Students Surround Police At Crestview Elementary’s Career Day
SPRINGFIELD TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – Crestview Elementary School students in Springfield enjoyed a first-class show when just about every city and county agency showed up for career day at the school last month.
A video on youtube is good, but having the actual equipment right in front of you that you can jump on, play with, and ask questions about firsthand was just pure heaven for the students who ran display after display like Jim Thorpe at the 1912 Olympics.
EMS, CEMC, Fire, Police, Farming, Wildlife Resources, Public Works, Metal Work, and even Pest Control. Pretty much everything and everyone that works behind the scenes to keep our county running smoothly showed up for the kids.
While Smokey Barn News was there, the kids had Springfield Police surrounded, but they didn’t seem to mind. Logically Farming did pretty well and even Pest Control, probably because they parked right next to that great big creepy spider! I kept waiting for them to kill it! Truthfully though, from the looks of it, they all seemed to do pretty well and there’s little doubt they left a lasting impression on the very people who will one day fill their shoes. Which one’s your favorite? Be sure to tell us on Facebook.