ROADS UPDATE And Storm Comparison (Historical DATA)

ROADS UPDATE And Storm Comparison (Historical DATA)

Truck off the road Flewellyn Rd at Hoods Branch. It is very very slick. People are trying to get the truck out of the ditch. PHOTO: Joe Bilyeu

ROADS UPDATE And Storm Comparison (Historical DATA)

ROBERTSON COUNTY, TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News)  We have some road information and photos for you below as well as a look back to see how this storm measures up against historical records. According to the Robertson County Emergency Management Agency, (EMA) the side roads have continued to deteriorate and they’re slick as ice causing vehicles to pile up in ditches all over the county. SEE PHOTO ALBUM BELOW

EMA Director Chance Holmes says if you try to head out, you’ll likely get stuck. As the temperature plummets this evening it’s just going to get worse. Though the main roads are somewhat passable, trying to get to them may not be worth the risk. Accidents like these pictured below are placing a load on County resources, so if it all possible Officials are asking that people stay home.

Smokey Barn News asked local historian and weather buff Will Jones how this storm measures up against past winters. Jones says this is by far NOT the worst winter.  “The winter of 1951 was worse. (SEE PHOTOS BELOW) In the storm of 1951, we couldn’t get fuel due to ice on the ridge. Coal yards ran out and building roofs collapsed. We had to build fires under cars to get them started.

In 1989 February 8 we had a predicted snowfall that turned into 2″ of ice.  1974, that storm knocked out power for a week.  1982 was (I suppose) comparable, it got down to -11°F. As was 1985, it got down to -17°F. In 1994 we had an ice storm that caused $2.8 million in damage to Springfield.  This storm would rank about a 6 if 1951 was a 10.”

To see more or submit photos on FB of our current storm CLICK HERE

PHOTOS Winter 1951 by Jimmy Meyer
PHOTOS Winter 1951 by Jimmy Meyer
PHOTOS Winter 1951 by Jimmy Meyer
PHOTOS Winter 1951 by Jimmy Meyer
PHOTO: Emily Quinn New Hall Road

PHOTO: Luke Arkell – Woods Rd in Springfield is completely ice. People are getting stuck just wanted to see if you would post this so people would avoid this road.
PHOTO: Luke Arkell –  Woods Rd in Springfield is completely ice. People are getting stuck just wanted to see if you would post this so people would avoid this road.

PHOTO: Emily Quinn – New Hall Road
PHOTO: Emily Quinn – New Hall Road
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