Home Explodes In Cedar Hill, 3 Hospitalized, Officials Investigating
CEDAR HILL TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – A home in the 6100 block of Buzzard Creek Road near Cedar Hill has exploded. Detectives with the Robertson County Sheriff’s office are leading the investigating.
The explosion occurred around 4:20 this afternoon and was powerful enough to level the entire structure. According to locals, the explosion was heard as far as 3 miles away. No other homes or structures were affected.
34-year-old Brittany Elliott and her two children, 6 and 4 years old, were in the home at the time of the explosion, however, they have survived and we are told they are in fair condition and are currently at Vanderbilt Medical Center in Nashville.
UPDATED: According to the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office, after an investigation, officials are calling the explosion an accident. Elliott told officials that she turned on the gas in order to heat the house around 12 pm today. Elliott stated that she does not have a sense of smell and was unable to smell the gas in the house. Around 4:20 pm, Elliott attempted to light the water heater in the basement when the explosion happened. Her two children were upstairs at the time of the blast.
According to Adams Fire Chief Ray Brown and the Robertson County Sheriff’s Office, the evidence was consistent with the mother’s report.
According to Assistant Chief Russell Gupton with Robertson County Emergency Medical Service, the children had minor injuries and were transported to Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital in Nashville. The mother had more serious injuries, she was also transported to Vanderbilt.
The Robertson County Sheriff’s office, the Adams Fire department, the Emergency Management Agency, and Robertson County EMS responded to the call.
The road was shut down for several hours while investigators narrowed down the cause.
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