Springfield Police Captain Receives Champion For Recovery Award
SPRINGFIELD TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – On Thursday, February 16, at the Recovery Court graduation ceremony at the Courthouse on Brown Street, Captain Jason Head was recognized and awarded the Champion for Recovery Award for Robertson County Recovery Court.
Lyn Noland, Executive Director, Recovery Community, Inc. presented the award to Captain Head during the ceremony.
“Captain Head has been very active with the local Recovery Court for several years, and he was selected as the State Law Enforcement Representative on the Board last year. He has also made positive contributions including the idea to form a foundation to provide funding and support for Recovery Court,” said Springfield Police Chief, David Thompson.
ABOUT: Robertson County Recovery Court
The Robertson County Recovery Court provides alternative solutions to non-violent drug and alcohol offenders. The basic mission of the Robertson County Recovery Court it to save the lives of offenders and reduce criminal offenses by offering alternatives to sentencing and focuses on rehabilitation.
The alternative sentencing includes intensive substance abuse treatment programs along with judicial supervision to assist the needs of helping the offender on a path to recovery.
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