A Springfield man was shot several times early Sunday..
Smokey Barn News
Sunday, April 26, 2015
Springfield, Robertson County, Middle Tenn
Shot Last September, Springfield Man Shot Again Early Sunday
A Springfield man was shot several times early Sunday morning according to Springfield police. This is the second time this same individual has been shot in less than a year in Springfield.
Police say the shooting occurred around 2:52am Sunday morning. After the shooting, the victim, Josh McKissick, 33, of Springfield, was driven to NorthCrest Medical Center by a citizen.
According to police, the wounds are life threatening and at least one round penetrated McKissick’s torso. The citizen who drove McKissick to the hospital indicated that he just found him lying on the ground on 15Th Street at Leota Street some time after the shooting and drove Mckissick to NorthCrest.
According to police, Mckissick is refusing to talk to officers. “He had been shot four times and the wounds were life threatening,” police said.
Officers were sent to 15th and Leota where they found McKissick’s Saturn in the street with the driver’s door ajar but there were no bullet holes in the Saturn.
This is the second time Josh McKissick has been shot in Springfield in the last year. In what sounds like a mirror image of today’s incident, last September McKissick arrived at NorthCrest Medical Center with as many as ten bullets in him, and like today, he was driven to the hospital by private vehicle, according to Springfield Police Chief David Thompson.
According to Thompson, McKissick was conscious and talking when he arrived at NorthCrest last September but, again, decided not to talk to police about what happened. At the time, Police didn’t know the location of the shooting or even what time McKissick was shot for sure.
At the present time, Police are seeking information from the public to determine what happened at the scene this morning that resulted in this shooting at 15th and Leota, including any suspect information.
Anyone having additional information on the crime is encouraged to call Crimestoppers at 615 382-3799 where they may receive a cash reward up to $1,000 for information leading to the arrest and conviction of suspects in this crime.
Joshua McKissick Of Springfield Shot Multiple Times Monday
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Thank you. You said it all right. Rhonda Moses
Prayers man I know him and what i know of him he does have an attitude but he is a good person overall.
Also….educate yourself on how to spell please.
Your an idiot. Nothing more
First of all it doesn’t matter who is doing the shooting or who is getting shot or even what the purpose was. If the Springfield police would quit worrying about chasing women or men for they’re on pleasures and start doing their jobs it might be a safer place to live. The schools aren’t any better they don’t do anything except show up for a paycheck the kids at those schools are just there. They have to take care of there selves at school and obviously on the streets to. If the cops were doing there job they wouldn’t have to wait for this guy to tell who shot him or why. Yale want somebody to do your job for you. What do yall get paid for? I know 90% of the cops in that town and all of you are just there for a paycheck. Do your job and clean that town up. Get the thugs and lock them up. Half of them are related to the cops, that’s what’s wrong with that town. The lazy cops and the parents that pretend to raise there kids while they are really raising their selves.
prayers are going up and blessings coming down. See ya soon my buddy. And for all the negative comments these people made, how can you talk so negatively about a person you don’t know. For us who do know this man, ur neg thoughts and comments don’t mean nothing. Cause they garbage
Mr. Mckissick has been trouble since day one. Another fine product of Springfield Schools. It is a wonder how he is even on the streets. There have been three or four shootings back and forth now related to a killing of his brother. Hopefully all this cycle of kill or be killed will end this time.
Wow. I have a hard time coming to the defense of someone who gets shot multiple times on two separate occasions and, both times, refuses to cooperate with police. Smells like illegal activity to me. I have no sympathy for that. Sounds like the investigation should focus as much on him and his activity as on what happened to him.
All the people with negative comments should keep it to them selves. Someone always want to say its drug related. These people have kids and families too. Would you want people being so negative about ur family if the roles were reversed. Prayers for Josh an his family…