Coach Mettler Honored At Golf Charity, $25K Raised For ALS Research
SPRINGFIELD TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – The 447 Foundation held its 2nd annual Annihilate ALS Charity Golf Scramble at The Legacy Golf Course in Springfield, TN on Oct. 11, 2019.
The event, which was attended by more than 80 golfers and featured various prizes and awards, raised more than $25,000 for the ALS Therapy Development Institute (ALS TDI). This year’s event featured dedications on each hole, with stories of inspiration shared by those who have been diagnosed with ALS.
UPDATE: Just two weeks after this event Mr. Mettler lost his battle with A.L.S. Full story–> Beloved Teacher, Coach, & Vietnam Vet, Dale Mettler Dies, He Was 71
Robertson County native Dale Mettler, who is a Vietnam Veteran, and formerly a teacher and golf coach at East Robertson High School was featured on hole 15. Mettler attended the event, along with more than 25 family members and friends there to support him and the 447 Foundation. Last month Mettler talked with Smokey Barn News about his A.L.S. diagnosis and how it has changed his life. The full interview has been added below.

The 447 Foundation was created in memory of Alison McDonald-Spakes, who survived 447 days after being diagnosed with ALS. The foundation’s mission is to raise awareness and generate funding to annihilate ALS.
The organization has partnered with ALS TDI, the world’s foremost drug discovery center focused solely on ALS, and all proceeds raised by the 447 Foundation are donated to ALS TDI.
The 447 Foundation would like to thank all of the golfers that participated, each of the volunteers who helped and local sponsors Bernadette Osborne Tucker Travel Advisor, On-Demand Solutions & Visionary Workspaces, Premium Food Delivery, South Central Growers, White’s Jeweler’s, Keith Graves (agent) Farm Bureau Insurance, and Rusken Packaging for their generosity and partnership.
For more information on the 447 Foundation, visit For more information on the ALS Therapy Development Institute, visit
Dale Mettler, Former East Robertson Teacher, and Vietnam Vet Talks About Facing A.L.S.
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