T.H.P. ​ Conducts “​Saturation ​E​nforcement​” In Robertson County  Friday​

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T.H.P. Conducts “Saturation Enforcement” In R.C.  Friday

Report from Friday’s “Saturation Enforcement” Now Available

SPRINGFIELD TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – Smokey Barn News received many calls and emails this afternoon. The main question? “What’s going on in Springfield on Memorial Blvd. Troopers are everywhere?” Tennessee State Troopers were in Robertson County Friday conducting what they call “Saturation Enforcement.”

Bill Miller b
Lieutenant Bill Miller

Smokey Barn News spoke to Lieutenant Bill Miller, spokesman for the T.H.P., Friday afternoon.  According to Lieutenant Miller,  “Saturation Enforcement is where troopers will come into an area and enforce the laws or rules of the road with a ‘zero tolerance’ approach.  It’s geared towards altering reckless driving behavior in a community in-order to prevent or at least reduce fatal crashes, and save lives”, Miller said.

Lieutenant Miller told Smokey Barn News that the T.H.P.  looks at statistics in an area, kind of like a report card. They look at things like, how many fatal accidents we’ve had, how many DUI’s, how many speeding tickets, amongst other data. That data is kind of a like a window in to the general behavior of a community. With that data, the T.H.P. puts together a plan, and though there are several facets to it, part of the plan will entail, “Saturation Enforcement.” It is designed  to save lives and make the roads safer for everyone.

After analyzing the statistical data from Robertson County drivers, Friday was chosen by the T.H.P. to descend on Memorial Blvd in Springfield. If you were in Springfield today and you broke a traffic law you may have met a T.H.P. officer.

Did everyone that was pulled over get a ticket? “No,” Miller Said, “Though it is ‘zero tolerance’ the Trooper still has discretion but a lot of tickets were handed out.”

How Did We Do?

Lieutenant Miller has forwarded the results from Friday’s “Saturation Enforcement” to Smokey Barn News. The report covers how many and what type of tickets were issued,  as well as how many arrests were made. See the report below.

Did you see the T.H.P. in Robertson County today? Did you get a ticket? Tell us about it in comments below. Follow reactions to this story on Facebook.

Saturation Enforcement REPORT

Below are the results of the “Saturation Enforcement” from last Friday.

Total of citations issued: (49)

CRD Law “Child Restraint Device”: (1)

Registration Law: (2)

Other DR law “Drivers Licence”: (1)

Safety Belt Law: (33)

Revoked/Suspended DL: (6)

Other: (6)

Arrests: (2) One for outstanding Robertson County warrant and the other was for Possession of Stolen Property and Driving While revoked for DUI.

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Comments (13)

  1. William August 9, 2015
  2. Clarence Gober August 9, 2015
  3. Chelsea August 8, 2015
  4. Jeremiah August 8, 2015
  5. anichole August 8, 2015
  6. william August 8, 2015
  7. Kathryn Randolph August 7, 2015
  8. Henry August 7, 2015
  9. sgane1997 August 7, 2015
  10. Annette Suell August 7, 2015
  11. mark h August 7, 2015
  12. David August 7, 2015
  13. Kaitlyn Green August 7, 2015