RC Woman Beats The Odds After Midnight Fire, Are You Ready?
PLEASANT VIEW TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – Over the years, Smokey Barn News has interviewed many individuals after they experienced a fire in their home or business. Not one of them has ever said, “I knew it was coming.” If they did know “it was coming,” they would get up right now and check all their smoke detectors. Then they would make sure that their portable heaters are far from anything combustible. They would never overload the fuse box and never leave fire (candles, fireplaces and stoves) unattended.
Until technology or time travel ever allows us to predict when and where a fire will occur, we will have to rely on early detection to save life and property. Here’s a real-life story about a real fire this week. A Robertson County woman living in a home with no working smoke detectors was saved by her sprinkler system. Though she and her home were saved, it’s a reminder of the importance of properly working smoke detectors.
According to Chief Duncan with the Pleasant View Volunteer Fire Department, around 01:43 am on Friday, November 18th, the Pleasant View Volunteer Fire Department received an emergency call for a reported house fire with a residential fire sprinkler activation. This home was located in the Coopertown town limits of the PVVFD’s fire district. Units from the PVVFD responded to the scene and found an approximately 1200-square-foot modular home with nothing showing from the outside. After investigation, the crews did hear an active fire sprinkler bell sounding. Upon entry to the home, the firefighters did see some smoke in the home.
The fire had apparently started in the wastebasket in the bathroom. The fire activated the residential fire sprinkler system which immediately started to put out the fire. This activation also woke the 62-year-old female occupant that lived in the home. She was able to get up and out of the home without injury and call 911. By the time the fire department arrived the fire had been completely extinguished by the fire suppression system.
The home did not have any working smoke alarms. If the sprinkler system had not activated and awakened the occupant, the outcome would have most likely been much different. The PVVFD is grateful that the occupant was uninjured, and the home sustained very little fire damage. As a matter of fact, the owner was still able to sleep in the home and was not displaced.
Over 80 percent of all fire deaths occur in the home. The single most effective way to prevent fire-related deaths is the installation of residential fire sprinklers. Residential sprinklers can control and often extinguish a fire before the fire department arrives. Modern homes burn eight times faster than older homes. Families typically have less than three minutes after a smoke alarm goes off to get out safely. Since the 2009 edition of the International Residential Code (IRC), the model code has included a requirement for all new one- and two-family dwellings and townhouses to include fire sprinkler systems. 13 years later, most U.S. homes are still being built without them. Pleasant View, Ashland City, and Cheatham County have been building with home fire sprinklers in new construction since 2001 and 2005 respectively. Coopertown passed the requirement for a period of time, and later rescinded it. This home fell within the timeframe that fire sprinklers were required.
Thanks to the WHCVFD, RCEMS, RCEMA, and the RCSO units for responding to assist us. This is also a great example of why everyone needs to make sure they have working smoke alarms in their home. Make sure you test them monthly and change batteries or alarms as needed.
This is also another example of why the PVVFD is a firm believer in residential fire sprinklers in all homes. This could be the only thing that saves the lives of you, your pets, and all of your belongings.
If you need smoke alarms or information about fire sprinklers, please contact us and we will be glad to help. Please visit us at www.pvvfd.org for more information.
See if you can pass the portable heater fire safety test below. Let us know how you do on FB.

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-Too close to the drapes.
-The wrong type of extension cord (WRONG GAUGE WIRE) and the cord has a switch. Ace Hardware in Springfield and White House will be happy to sell you the proper heavy gauge cord for your heater but no extension cord is best.
-Flammable substance near the heater. Sitting on flammable box and paper. Too close to the wall.