by area excavators and to prepare local emergency officials to respond to incidents involving natural gas pipelines. Gates opened for the free event at 8:30 AM CDT and lunch was provided. $3,000 in cash & door prizes were given away at the event.
“Thanks to everyone that attended the Simulated Main Strike and Safety Awareness Day sponsored by Kinder Morgan and Springfield Gas System. It was a fun and informative time! Food, prizes, and an exciting simulation!” City of Springfield
Sabi Doc Kumar at Tennessee House of Representatives
The 111th Tennessee General Assembly began this year with plenty of new faces along with the return of the familiar ones! It turned out to be a most productive and busy session! We passed a balanced budget with lower taxes, a record rainy day savings fund and additional funding for education! We stood for Biblical principles and strong moral values upon which our Nation was founded! This week, as we wrapped it up, the days were long but productive! As conference committees met to have the House and Senate in agreement, many hours were spent on the Floor waiting! We used the time wisely with fellowship, singing gospel tunes, a little joking around and eating way too much! Yes indeed, we are Blessed to live in the Great State of Tennessee! Thanks be to God!
May 4th is International Firefighters Day.
“The role of a firefighter in today’s society – be it urban, rural, natural environment, volunteer, career, industrial, defence force, aviation, motor sport, or other is one of dedication, commitment, and sacrifice – no matter what country we reside and work in. In the fire service, we fight together against one common enemy – fire – no matter what country we come from, what uniform we wear or what language we speak.”
– Lt JJ Edmondson, 1999
Coopertown Middle School Competes In Honor of Mrs. Knobloch
Joanna Knobloch, 45, of Adams, a Special education (life skills class) teacher at Coopertown Middle School died from injuries she sustained in a vehicle crash near Adams Sunday afternoon April 7, 2019. FULL STORY
In her own words about her students on the school’s website, Knobloch stated, “I think we have the best class and the best students here (but I may be a little biased). The small size of our class allows us to enjoy a family-like environment, as well as an education-friendly atmosphere. Each student is a unique and wonderful learner, so we meet each individual at the level they are currently at, and give them the tools and support to reach new goals.”
We couldn’t be prouder of this group of Eagles! Team Knobloch competed in memory and honor of their beloved Mrs. Knobloch! #onceaneaglealwaysaneagle
Senator Kerry Roberts at Tennessee State Capitol
Three years of work and we FINALLY got the Tennessee Right to Shop Act across the finish line! This landmark legislation will bring price transparency to medical procedures, allowing Tennesseans to know what certain procedures will cost before agreeing to the procedure. With today’s high deductibles, paying $4000 instead of $400 for the same procedure can create a serious financial hardship. This legislation is very significant and my thanks to all who helped, including our friend and FGA’s lobbyist, Alexanderia Gambrell. She is the best! THANK YOU! — at Tennessee State Capitol.
Kerry Roberts is with Tennessee Disability Coalition and Rondi Kauffmann at Tennessee State Capitol.
The joy captured in this picture is beyond words! After a years-long struggle, Tennessee becomes the final state to authorize a Katie Beckett waiver to assist families of children struggling with complex medical needs. The families are the heroes here…coming over and over to the Capitol and Cordell Hull to bring attention to our most vulnerable children. I’m pictured with the Kauffmann’s, whose precious Adelaide inspired me to sponsor this legislation. Thank you!!!
Pleasant View Volunteer Fire Department Quick Response Contains Structure Fire
Wednesday afternoon May 1, 2019 around 6:30 pm, PVVFD was dispatched to a structure fire not even a mile from our Station 4. Fortunately, the quick response time allowed the firefighters to contain the fire quickly and keep most damages in the origin of where the fire began. Last night was also a night for our Explorers to train; but due to the fire, we were not able to do what was planned. However, they were able to come to the scene after the fire was extinguished and the scene was secured. They were able to see the damages, learn about how it started and what we did to extinguish it, as well as helping reload and wash the hose lines that were used. We appreciate their help as well as the response from ACFD, PVPD, CCEMA, and CCEMS.
Springfield High School Air Force JROTC awarded the Distinguished Unit Award
For the 2nd time in 3 years, our Air Force JROTC unit has been awarded the Distinguished Unit Award. This is the highest award a unit can receive without it being a Unit Evaluation inspection year. The Distinguished Unit Award recognizes personal growth and accomplishments of the cadets, contributions of the instructors as mentors, and the support of the school and local community. #ExcellenceInAllWeDo #YJP #AllGritNoQuit
A One In A Million Happy Ending…
The story starts in Greenbrier on Wednesday when 16-year-old Kaeleb King and his beloved Cockatiel “Max” had been visiting with Kaeleb’s father. Kaeleb was at school on Wednesday and his father was outside installing handrails on the deck. Max was keeping dad company in a cage outside.
When it was time to come in, dad picked up Max’s cage and headed inside. As dad entered the door, somehow, the latch on the cage door snagged on the door nob of the house and opened the cage door. At that exact moment, a train was passing and hit the whistle hard. The loud whistle frightened Max and out he flew, gone and out of sight, presumably gone forever. Dad said it was a perfect storm.
It gets worse, with Kaeleb at school, dad would have to be the one to break the news to him. Mom, dad and Kaeleb searched and searched but other than a brief glimpse of Max flying between Springfield and Greenbrier, Max was gone. Max’s bright white feathers make him easy to spot in the air.
In the meantime, mom had posted the following message with a photo of Max on Smokey’s Lost & Found page and anywhere else that would let her. The note read…
But as day three came around dad said it felt like the chances of ever seeing Max again were looking bleak.
It was looking like Kaeleb friend’s Max was gone forever but this is only the beginning of our story. Just as everyone was giving up, a family in Springfield spotted a Cockatiel in a tree in their yard. It was Max.
Apparently, Max was hungry because he flew down to the family and landed on the finger of their son playing in the yard. Max had flown all the way to Lights Chapel Rd, about halfway to Springfield. After setting up Max in a rabbit cage, a few minutes of searching led them to one of mom’s posts on Facebook.
That afternoon Max and Kaeleb were reunited. Kaeleb says that as soon as Max saw him the feathers on his head went straight up. Kaeleb told Smokey Barn News that he was elated to be reunited with Max. “I was so very happy,” Kaeleb said.
Kaeleb’s message to the family that found Max; “Thank you so much, what you did was a really kind act that most people wouldn’t do.”
‘Mom’s message; “Thank you, everyone, so much for the kind words and shares! She has been found and is back home!!! ❤️…Ate the entire ride home and still eating now. 3 long days and 2 entire nights rain and thunderstorms. What a trooper.
“Thanks to some VERY CARING people left in the world the gift of joy has been given. Thank you thank you thank you to all involved in any form to help others in need.”

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