VIDEO: Standoff Ends In Suicide In Springfield (Press Conference)


Standoff Ends In Suicide Saturday morning In Springfield

Police responded to a disturbance on Westgate Dr. in Springfield Saturday morning and shortly after they arrived shots were fired. Ultimately the suspect committed suicide. As we understand it no one else including officers were injured in the standoff according to police.

Update: Official Press Release

According to Springfield Police Chief David Thompson. Shortly after 9:00 PM Friday night December 14, 2012 Nicole Jones drove to 5001 Westgate to pick up Christmas gifts for her son. Ms. Jones lived at that address with Kevin Hudson (age 29) until they broke up in November.

According to Ms. Jones, Kevin Hudson walked out to her car and entered the car. He said that he had been doing powdered cocaine during the day. He then pulled out a pistol and shoved it under her neck and threatened to kill her with it. He threatened her with the pistol and kept her in the car against her will for approximately an hour.

He then forced Ms. Jones to walk to the apartment where they went inside. He threatened to kill the Ms. Jones, her son, and her parents if they called the police. She was then allowed to leave the apartment, and she contacted the police.

A warrant was issued for the arrest of Kevin Hudson for felony aggravated assault, and officers went to 5001 Westgate where Ms. Jones used her key to enter the apartment.

When officers went to 5001 Westgate to serve the arrest warrant on Kevin Hudson, Hudson fired at least four (4) rounds at the officer from a semiautomatic handgun. The officers were not hit by any bullets, and the officers secured the scene and evacuated any people who might have been endangered by Hudson. Additional police resources, including the SWAT team, were activated.

Around 3:00 AM 12/15/2012, police officials initiated negotiations with Hudson by telephone that lasted for more than 6 hours. Hudson repeatedly made threats of suicide. Approximately 9:37 AM, after Hudson terminated communications with the police after stating his intent to commit suicide, tear gas was deployed into the apartment. Mr. Hudson was found with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. No police officers fired any shots during this incident.

Possible motive: According to sources including Police Chief Thompson Mr. Hudson may have been distraught over the loss of the relationship with Ms. Jones along with other personal tragedies in his life causing him to feel his situation had become hopeless.

The investigation is continuing under the direction of the Springfield Police Department Detective Division.

Smokey Barn News would like to convey our condolences to family & friends touched by this tragedy.

Jim Ball reporting
