Gov. Lee Extends Stay At Home Order, Plans Phased Reboot To Economy In May
ROBERTSON COUNTY (Smokey Barn News) – Today, Governor Bill Lee provided an update on Tennessee’s efforts regarding COVID-19 relief with a Stay at Home Order Extension. In cooperation with the guidance from the White House, Tennessee’s Stay at Home Order is extended through April 30. The updated executive order is available here.
The Unified Command Group will continue to consult with experts, analyze all available data, and monitor CDC recommendations for the remainder of this month.
Beginning in May, a phased reboot of the economy is planned. Governor Lee stated, “We need Tennesseans to go back to work, but we also need everyone to recognized social distancing is needed.” said Governor Bill Lee.
Creation of Economic Recovery Group
Gov. Lee announced the development of the Economic Recovery Group to focus on a phased reboot of the state economy. The group will be led by Tourism Commissioner Mark Ezell and will work in coordination with legislative leadership, local mayors, health care professionals, and representatives of impacted industries. The Economic Recovery Group will issue industry-specific guidance so that businesses can be prepared to operate safely and protect their employees and customers.
By formalizing an economic recovery specific group, this will ensure the Unified Command Group will continue their focused efforts of disease management, improving hospital and testing capacity, and increasing our PPE supply chain. The Unified Command Group will also be making recommendations to Gov. Lee about when and how to begin the phased-in reopening of the economy.
Tennessee Speaker of the House Cameron Sexton concurred with the governor’s decision to extend the Safer at Home order in a statement.
“Governor Lee’s decision to extend Tennessee’s Safer at Home Executive Order closely aligns with President Trump’s targeted approach for reopening parts of our national economy as soon as possible. The Governor’s mitigation efforts have flattened the curve and have saved lives in Tennessee. We will continue to work with the Governor during this unprecedented time,” Sexton said in a statement. “While we all want a healthy economy, that can only happen if we have healthy Tennesseans. We will continue to work together to achieve a swift and successful economic reopening, while also preserving the public’s health.”
Lt. Gov. Randy McNally also issued a statement about the governor extending the Safer at Home order:
“I appreciate once again Governor Lee’s flexible and data-focused approach in extending his Safer at Home executive order. The numbers are improving and the curve is flattening. This is exactly why an extension is needed. As we begin to prepare for a new normal, we must be certain the peak is behind us. Only then can we safely ensure the health of both our people and our economy. We must beat back both the virus and the economic disruption it has created. Governor Lee has set us on a path to do so.”
Current Department of Health Testing Results (as of 2 p.m. 4/13)
Confirmed Cases across the State: 5,610
Confirmed Cases across Robertson County: 88, according to the TN Health Dept 46 have recovered in Robertson County.
Hospitalizations: 579
Fatalities: 109
Recovered: 1,671
Total Tests: 76,195
For more information on COVID-19 in Tennessee, please visit the Tennessee Department of Health’s website here.
District and Family Resources
Financial Aid Available for Certain Families That Lost Employment Due to COVID-19 Click Here
The Family Resource/Parent Center will be open to provide assistance to families in need.
El Centro de Recursos para Familias/Padres estará abierto para brindar asistencia a las familias necesitadas.
700 Bransford Drive, Springfield
Opened for emergency food needs – please email or call for assistance prior to arrival. [email protected] or Lisa Cobb
at 615-289-6945 or 615-382-3609.
Family Resource & Parent Center
Bransford Elementary School
Extended/Emergency hours through the closure:
Monday – 9:00 to 1:00
Tuesday – 2:30 to 6:30
Wednesday – 9:00 to 1:00
Thursday – 9:00 to 1:00
Horas de Operación
Lunes‐ 9:00‐1:00
Martes‐ 12:30‐6:30
Viernes‐ 9:00‐1:00
Food & Nutrition Department – Click Here
Departamento de Alimentación y Nutrición
Centers for Disease Control – Click Here
Middle TN 2‐1‐1 – Click Here
Operated by United Way, Nashville
United Ministries Food Bank of Robertson County
808 South Main Street, Springfield
Offers USDA food boxes once monthly, with an option to return once during the month for food from community donations. Please call ahead. Volunteers staff this service so hours vary.
Ofrece cajas de alimentos del USDA una vez al mes, con la opción de regresar una vez durante el mes por alimentos provenientes de donaciones de la comunidad. Por favor llame con anticipación. Los voluntarios contratan este servicio por lo que los horarios varían.
HOPE Food Bank
212 Portland Road, White House
Offers a food pantry among other resources. Please call ahead.
Hours of operation: Tuesday‐Friday 9:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.
Ofrece una despensa de alimentos entre otros recursos. Por favor llame con anticipación.
Horario de atención: Martes a Viernes de 9:30 a.m. a 3:00 p.m.
COPE, Inc.
810 South Main Street, Springfield
Offers financial assistance to those in need.
Tuesday ‐ Saturday from 9:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
Please call ahead. Resources are limited.
Ofrece asistencia financiera a los necesitados
Martes a Sábado de 9:00 a.m. a 2:00 p.m.
Por favor llame con anticipación. Los recursos son limitados.
Mid‐Cumberland Community Action Agency
505 Hill Street, Springfield
Offers financial assistance & commodities boxes during scheduled times. Call ahead.
Ofrece asistencia financiera y cajas de productos durante los horarios programados.
Llamar con anticipación.
Blessing Box, Springfield First United Methodist Church
511 South Oak Street, Springfield (across the street from main entrance)
Help yourself. No staff monitors the box. Items are made available by community and church members.
(al otro lado de la calle desde la entrada principal)
Ayudar a sí mismo. Ningún personal vigila la caja. Los miembros de la comunidad y la iglesia ponen a disposición los artículos.
Master’s Table
619 Central Avenue, Springfield
Meals provided Monday – Saturday from 10:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m.
Carryout meals only.
Comidas proporcionadas de Lunes a Sábado de 10:00 a.m. a 11:00 a.m. Solo comidas para llevar.
The Pantry at East Robertson High School
158 Kilgore Trace, Cross Plains
If you are in need, please email Mary Cook at [email protected]
Si usted está en necesidad, envíe un correo electrónico a María Cook a [email protected]
Mt. Carmel Baptist Church Care & Share Closet
7109 TN‐25, Cross Plains
Open for meal pick up on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10:00‐2:00.
Delivery is available on Thursdays.
Please call the helpline at the number above for additional assistance.
Abierto para recoger comida los Lunes y Miércoles de 10: 00‐2: 00.
La entrega está disponible los Jueves.
Llame a la línea de ayuda al número anterior para obtener asistencia adicional.
Patriot Pantry at White House Heritage High School
Hours of operation
Monday 10AM – 2PM
Tuesday through Friday 3PM – 6PM
Horas de operación
Lunes 10AM ‐ 2PM
Martes ‐ Viernes 9PM ‐ 1PM
Curbside pick-up for food boxes.
Habrá recogidas de comida y cajas de comida a la orilla de la banqueta.