The property was formerly used for tobacco processing…..

Smokey Barn News
Friday May 1, 2015
Springfield, Robertson County, Tenn.
American Snuff Co. Donates Land, buildings To Robertson County
Through PRNewswire, American Snuff Company (ASC), a subsidiary of Reynolds American Inc. (NYSE: RAI), announced Thursday the donation of 10 acres of industrial land and buildings to Robertson County.
“American Snuff has a long history with the Springfield community and Robertson County,” said Mick Spach, president of ASC. “Many of our employees and farmers who grow our tobacco come from the area.”
Located at 901 Central Avenue West in Springfield, the property was formerly used for tobacco processing and includes 10 acres of land and three buildings with combined floor space of more than 191,000 square feet.
“We are very grateful for this generous donation,” said Robertson County mayor Howard Bradley. “This prime location opens up a number of growth possibilities for our county. For American Snuff to contribute to our community in this way is greatly appreciated and this donation will have a long-lasting impact on our citizens.”
Spach added, “We’re confident that Robertson County can use this donation to support future economic development efforts in the region. It’s always rewarding to give back to the community, and we’re happy to be able to do so with this donation.”
American Snuff Company, LLC, a subsidiary of Reynolds American Inc. (NYSE: RAI), is the nation’s second-largest manufacturer of smokeless tobacco products. Its leading brands are Grizzly and Kodiak.

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They act like this is such a great deal. Bet the old building is full of asbestos and is a multi million dollar liability, not to mention the company getting rid of the tens of thousands of dollars in taxes every year and writing off the donation on thier taxes to Uncle Sam. The demolition costs will be hundreds of thousands if not more than a million dollars. The Old Wilson plant next door is over 90k square feet and it remains only a storage facility for other plants overflow and has not been sold after many years of trying. Another smooth move from Mayor Bradley and chamber who appear as lost as an Easter egg when it comes to industrial development. Anybody seen the environmental report/assessment? Should be public record if one was competed