Vietnam Veterans Lunch Provided March 27 By Byrum Porter Sr Center
ORLINDA TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – The Byrum Porter Senior center would like to invite all Vietnam Veterans to a special lunch on March 27, 2024 from 11:30 AM to 1 PM at the center located at 9123 Hwy 49E in Orlinda, TN.
Enjoy a celebration, program and lunch!
More community events listed below…
March 2024 Events at the RC SR Center
Address: 601 Locust St, Springfield, TN 37172
Phone: (615) 384-6367
- March 21 – Potluck Easter Meal
- March 27 – Movie Day “War Room”
- Sign up for the Balance Class
Lots of fun events every month, sign up for the newsletter.
Check us out online!
Thru —–> March 30 WINTER BOOK SALE – Greenbrier Historical Society Museum & Library
825 W. College St.
Hours Wed/Thur/Fri 10-4 & Sat 10-1
Hundreds of books in Fiction, History, Biography, Cookbooks, Children’s books.
Most are priced 25 cents to $1!
Phone 615-643-8461
Registration for 2024 Spring Season Now Open – RC Flag Football League
Learn more, Click —> HERE
March 21: Free Naxolone (Narcan) Training – You Can Save A Life!
SPRINGFIELD TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – You are invited to an opportunity for you to get trained in the life saving medication of Naloxone or also known by its brand name NARCAN.
This is an opioid disrupter and can help save a life if someone overdoses. You will learn the science behind how it works, why it is so important for everyone to get trained and how to administer the nasal spray.
This training class is presented by Amber Jones and will be held March 21st at 6:00 pm at the Stokes Brown Library in Springfield.
There will be door prizes and snacks sponsored by the Rotary Club.
March 23: Local Food Giveaway, Volunteers Needed the day before!
SPRINGFIELD TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – The Robertson Co. United Way would like to let the community know there will be a food giveaway at the Springfield First United Methodist Church on March 23rd from 9-12 that morning.
They are looking for volunteers on the 22nd to help unload the truck from One Gen and on the 23rd to load cars. This is a partnership between United Way, One Gen and an anonymous donor that has donated 300 boxes of produce and bags of nonperishable food items.
If you would like to volunteer for this, please call 615-780-2511. This is a great service opportunity for teens looking for service hours or working adults that normally can’t make it to other service opportunities.
March 23: Adams Community Easter Egg Hunt & Easter Bunny. Event by City of Adams, TN
Location: 7617 Highway 41 North, Suite 101, Adams, TN, United States, Tennessee 37010
Limited parking will be in front of Bell school in designated parking area (Not in gravel area, this is for Moss’s Restaurant Parking)
Please park in the designated parking area, marked with yellow parking signs
FREE: The Easter Bunny will be at the Omer Gene Booksher Pavilion for pictures from 11:00 to 12:00 o’clock. Pictures are taken by parent with their phone or camera.
FREE: The Easter Egg hunt will start at 11:30.
The ages are the following:
4 and Under – Group A
5 to 8 years old – Group B
9 to 12 years old – Group C
March 23 from 11am to 1pm: Millersville Easter Egg Hunt – Event by Millersville Parks and Recreation
Location: Community Center – 1181 Louisville Hwy Millersville, TN, United States, Tennessee 37072
Come join us for our first event of the new year! We will be doing our annual Easter Egg Hunt! Join us for egg hunting, face painting, a balloon artist, crafts, photos with the Easter Bunny, and lunch! This will be happening on March 23rd from 11am-1pm at the Community Center!
Saturday March 23 at 1PM – Community Easter Egg Hunt at Barren Plains Baptist Church
Location: Barren Plains Baptist Church – 4507 Corbin Sneed Rd, Springfield, TN, United States, Tennessee 37172
Come Join Us for our Easter Egg Hunt. We will have 2 hunts one for preschool and younger, and one for older kids. We will have prize eggs in both hunts. We will be also giving away a special gift if you come and register. Come on out and join us. Oh, by the way, its all FREE!!!! Forgot one thing…. There will be food and drinks available.
SUN, MAR 24 AT 2 PM Spring Speggtacular Egg Hunt – Goodlettsville, TN
Event by First Baptist Church Goodlettsville, TN & Goodlettsville Parks and Recreation
Location: Moss-Wright Park – 829 Caldwell Dr, Goodlettsville, TN 37072, United States
2024 Spring Speggtacular Egg Hunt on Sunday, March 24th. Drop-in with your family anytime between the hours of 2:00pm-4:00pm to hunt for eggs. Like last year, this event will include a scavenger hunt for families to enjoy.
Stop by Shelter 3 at Moss-Wright Park on the day of the event to pick-up your scavenger hunt card, and enjoy searching the park for eggs.
Please note you DO NOT have to register online prior to this event.
March 29 at 11AM: Vietnam Veterans Day Ceremony – Ashland City
Event by Cheatham County Veterans Memorial Park
Location: 1935 Hwy. 12 S, Ashland City, TN 37015
This year’s Vietnam Veterans Day Ceremony will be held on Friday, March 29, 2024 at 11:00 am in the National Guard Armory at 1935 Highway 12 South, Ashland City, Tenn. 37015
March 31: The Trinity Heirs Southern Gospel group is coming for Easter Sunday
Location: GreenRidge COGOP – 5313 Greer Rd (Ridgetop) Goodlettsville Tenn.
(In July we have the Kingsmen)
Follow Our Facebook Page – Greenridge COGOP
April 1-30 Springfield City-Wide Junk Collection
The City of Springfield will conduct its first of two planned city-wide junk collection pickups for 2024 beginning Monday, April 1 through Tuesday, April 30.
The City of Springfield provides residents living within the city limits of Springfield junk collection pickup twice per year for larger items that cannot be disposed of with household trash; such as mattresses, furniture, etc. This service is provided in addition to a resident’s regular household and brush collection.
Loose and small items must be bagged for collection. Hazardous waste, tires, construction, or home improvement materials will not be collected. This service is not available for commercial properties, apartments, condominiums, vacant properties, and lots. For additional junk collection policies, please visit or contact the Public Works Department at (615) 384-2746.
Junk or bulky waste collection is only performed during April and October each year.
April 6: Saturday AT 8 AM Rumble in the Brier – Car Show
Event by The Brier Park Partners
Location: Louise Martin Memorial Park – 2300 Old Greenbrier Pike in Greenbrier, TN
Car Show – Vendors – Bouncy Houses, Food Trucks, 50/50 tickets, Live Entertainment
$20 to pre-register all vehicles, $35 day of the show
Contact Jennifer Woodard at 615-415-3381 or email to [email protected]
April 11: Tribute Quartet – Thursday April 11th – 7pm
Ebenezer Baptist Church – 6028 Ebenezer Rd Greenbrier, TN
April 20: Springfield’s Community Cleanup
Citizens are invited to participate in Springfield’s Community Cleanup on Saturday, April 20, 2024, from 9 a.m. to noon at various locations throughout the city.
Volunteering is easy! Follow these steps to participate:
Complete the online Community Cleanup Volunteer Registration Form.
Read the Cleanup Safety Guidelines.
Print and sign the Volunteer Waiver and bring it with you on the day of the cleanup.
Turn in your signed waiver and sign in at Springfield City Hall at 9 a.m. on Saturday, April 20, 2024.
Receive supplies and clean up your assigned area.
April 20: 1st Annual Youth Fishing Rodeo (Free Lunch & Giveaways)
Coldstream Christian Camp – Adams, TN
ADAMS TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) –You’re invited! The Coldstream Christian Camp in Adams, TN would like to invite all youth ages 5-16 to their first annual Fishing Rodeo with free lunch!
Live bait will be provided and a limited number of fishing poles will be available for use.
The event is set for Saturday April 20, 2024 from 10 AM to 2 PM at the Coldstream Christian Camp located at 4730 Goodman Rd in Adams, Tn.
Why: Introducing youth the the sport of fishing and experiencing God’s creation.
What: Lunch will be provided and prizes will be awarded according to ages groups for various categories such as biggest fish, smallest fish, most fish caught, etc
For more information: Call 615-696-2208 or check us out on FaceBook – Coldstream Christian Camp
April 27: Justice for Jennifer and Adrianna Wix 2024 – Reunion Ride (Unsolved Murder since March 2004)
STILL MISSING – Chain Of Hope – Where Are They?
1-800-THE-LOST or 1-615-384-7971
Last Seen On Thursday March 25, 2004 In Cross Plains, TN
Mother & Daughter: JENNIFER & ADRIANNA WIX
Anything You May Know Big or Small Please Call
Reunion Ride
EVENT: SATURDAY APRIL 27th 240 Long Hollow Pike, Goodlettsville, TN (Old K-Mart Parking Lot)
Registration begins @ 10:00am
Kickstands UP @ 11:00am
All vehicles welcome to follow bikes out!
End of Ride Hosted by CHOPPERS GRILL
1200 Donelson Ave. Old Hickory, TN
Mcee ~ Geneva
Music Performance by – Pam Gentry
DONATION RIDE * Rain Date – Saturday May18th
May 4: 5K Glow Run & Movie in The Park by The Brier Park Partners
Location: Louise Martin Memorial Park
Registration begins at 6 pm – Run starts at Louise Martin Ballpark – runs to the Louise Martin Soccer fields and back to the ballpark.
Register online now.
** MOVIE in the PARK – Star Wars movie will be shown at dark. FREE admission – sponsored by Solid Rock Baptist Church
May 4: Spring Fever Auto Show at the Robertson Co./Springfield Airport
Starting to get that time! Come join us for our annual Car Show. Our show has averaged 150+. First 100 get souvenirs, and door prizes. We will be adding classes for mini trucks, VW, Porsche, and Sling Shots!
Pre-register by emailing: [email protected]
May 11: Car Show/Family Fun Day Fundraiser Set For Homeless Shelter
Register your car or vendor booth EARLY!
My Father’s House Homeless Shelter in Springfield will be holding a Car Show and Family Day fundraiser on May 11, 2024 from 10am to 4pm at the Robertson County Fairgrounds. Free admission with Live Music, Door Prizes, Kids Zone, loads of fun, shopping and Great Food
Vendors needed booth space 10×10: $50
Vehicle registration: $25
TROPHIES AWARDED for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place in each category plus People’s Choice, and Director’s Choice
All proceeds will go to My Father’s House Homeless Mission
To register a booth or vehicle or to get more information, please call event coordinator Sheila Byrd @ 615-944-8441
About MFHM
My Father’s House Mission (MFHM – homeless shelter) is in the middle of upgrading safety features at their Springfield facility on 10th Ave E. MAP but they have received temporary authorization from the State Fire Marshal’s Office to open as an “Emergency Cold Weather Shelter” due to the current extreme cold weather conditions.
The location of the Shelter is 101 10th Ave E, Springfield, TN MAP, and is directly behind Southside Drugstore. The Shelter has separate sleeping areas for men and women. Sorry, no pets are allowed.
MFHM is a non-profit organization that utilizes volunteers and donations to operate. If you can assist in donating any of the following, it would be appreciated:
Food for a light breakfast (something that can be heated in a microwave, cereal, fruit, pastries, juice, milk, etc.)
Food for a light lunch (lunch meat, bread, cheese, soup, chili, hot dogs, condiments, etc.)
Prepare a hot dinner, bring it to the Shelter and if you can stay to assist in serving the guests, that would be appreciated.
We are anticipating 10-12 of our displaced population each night. If you volunteer to bring a hot dinner, you can call the Shelter at (615) 992-1547 and MFHM will provide you with the number they are currently feeding each night. In addition, if you can volunteer your time, whether it is for 3 hours or overnight, please call the number above and inquire as to the current need for volunteers. If you have never volunteered at the Shelter, when possible, you will be paired up with an experienced volunteer to provide you on-the-job-training.
We need volunteers in the following positions:
Prepare an evening meal and deliver to the Shelter by 5:45 pm.
Provide a devotional after the evening meal, 10-15 minutes in length.
Perform fire watch duties for a three-hour window (walk the bldg.. every 30 minutes to ensure that no fires or fire hazards exist)
Serve as a chaperone. We require at least two chaperones at all times, preferably one male and one female.
MFHM is proud to be the hands and feet of Christ in our community.
May 11: Hazardous Waste Day in Robertson County
The next event for Robertson County will be on May 11th from 8AM till noon at the Robertson County Transfer Station located at 2916 West County Farm Road in Springfield.
“Our local EMS office cannot take medical waste such as used sharps from the public, however, there are convenient options for proper disposal. Here are some useful links and tips regarding the safe and appropriate disposal of medical waste, including sharps (needles):
What to do with used sharps in Tennessee? Click HERE
Per the TN Dept. of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) website, there will soon be a household hazardous waste collection event in Robertson County. Acceptable and unacceptable Items.
Goodlettsville Farmers Market – Vendors approved thru March 31
Goodlettsville Farmers and Artisans Market is now accepting applications for the 2024 season. Vendors approved thru March 31 will receive an early applicant discount.
Visit HERE to find rules, information, and application.
Thursdays are about to get a whole lot fresher! Goodlettsville Farmers Market is back starting May 2nd from 3pm to 7pm at the Goodlettsville Visitors Center.
Come support your local vendors this season.
Community Medical Equipment Ministry – White House Church of Christ
White House Church of Christ located at 205 Spring St., White House, TN would like to announce our new Medical Equipment Ministry created to serve the Sumner County and Robertson County communities.
The Medical Equipment Ministry loans medical equipment Free of Charge to those in need on a short or long-term basis.
We saw a need in our community to aid caregivers and patients with medical equipment to assist in home health care and increase rehab success.
We provide equipment on a first-come, first-served basis. Some equipment and items currently available are lift chairs, wheelchairs, scooters, walkers, potty seats, shower chairs, hospital beds, and more.
We also accept cash donations or good-used equipment.
We have limited delivery services; however, for those who are unable to pick up, please call our office, and make an appointment.
It was rewarding to us, as well as the person donating, to be able to provide a hydraulic patient lift to a family with a special need’ s little girl. With this lift, grandparents will be able to help with her care; thus, freeing up time for the parents. Also, we received a call from a woman whose father was being released from rehab early with 2 broken hips and 3 broken ribs. The insurance company would only provide a wheelchair. We were able to provide her with all the equipment needed for his rehab and care.
If you need equipment, the process is simple. Please come by and fill out an information form.
The Classic Tin Cruise In Car Show – April 24th thru October 30th in Springfield
Every Wednesday Night from 4:30 to 8 PM!
2008 Memorial Blvd in Springfield (parking lot next to Waffle House)
For more info call Shelby Horner at 615-336-2257
RC Senior Center Announcements
Inclement Weather Policy: We follow the Robertson County School System Policy. If schools are closed for weather related reasons, activities and outings are canceled unless otherwise notified.
Needs List: 8 oz. bottles of water; coffee & coffee cups, paper towels, toilet tissue, and legal size printer paper
REMINDER: February & March 2024 hours are 9:00am-2:30pm
TN HOPE LINE – Connect with compassionate, trained, and loving listeners for help, hope, & encouragement.
M-F 10-4 EST 844-600-8262
A partnership of The Governor’s Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, Tennessee Baptist Mission Board, and Tennessee Commission on Aging and Disability
Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays – Lunch at the RC Senior Center by Meals on Wheels
Meals on Wheels is a service through Mid Cumberland that provides hot healthy meals to Senior Adults (age 60 and above) who cannot get one otherwise. There is not an income requirement and meals are free. Donations are accepted at any time.
If you would like to join us at the Senior Center for a congregate meal at lunch time, we would love to have you join us. You might even decide to stay and play a round of dominos, cards, or bingo.
Note: There is a form to fill out for all participants that can be picked at the center.
This is a good way to gather, make new friends, and enjoy some laughter. We look forward to seeing you!!
Cindy Farmer
Robertson County Senior Citizens Center
Robertson County Senior Center In Springfield, TN
Lots of fun events every month, sign up for the newsletter.
Check us out online!
NOTICE: Food Assistance Available
The United Ministries Food Bank would like to inform the residents of Robertson County that they are still helping with food needs.
If you are struggling to put food on your table they can help.
They are located at 808 S Main St. (beside Cope). Familes need to have ID’s and Birthdays dates for all living at their residents.
Residents are welcome to come in monthly for assistance. If you have questions please call 615-384-8306.
Hours: Open Monday thru Thursday 10:30AM to 1:30 PM.
Notice: Food Pantry – Bethlehem Baptist Church Drive By Pantry
Please drive up to Building A from the Hwy 76 entrance. Residents are asked to show proof of residence and an SSN# for each resident.
The drive-by pantry will be open on Wednesdays from 11am to 1pm.
Bethlehem Baptist Church – 5081 Bethlehem Road – Springfield, TN. 615-643-0333
Reload this page often to see new events added…
Millersville, TN Library
Click the Banner below for the full calendar of events including Art ventures, storytimes and more!
White House, TN Library
Click the Banner below for the full calendar of events including sewing, storytimes, anime’ drawing, chess club and more!
Springfield’s Stokes Brown Library
Click the banner for all the summer activities planned!
(Robertson County, TN)
The Robertson County Animal Control is overwhelmed by the current overpopulation of pets in our county
We have been working diligently to improve the situation in our area and lower our euthanasia rates. This has only been possible with support from our commissioners and mayor, and leadership of our Director Kevin Clinard. We promote spay and neuter. Please contact our office for information on low cost spay and neuter or to schedule to have your pet fixed.
Robertson County Animal Control
2900 W. County Farm Rd.
Springfield, TN 37172
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 615-384-5611

Orlinda, TN Byrum Porter Senior Center
ORLINDA TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – The Byrum Porter Senior Center in Orlinda, TN offers…
Byrum-Porter Senior Center in Orlinda, TN is open Monday – Friday from 8 am to 4 pm
We have everything from exercise classes, day trips, mystery lunches, extended trips, card games, dances and much, much more.
Checkout our newsletter to find out more about our dance themes, class times and trips on our website or follow us on Facebook at Byrum-Porter Senior Center for all our fun activities.
Fitness after 50, Yoga & Tai Chi Exercise Classes, Dominoes, Canasta, Karaoke, Bridge, Shanghai Rummy, Footcare & Nail Appointments, massage appointments, paint classes and more. Request our monthly newsletter with all the details, just send an email to: [email protected]
Visit our exercise room
We have treadmills, stationary bikes, step climbers and a vibration training platform. If you can’t get to our exercise classes or aren’t comfortable in a group why not try this instead.
Thursday Night Dances:
Come dance to the great tunes by The Good Time Charlie Band every Thursday night. Good Time Charlie Band rents the center on Thursday nights starting at 7 pm. Doors open at 6 pm. Limited menu available starting at 6 pm
We love to Travel – Join one of our 2024 planned Trips!
All events are subject to change. Changes will be posted on our Facebook page and our website.
Home Health supplies
We have walkers, canes, crutches, toilet risers, toilet bars, bed assist bars and a shower seat to loan if needed. We also have personal disposable hygiene items.
For updates call 615-654-3161
Location: 9123 Highway 49 E Orlinda, TN 37141
*The Center exists to make life more enjoyable for older adults, who reside in Orlinda and surrounding areas. Activities, Dances, Trips and much more.
*Coffee is always ready and waiting for you.
For A Full List of Family & Community Services, Resources & Meetings
Announce Your Event On
Robertson County’s #1 News Source