VIDEO: Greenbrier Board Of Mayor & Alderman Meeting 9/14/2020
GREENBRIER TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – This report covers (in its entirety) the Greenbrier Board Of Mayor & Alderman City Meeting held on September 14,, 2020. Click here to view on YouTube
Normally, the public is invited and encouraged to attend; however, due to the size of the meeting room and social distancing/gathering mandates for the Coronavirus, the meeting was closed to the public.
Smokey Barn News partnered with the city of Greenbrier to bring the meeting safely to you.
City of Greenbrier Regular Board Meeting Agenda September 14, 2020
1. Call to Order by Mayor Adcock
2. Roll Call
3. Prayer Moment of silence for everyone having difficulties during this time
4. Pledge to flag
5. Adoption of the Agenda
6. Approval of the Board of Mayor and Aldermen August 3, 2020 meeting minutes
7. Presentations/Memorials

8. Communications from the Mayor
9. Communication from the Aldermen
10. Communications from the City Attorney i i. Reports from Department Heads
12. Reports from Committees
a. Annie Chiodo to address the Board regrading the water department and violations.
13. Old Business
a. Ordinance 20-11, Ordinance to amend Title 9, Chapter 2, Section 9-201 of the Greenbrier Municipal Code (Peddlers) — 2nd Reading ‘
14. New Business
a. Ordinance 20-12, Ordinance to amend Greenbrier Zoning and Zoning Map to rezone one parcel from RB to RC — 1st Reading 1
b. Ordinance 20-13, Ordinance to update Cross Connection policy — 2‘d Reading 1
c. Ordinance 20-14, Ordinance to amend Budget Ordinance 20-08 for fiscal year 20/21
SP Reading
d. Finance
1. Discussion and possible action regarding having a rate study performed for water and sewer.
2. Water and Sewer Adjustments – $5,258.48
15. Adjournment
Citizen Comments
To read the full agenda in detail, click –> Here