Second Robertson Countian Turns 100 During The Pandemic

Second Robertson Countian Turns 100 During The Pandemic

Second Robertson Countian Turns 100 During The Pandemic

SPRINGFIELD TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – If it seems like we just did this, you’re right. Apparently turning a hundred happens all the time in Robertson County. Turning a hundred during a pandemic, well, we have at least two of those now.

Ruby Shepard of Adams Tennessee celebrated her birthday back in May. FULL STORY  Now Smokey Barn News has learned that Mrs Roberta Bell, of Springfield, born March 26, 1920, also celebrated her 100th birthday during the 2020 pandemic.

Roberta Bell says; “I’ve never seen anything like this pandemic”


Though she did stop driving last year, Roberta is a very active 100-year-old lady and she thanks God for every day. She likes going to the YMCA, working in church projects, visiting nursing homes, and.. “Just trying to make myself useful to others.”

Mrs. Bell was one of the founding owners of WDBL radio, The “B” stands for “Bell.” She also worked in real estate for 35 years. Did you buy your house from her?

“Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it.”

“The happiest are not the people that have the best of everything, it’s the people that make the best of everything they have.”

State Representative/Chairman Sabi “Doc” Kumar MD FACS helped Mrs. Roberta Bell celebrate her 100th birthday this week with a proclamation. Photo above.

From the staff at Smokey Barn News, Happy Birthday Mrs. Bell!

Image may contain: 1 person, sitting, living room and indoor

Image may contain: 1 person, indoor

