Smokey’s Fall Events & Announcements October 25, 2024

Smokey's Fall Events & Announcements October 25, 2024

Smokey’s Fall Events & Announcements October 25, 2024

ROBERTSON COUNTY TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – Save the dates!… Fall Festivals, Trunk or Treats, Turkey Shoots, Civil War Reenactments, Car Shows, Fall Concert and more Community events are scheduled! We have provided all the details below.

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Saturday Oct 26: Spooktacular at Sage North in White House

Spooktacular Event Sage North Apartments in White House with Trunk or Treat, Games, Music, Pumpkin Decorating, Refreshments, Giveaways & Community Tours. Learn more… click banner


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Now thru December 1st: Turkey Shoot – Saturdays – American Legion 45 Greenbrier

First shot at 8am. We shoot till we run out of shooters or 12 noon.

All proceeds stay local to help our Veterans.


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2024-2025 Mid-Cumberland Community Action Agency announces CHILD AND ADULT CARE FOOD PROGRAM

Meals will be provided at no separate charge to eligible children/adults without regard to race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA served at the following site(s):

Bransford Head Start – 700 Bransford Dr. Springfield, TN 37172

Mid-Cumberland Community Action Agency Robertson/Rose Hill Head Start – 807 Rosehill Circle Springfield, TN 37172

USDA Income Eligibility Guidelines:

In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA.

Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g. Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.), should contact the Agency (State or local) where they applied for benefits. Individuals who are deaf, hard of hearing or have speech disabilities may contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English.

To file a program complaint of discrimination, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, (AD-3027) found online at:, and at any USDA office, or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form.

To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by:
(1) mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture, Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights, 1400 Independence Avenue, SW, Washington, D.C. 20250-9410


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NOW Thru Nov. 16 – Coopertown Turkey shoot fundraiser to help provide Christmas to underprivileged children and support the needs of people in our area.

New location: 3934 Hwy 49 West Springfield, TN 37172

October 19th – 8am til 2pm

October 26th – 8am til 2pm

November 2nd – 8am til 2pm

November 9th – 8am til 2pm

November 16th – Rain date

Turkey shot $4.00 each for $20 gift card

Ham shot $7.00 each

12, 16, 20 and 410 shells provided

NO outside ammunition allowed!

We have shotguns available for use if needed

Academy sports gift card for semi-auto 12 gauge shotgun

Raffle tickets $1.00

Breakfast lunch and soft drinks available.


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October 26: Fall Festival @ Bethlehem Baptist

Fall festival join us Saturday, October 26 from 5 PM to 8 PM. Trunk or treat is from 5 PM to 7 PM. There will be food, games, live music, hayrides, and so much more at Bethlehem Baptist Church located at 5081 Bethlehem Rd in Springfield.

Visit our website at


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October 26: Cancer Benefit for NIKKI FALENCIK 

(Hepatocellular Carcinoma)

Sat. October 26, 2024 3336 Winters Rd, Cedar Hill TN

BBQ Lunch Plates $15/plate, Silent Auction &, Bake Sale, Support Squad shirts and stickers for sale

Cornhole Tournament $20/person

Cornhole tournament and lunches will start at 12:00 NOON


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October 25th & 26th Fall Festival At Palestine Methodist Church

Oct. 25 from 9am to 4pm and Oct. 26 from 9am to 1pm.

Location: 2715 Old Hwy 431 South Springfield, TN

Bake sale, Fall decor, Christmas decor and silent auction


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October 26: FREE Trucks And Treats 2024 @ Payne Chevrolet

Location: Payne Chevrolet – 2807 Memorial Blvd, Springfield, TN, United States, Tennessee

The event is from 5-7pm on Oct. 26th and vendor setup begins at 4pm!


As a result, we are once again inviting ALL businesses, churches, and organizations to come out and participate in our kid-friendly trick-or-treating event! This is a safe environment for children to trick-or-treat in, surrounded by local community vendors. There will be plenty of treats to go around for all kids! Important note: this is a completely FREE event and you DO NOT have to pay to become a vendor or to participate.

If you are interested in becoming a vendor, call Alex or Shandy at 615-384-5573 and we will be happy to make a spot just for you!


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October 26: Fall Festival – Providence Baptist Church

Providence Baptist Church (3850 Highway 49 West) invites the community to its annual Fall Festival on Saturday, October 26 from 4 to 6 PM.

All food, activities, inflatables, and games are free. We look forward to seeing you there!

For more information call 615-382-5480.


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October 26: Veterans Motorplex At The Rim – Trunk or Treat

Trunk-or-Treat will be here soon! Make plans to bring the KIDS!

6801 Kelly Willis Rd, Greenbrier, TN, United States, Tennessee

+1 615-430-3135


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October 25, 26, 27: Step Back in Time at the Civil War Reenactment in Ridgetop Tennessee!


Step Back in Time at the Civil War Reenactment in Ridgetop Tennessee!

RIDGETOP, TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – Get ready for an unforgettable journey into the past at the Civil War Reenactment, “Morgan On The Rim,” taking place on October 25th, 26th, and 27th, 2024, at Ridgetop Station Park in Ridgetop Tennessee. This exciting event promises a weekend full of immersive historical experiences that will delight visitors of all ages.

Witness thrilling demonstrations of cavalry, infantry, and artillery, and engage with reenactors portraying Civil War soldiers and civilians. Take part in interactive exhibits, enjoy delicious food, explore antique collections and much more. With period activities, military and civilian encampments, and special guests, including President Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln, this event is a fantastic opportunity to see history come alive.

Shoot me out of a cannon!!” One event you won’t want to miss is a celebration of life ceremony that incorporates the ashes of a man being shot out of a cannon! Army Veteran John (Jack) T. Picton had a last wish: “When I die, have my ashes shot out of a cannon.” His family honored this request during the Morgan on the Rim Civil War Reenactment in Ridgetop, Tennessee, last year. Picton’s ashes were shot out of a cannon, a ceremony that was deeply moving for everyone present, and Smokey Barn News captured the moment on film. The video has been added below or [click here for the full story]. This touching tribute left a lasting impression on Civil War enthusiast Charles Raymond Morris, who passed away on April 3, 2024. Born on April 22, 1954, Morris was an avid Civil War buff and requested the same honor of having his ashes shot out of a cannon at the Morgan on the Rim Civil War Reenactment this year. So that’s exactly what his family is going to do. The ceremony will take place within the three-day event, but officials are still working out an exact time. As soon as the schedule has been set, it will be added to this event calendar. Reload this page for updates.

For a detailed schedule and more information, see below. Don’t miss out on this chance to step back in time and experience the Civil War era firsthand!

Oct. 2024 Event: Civil War Reenactment Morgan On The Rim in Ridgetop, TN


WHEN: October 25th, 26th, and 27th 2024
WHERE:  Ridgetop Station Park * Ridgetop, TN 37152. DIRECTIONS

Reenactment includes demonstrations of cavalry, infantry, and artillery and civil war battles. Guest will have the opportunity to learn about some great American history by seeing how civil war soldiers and civilians lived, meet and greet with them, get hands on with civil war equipment, old time photography, eat great food, and check out antiques.

Visit the Historic Wilson House, bid on the items in the Silent Auction, join in the Cake Walk, shop at the Sutlers and Vendors, See Period Activities, Calvary, and Artillery Demonstrations throughout the day. Stop by the Military and Civilian Encampments and learn about how they lived. Come and join in the festivities and help us keep history alive!

ADMISSION: Adults Daily Pass $10.00 / Children (ages 12 to 17) Daily Pass $5.00
PROMO: Adult 2-day pass for $15.00 / Children (ages 12 to 17) 2-day pass $7.00

Friday is “SCHOOL DAY” and is FREE TO ALL STUDENTS from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM

Opening Ceremonies In front of the Wilson House Saturday at 10:00 AM

Encampments open to visitors from 10:30 AM to 5:00 PM

Ladies Tea on Saturday at 11:00 AM

Flag Retirement Ceremony Saturday and Sunday at 12:30 PM

Civil War Battle Saturday and Sunday at 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM

Meet and visit with President Abraham and Mary Todd Lincoln along with other SpecialGuests each day

See Blacksmiths working a Period Forge

Medical displays including a repro 1862 Field Ambulance (Medical Staff will be on-site)


Military and Civilian Reenactors Entry fee: $20.00. The First 50 people to register will get a free T-shirt. Register HERE and follow the instructions on the form to either pay online or to pay by mail.

If you have any questions about the event or need additional information, please contact Dale Gilmore, Event Coordinator at (615)-310-2323 or email: [email protected].


Sutler/Vendor Registration Form (scroll to last form)

Booth Fee: $50.00



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October 28: City of White House Trail of  Treats

Event by City of White House, Tennessee- Parks and Recreation

420 Highway 76, White House, TN 37188

Bring your family out to the park for a fun and safe trick or treating experience! Local businesses and organizations will be set up in decorated booths to hand out candy! There will also be food trucks, and a short hayride for the public.

Vendors can register for a booth at our office or online


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October 29: Community band presents a “Welcome to Fall!” concert

A fall concert will be presented by the Robertson County Community Band on Tuesday, October 29th at the Byrum-Porter Senior Center in Orlinda. The concert will begin at 7:00 pm and is free. Refreshments will be served during intermission.

The community band will perform favorites including “Fly Me To The Moon”, “Moon River”, a medley of music by Chicago, “Stormy Weather” and many more.

The RCCB, in its nineteenth season, is always looking for new members. For more information about the concert, joining the band or sponsorship, please call the band manager, Janet Ozimek at (615) 973-5771. Ozimek can also be contacted at [email protected].

ALSO…The RCCB will be performing a Veteran’s Concert at the Springfield Senior Center on Tuesday, November 12th in Springfield.

We invite everyone in Orlinda and surrounding communities to come join us for our “Welcome to Fall!” concert!


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Wed. October 30: 10th Annual Truck N Treat in Springfield (Next to Waffle House)

2102 Memorial Blvd. in Springfield

Come out and bring your kiddies! We also would like to invite anyone to participate in dressing up your car, truck, motorcycle or wagon and hand out candy.

Bring what you got.

It doesn’t need to be a classic!

Join us on FaceBook

For more info contact: Shelby Horner (615) 336-2257


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November 1-3: Morgan Returns – Civil War Reenactment

From the 1st through the 3rd of November 2024 at J. Travis Price Park in Springfield, TN,  is another FULL re-enactment!! MAP Experience of actual history of the November 2nd of 1862 “Morgan  Returns.”  Living historians, sutlers, food vendors, encampments, and demonstrations with a battle Saturday and Sunday (18 and older $7.00, 12 and up $3.00, 6 and up $1.00.  Friday is School Day and “free” for field trips and the public.

Only time travel could provide a better look at history, so don’t miss this spectacular event!


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Friday, Nov. 8th: FREE Food Giveaway Event By Mid Cumberland Community Action

Friday, Nov. 8th: FREE Food Giveaway Event By Mid Cumberland Community Action

The Mid-Cumberland Community Action Agency is hosting a commodities giveaway on Friday, November 8, 2024, from 8a-12 noon at 505 Hill Street Springfield, TN. (MAP)

Clients wishing to receive food must show ID. (Robertson County residents only)

Volunteers needed

Be a part of our family Robertson County!

Mid Cumberland Community Action Agency is seeking volunteers to help us pack and distribute food. Don’t miss this rewarding opportunity to give back to your community, volunteer today!

Call 615-742-1113 or Email: [email protected]

If you would like to volunteer please arrive by 8am.


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November 12: City of Ridgetop 2025 Parks & Recreation Master Plan Community Workshop

Survey closes December 15th, 2024.

Time: 6:30 pm

Location: 1730 Highway 41 S, Goodlettsville, TN 37072 Ridgetop City Hall

In order to gather public feedback for the 2025 Ridgetop Parks and Recreation Master Plan, we are inviting the community to attend a public workshop. During this event, we will discuss the different elements of the plan and this meeting is an opportunity for you to share your thoughts, feedback, and comments with us.

We are excited to see you there and work together towards the future of our community!

Join us in our public workshops. All meetings will be advertised. We look forward to hearing from you!


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Saturday, November 16th: Springfield Cards & Collectibles Show from 8-3 at the Springfield Inn

Concessions on-site!

Check us out on FaceBook


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Sundays – Joelton Makers Market

The Joelton Makers Market listened to customer feedback and it’s happening! We know Thursdays were making it hard for folks to swing by. Hope we get to see some new faces! 🌱🍓🥬🧶🍋


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from 5pm to 8pm. Cedar Hill Farmers & Community Market with Crusie In

Cedar Hill Farmers Market

Location: 290 S Main St, Cedar Hill, TN 37032-5038, United States

Food Trucks, Ice Cream, Produce, Flowers
Food Trucks, Baked Goods, Jewelry, Decor, Clothing, CBD products, live music, classic car cruise in and much more


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RC Senior Center Announcements

Inclement Weather Policy: We follow the Robertson County School System Policy. If schools are closed for weather related reasons, activities and outings are canceled unless otherwise notified.

Needs List: 8 oz. bottles of water; coffee & coffee cups, paper towels, toilet tissue, and legal size printer paper

TN HOPE LINE – Connect with compassionate, trained, and loving listeners for help, hope, & encouragement.

M-F 10-4 EST 844-600-8262
A partnership of The Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, and Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability


Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays – Lunch at the RC Senior Center by Meals on Wheels

Meals on Wheels is a service through Mid Cumberland that provides hot healthy meals to Senior Adults  (age 60 and above) who cannot get one otherwise. There is not an income requirement and meals are free. Donations are accepted at any time.

If you would like to join us at the Senior Center for a congregate meal at lunch time, we would love to have you join us. You might even decide to stay and play a round of dominos, cards, or bingo.

Note: There is a form to fill out for all participants that can be picked at the center.

This is a good way to gather, make new friends, and enjoy some laughter. We look forward to seeing you!!

Cindy Farmer
Robertson County Senior Citizens Center

Robertson County Senior Center In Springfield, TN

Lots of fun events every month, sign up for the newsletter. 

Check us out online!


Stuff Just For Seniors (Upcoming Events) Come Join The Fun


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Community Medical Equipment Ministry – White House Church of Christ 

White House Church of Christ located at 205 Spring St., White House, TN would like to announce our new Medical Equipment Ministry created to serve the Sumner County and Robertson County communities.

The Medical Equipment Ministry loans medical equipment Free of Charge to those in need on a short or long-term basis.

We saw a need in our community to aid caregivers and patients with medical equipment to assist in home health care and increase rehab success.

We provide equipment on a first-come, first-served basis. Some equipment and items currently available are lift chairs, wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, potty seats, shower chairs, hospital beds, and more.

We also accept cash donations or good-used equipment.

We have limited delivery services; however, for those who are unable to pick up, please call our office, and make an appointment.

It was rewarding to us, as well as the person donating, to be able to provide a hydraulic patient lift to a family with a special need’ s little girl. With this lift, grandparents will be able to help with her care; thus, freeing up time for the parents. Also, we received a call from a woman whose father was being released from rehab early with 2 broken hips and 3 broken ribs. The insurance company would only provide a wheelchair. We were able to provide her with all the equipment needed for his rehab and care.

If you need equipment, the process is simple. Please come by and fill out an information form.


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NOTICE: Food Assistance Available

The United Ministries Food Bank would like to inform the residents of Robertson County that they are still helping with food needs.

If you are struggling to put food on your table they can help.

They are located at 808 S Main St. (beside Cope). Familes need to have ID’s and Birthdays dates for all living at their residents.

Residents are welcome to come in monthly for assistance. If you have questions please call 615-384-8306.

Hours: Open Monday thru Thursday 10:30AM to 1:30 PM.


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Notice: Food Pantry – Bethlehem Baptist Church Drive By Pantry 

Please drive up to Building A from the Hwy 76 entrance. Residents are asked to show proof of residence and an SSN# for each resident.

The drive-by pantry will be open on Wednesdays from 11am to 1pm.

Bethlehem Baptist Church – 5081 Bethlehem Road – Springfield, TN. 615-643-0333


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Reload this page often to see new events added… 

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Millersville, TN Library

Click the Banner below for the full calendar of events including Art ventures, storytimes and more!



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White House, TN Library

Click the Banner below for the full calendar of events including sewing, storytimes, anime’ drawing, chess club and more!


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Springfield’s Stokes Brown Library

Click the banner for all the summer activities planned!


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(Robertson County, TN)

The Robertson County Animal Control is overwhelmed by the current overpopulation of pets in our county

We have been working diligently to improve the situation in our area and lower our euthanasia rates. This has only been possible with support from our commissioners and mayor, and leadership of our Director Kevin Clinard. We promote spay and neuter. Please contact our office for information on low cost spay and neuter or to schedule to have your pet fixed.

Robertson County Animal Control
2900 W. County Farm Rd.
Springfield, TN 37172

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 615-384-5611




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Orlinda, TN Byrum Porter Senior Center

ORLINDA TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – The Byrum Porter Senior Center in Orlinda, TN offers…

Byrum-Porter Senior Center in Orlinda, TN is open Monday – Friday from 8 am to 4 pm

We have everything from exercise classes, day trips, mystery lunches, extended trips, card games, dances and much, much more.

Checkout our newsletter to find out more about our dance themes, class times and trips on our website or follow us on Facebook at Byrum-Porter Senior Center for all our fun activities.

Fitness after 50, Yoga & Tai Chi Exercise Classes, Dominoes, Canasta, Karaoke, Bridge, Shanghai Rummy, Footcare & Nail Appointments, massage appointments, paint classes and more. Request our monthly newsletter with all the details, just send an email to: [email protected]

Visit our exercise room

We have treadmills, stationary bikes, step climbers and a vibration training platform. If you can’t get to our exercise classes or aren’t comfortable in a group why not try this instead.

Thursday Night Dances: 

Come dance to the great tunes by The Good Time Charlie Band every Thursday night. Good Time Charlie Band rents the center on Thursday nights starting at 7 pm. Doors open at 6 pm. Limited menu available starting at 6 pm

We love to Travel – Join one of our 2024 planned Trips!

All events are subject to change. Changes will be posted on our Facebook page and our website.

Home Health supplies

We have walkers, canes, crutches, toilet risers, toilet bars, bed assist bars and a shower seat to loan if needed. We also have personal disposable hygiene items.

For updates call 615-654-3161

Location: 9123 Highway 49 E Orlinda, TN 37141

*The Center exists to make life more enjoyable for older adults, who reside in Orlinda and surrounding areas. Activities, Dances, Trips and much more.

*Coffee is always ready and waiting for you.


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Community Resources For Families In Robertson County

For A Full List of Family & Community Services, Resources & Meetings


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School events, church events, community fundraiser events, community gatherings, fundraisers, Announcements, Public Notices & rallies in Springfield, Greenbrier, Adams, Ridgetop, White House, Cross Plains, Millersville, Cedar Hill, Coopertown & Orlinda in Robertson County Tn, Tennessee!
