What’s Happening In Cedar Hill, A Comprehensive Report

What's Happening In Cedar Hill, A Comprehensive Report

What’s Happening In Cedar Hill, A Comprehensive Report

CEDAR HILL, TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – The City of Cedar Hill has been busy over the last year completing several projects ranging from zoning, park upgrades and much more. “We’re excited to see the progress that’s been made in the last year and what we’ve got coming up in the next fiscal year,” said Mayor Edwards.

In regard to what has been completed, the City of Cedar Hill completed a Long Range Growth Plan to better manage future growth and development inside the city. The City of Cedar Hill eliminated the rezoning of all property that is less than one acre and it established that all currently zoned Agriculture would be limited to two acre lots. All currently existing lots would be allowed to develop based on the size of the lot and the feasibility of development. “We have a lot of pre-existing lots in Cedar Hill and this method of zoning pushes more for infill inside the traditional city area rather than dense development along the fringes or outside the municipality.

If you want to truly save farmland, then infill and revitalize your city and limit growth and development as you move outward. This allows our zoning to actually come close to meeting that transition set in county zoning where it’s more appropriate for larger lots outside the city and then continuing to decrease density,” said Mayor Edwards. The City also amended its Zoning Regulations to reinforce the Vision of the Growth Plan.

The City of Cedar Hill also completed several park enrichment projects which included removing dangerous trees, constructing a basketball court, and most recently completing a cornhole station. “Our overall goal for the park is to have something for everyone and for every age. The basketball court was aimed at that teenage to adult segment and the cornhole station is usable by all ages, but was also important in helping give seniors an activity that they can do as well if they’re not as physically able,” said Mayor Edwards.

He also highlighted the potential activities for the upcoming year with Cedar Hill Farmers Market, which runs from April-September on the third Thursday of every month, family movie nights and more. “I am always excited to see our Farmers Market grow and continue each year. I am also excited to see family movie nights beginning at the park and potential cornhole tournaments soon as well. All these events bring the community together and bring others to come experience Cedar Hill and get a glimpse of why we love our small town.”

Cedar Hill also completed a number of community projects over the past year, which included paving projects, renovating the community center and numerous projects to improve safety and drainage. “Probably the most noticeable projects we completed this year were being blessed to have been able to completely repave Heflin Street, Sory Street & Sherrod Lane, which were all overdue. Rawls paving came in with a competitive bid that we couldn’t turn down and they did a fantastic job paving those streets.” commented Mayor Edwards.  The longtime community center also recently received a large renovation and facelift. “The Club House was also one of those things that really needed to be updated.

We were able to get the entire main area of the Club House gutted which allowed us to have new LED lighting installed with a new drywall ceiling and we installed a heavy-duty wood material on the inside and painted to not only provide a clean and modern look, but to also allow for less upkeep and more durability due to the beating they take at times. We also replaced all of the exterior metal, gutters and soffit and replaced it with all new materials,” said Mayor Edwards. While these renovations were significant, there are additional renovations to come. “When you have a limited budget, we try and spread the costs out over fiscal years. We have already budgeted for the remainder of the renovation to be completed which will include the kitchen, bathrooms and flooring”. Cedar Hill also added ditch improvements and replaced some culverts to help with drainage and improve safety.

The City of Cedar Hill hopes to continue progress moving forward, “We’ve got to do repair and repave the dead-end portion of Railroad Street. The residents have had to deal with a street that has faced years of degradation and I’m excited to hopefully see that street repaired and repaved. We’re still waiting on FEMA to review applications for a much-needed tornado siren for our community. This has been a multiyear process, but I’m hopeful we’re closer to the end than the beginning,” said Mayor Edwards. The City of Cedar Hill is also excited for potential economic progress in the community. “We’re looking at several businesses that I am in talks with that would really help fulfill some needs in the community and I’m hopeful the time and effort will yield positive results.”

In November, there are two city commission spots that will be up for reelection, including Mayor Edwards. He had this to say about the upcoming election and if he is planning on continuing in his role in the community. “I’ve been blessed to serve not only our city, but Cedar Hill as whole over the past four  years, whether that be in contentious zoning meetings at the county level or working hard to better our city. To say it’s been difficult and taxing at times would be an understatement. After much consultation with my family and much prayer for guidance, I will be running for reelection and I’m hopeful that I will have the honor of serving our community in my position for four more years. The Lord has blessed us in the fact that we’ve gotten so much done in a relatively short amount of time and I’m hopeful that he’ll continue to allow us to make progress moving forward. I think with our City Commission (Commissioner Traughber and Vice Mayor Pettus) and the addition of City Manager Kevin Breeding and our City Recorder Betty Richards last year, we’ve got a solid foundation to continue making a difference in our city and in our community for years to come, but the election will always serve as referendum on what we’ve done and accomplished over the past four years.”

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