Thursday June 26 – UT AgResearch hosts Tobacco, Beef and More Field Day

Educational Farm tours, soil testing, speakers and complimentary lunch provided…Farmers Market ad 511

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Smokey Barn News
Wednesday June 25, 2014
Springfield, Robertson County – Tenn.

Tobacco, Beef and More Field Day is June 26

tobacco picThe University of Tennessee Highland Rim AgResearch and Education Center is hosting its annual field day on Thursday, June 26 beginning at 8 a.m. It costs nothing to attend Tobacco, Beef and More, but visitors can profit from making the trip. Registration begins at 7:30 a.m. at the field day assembly area off Oakland Road. Early arrivers can meet with representatives from ag industry and UTIA in the trade show area before the first field tours begin at 8:45 a.m.

cattleOf course there are educational tour presentations (a total of eight) that will inform beef and tobacco producers about the market outlook and best production practices. The recommendations in these seminars are extremely helpful to area farmers, but as the event title says…there’s more! And it’s all free.

Debbie Joines with the UT Soil, Plant and Pest Center will provide free on-site testing of soil pH levels. Just bring a cup of soil from your home lawn or garden and leave with an accurate reading and tips on how to adjust your soil to the appropriate pH level.

soil testingOther UT Institute of Agriculture representatives will also be available at the field day trade show. They can diagnose plant and pest problems and provide information about university programs.

Pesticide applicators who need recertification points can get those here at no cost. Two recertification points can be obtained in categories 1, 4, 10 and 12.

A new feature is the Highland Rim Overview Tour. You’ll get to see areas of the farm not typically open to visitors and hear about the exciting research taking place here. Even those who do not work in agriculture will enjoy this relaxing, scenic tour. It’s a chance to see a working farm and learn about the rich history of agriculture in the region.

menu lunchThere’s also the complimentary lunch at the conclusion of the field tours at 12:30. A completely unofficial survey has ranked it the best steak sandwich you can eat. Chips and a drink are included in the meal, which is served outdoors in a shady grove.

“The Tobacco, Beef and More Field Day is an excellent source of information for producers,” says Dr. Barry Sims, center director. “It’s also an opportunity for our neighbors here in Robertson County to learn about our facility and the economic impact we bring to the region.”

To see full brochure of schedule, speakers, and more 2014 Tobacco, Beef and More Program

Learn more about Tobacco, Beef and More by visiting the Highland Rim AgResearch website at, following the Highland Rim AgResearch Facebook page, or calling the office at 615-382-3130.

Location: The Highland Rim AgResearch and Education Center is located at 3181 Experiment Station Road, off Highway 41, in Springfield, Tennessee.

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