Dry Air/Wind Trigger Grass Fires: EMA Recommends Caution

Dry Air/Wind Trigger Grass Fires: EMA Recommends Caution

ROBERTSON COUNTY TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – Dry conditions along with wind have caused an increased risk of grass, wood and structure fires in Robertson County and the Emergency Management Agency is recommending that residents use caution.

Smokey Barn News spoke with EMA Director for Robertson County R.L. Douglas this afternoon.

“In the last couple of days, local firefighters have responded to several grass fires across the county, none being real tragic at this time but the wind is blowing at 11 or 12 miles and gusting to 15 or 16. Even though it may seem wet it’s just not good burn weather.

“Remember, whoever sets a fire is responsible for any damage that the fire causes to someone else’s property. State Forestry requires that you have a Burn-Permit from October 15th until May 15th on all open burns.

“The particular city that you live in may have it’s own burn policy, so you need to check with your local officials too.”

Douglas also mentioned that ATV’s, tractors and other gas powered equipment can also preset a fire risk when used in dry grassy areas. One carelessly tossed cigarette can also spark a fire. “It just takes a spark,” Douglas said. “We just need to be cautious because our local firefighters are responding to a lot of grass fires, at least four today alone.”

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