Senator Roberts Air-Lifted After Suffering An Aneurysm
LAST UPDATE: 10/18/20
ROBERTSON COUNTY TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – Smokey Barn News has confirmed that Senator Kerry Roberts has been hospitalized with an Aneurysm.
In an exclusive interview with Smokey Barn News, Senator Roberts said he was in the middle of a Zoom meeting around 9 am Friday when he was overwhelmed by a sudden intense and rapid headache. “It was the most intense headache I’ve ever had in my life,” Roberts said.
Roberts quickly ended the meeting and told his wife Dianne that he needed to go to the hospital. The two jumped in the car and headed to NorthCrest Medical Center in Springfield Tennessee. En route to the hospital, Roberts became overwhelmed by pain so the two pulled over and called 911.
The two were intercepted by Robertson County EMS on Industrial Blvd near the Springfield Fire Department, station 2. Medics didn’t know if it was an aneurysm or a stroke but they ruled out a heart attack, Roberts said.
At NorthCrest, a CT scan revealed a basal ganglia aneurysm. The decision was made to Lifeflight Roberts to Skyline Medical Center in Nashville Tennessee.
A second CT scan at Skyline again confirmed a basal ganglia aneurysm. A catheter failed to locate any active bleeding indicating that the aneurysm may have clotted on its own, Roberts’ said. “Either God created amazing bodies that can heal themselves, or it was the result of prayer.”
Senator Roberts was clearly lucid and talking during our interview, leaving us hopeful that he will make a full recovery.
The senator will be under observation until his physicians give him the all-clear but he could remain hospitalized for at least one or two weeks.
Roberts asked Smokey Barn News to be sure to express his gratefulness for the wonderful treatment he received from Robertson County EMS, NorthCrest Medical Center, Vanderbilt Lifeflight, Skyline Medical Center, and everyone that has prayed for him.
UPDATE: We have an update on Senator Roberts from Press Secretary Darlene Schlicher. The update came in at 11:42 am Saturday.
“Senator Roberts is resting comfortably today. Although preliminary tests look good, he will continue to be closely monitored by hospital staff in the coming days. The Roberts family is very grateful for the excellent care that he has received from first responders and hospital staff. They are also very thankful for the outpouring of concern and for the thoughts and prayers lifted on his behalf.”
UPDATE: 10/12/20 “While often a fatal situation, Senator Roberts is recovering extremely well. He will be kept in the hospital for 1 to 2 weeks for observation but he is expected to have a full recovery. Senator Roberts expresses his appreciation for so many people praying and for his outstanding caregivers.”
UPDATE: 10/14/20 “Senator Roberts had a lot of pain the past two days, which is to be expected as a part of normal recovery – but he’s felt some better today and is resting well. He would like to thank everyone for their continued thoughts and prayers.”
UPDATE: 10/18/20 “Thank you all that have shown us overwhelming love and support. Kerry continues his recovery from his subarachnoid hemorrhage, but because of some specific risk factors, he will most likely remain in the ICU for another week. His doctors continue to anticipate a full and complete recovery. We anticipate an official update by midweek.” – Dianne Roberts
UPDATE: 10/18/20 Senator Roberts remains in the Neuro Intensive Care Unit (ICU) following the subarachnoid hemorrhage he experienced on Friday, October 9th.
Senator Roberts continues to experience vasospasms, placing him at risk for a stroke requiring careful monitoring until his medical team feels it’s safe to let him go home. FULL REPORT
Smokey Barn News will continue to monitor Roberts’ condition. As updates are made available to us we will bring it to you.