Grandmaw Keyboard Etiquette From Pleasant View Mayor On Flag Day

Grandmaw Keyboard Etiquette From Pleasant View Mayor On  Flag Day

Grandmaw Keyboard Etiquette From Pleasant View Mayor On Flag Day

PLEASANT VIEW TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – Pleasant View Mayor Perry Keenan posted a special Flag Day message on Facebook Sunday.

Keenan says; “We STILL live in the greatest country on earth that God has ever created!”

Mayor Keenan also added a message from your “Great Grandmaw.”  “Let people see Jesus in your words and be nicer. Because if your great grandmaw was here, she’d smack you in the mouth and take away your keyboard!”

Mayor Keenan spoke with Smokey Barn News about the post on Sunday evening. The primary emphasis he wanted to convey; despite our differences, we all live under one flag in the greatest country in the world.

We have added the Mayor’s full message below. The message appeared on Mayor Keenan personal page around 10 am Sunday morning and about an hour later on the city’s official Facebook page.

“On TV we see the protest, riots, and fires destroying people’s lives and livelihoods in a way that no virus ever could. We hear about people unnecessarily dying at the hands of others for everyone to see. We read about the destruction of our country from the inside out, while trying our best to protect ourselves and our families from the outside in. And we have neighbors on social media screaming at each other through their keyboards, leaving many unable to recognize people they once thought they knew. (continued)

“But please never forget, while these are troubling times for sure, we STILL live in the greatest country on earth that God has ever created! One that always puts it’s best and brightest forward, creating vaccines that will solve the latest world pandemic. One that works to put laws in place to protect people from the evils of others and works to punish those that break those laws-no matter what side of the badge they are on. One that encourages people to assemble, march, and protest, while knowing you can do these things peacefully and passionately without being imprisoned as an “enemy of the state”.

“Please never forget we have certain freedoms here in America that are enjoyed no where else in the world. And we do this under one nation. Under one God. Under one United States of America Flag. There’s a reason why she’s called “Old Glory” and may we never forget the people who have fought and still fight to keep us free under this flag. Happy flag day!


“PS: the screaming at others on social media? Let people see Jesus in your words and be nicer. Because if your great grandmaw was here, she’d smack you in the mouth and take away your keyboard!”
