Not Owning A Cell Phone Puts Robertson Man In The Spotlight
GREENBRIER TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – If you want to call Chet Thompson of Greenbrier Tennessee on the phone you’ll have to wait until he gets home. Why? Chet doesn’t own a cell phone. The only phone he has is plugged into the wall.
The decision to opt-out of the cell phone revolution came with a price, according to Chet. “I enjoy tranquility now.” Chet is in the business of decorative concrete. Click here to see Chet’s work but be prepared to leave a message if he’s not home.
Since about 97 % of Americans own a cell phone, it’s hard to imagine someone that doesn’t but Chet says he is just fine without one. “It was supposed to connect people but it’s done the opposite,” Chet says.
This week Chet’s decision not to own a cell phone landed him on Network TV when Nashville’s Fox News dropped by his beautiful home to see if it was really true. Fox was kind enough to share their report with Smokey Barn News. Watch the report and tell us in the comments if you think you could live without a cell phone?
By the way, if Chet looks familiar to you, he’s been in the news before. A couple of years ago Chet helped Smokey Barn News with a public safety report on motorcycle awareness. We have added that video below.
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