Greenbrier Police Chief K.D. Smith Announces Retirement
GREENBRIER TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – After a little over three and a half years as Chief of Police for the Greenbrier Police Department, KD Smith has decided to retire, effective May 1st.
Wednesday afternoon Smokey Barn News chatted with the 33-year veteran of law enforcement about his decision to leave.
This is the third department Smith has held the title of Police Chief. He was Chief of Police at Westmorland and Lakewood before taking the position in Greenbrier. “The biggest part of my law enforcement career was at the Lebanon Police department, I spent a little over 20 years there,” Smith said.
So why retire? “It felt like it was about time, I want to spend some time with my family and enjoy retirement a little bit more. Am I completely getting out of it? later on, I may get back into it part time but I don’t know if I’ll ever get back into it full time.”
Smith says he has two offers from smaller agencies to handle some of their training and grant paperwork but that would be part-time.
In the private sector, Smith owns an accident reconstruction firm called Smith & Associate Investigations, a company he founded 28 years ago but it too would be just part-time.
Final thoughts? “I’m proud of the department, the officers here and all the administrative staff. We’ve worked closely together and become a team.
“I just want to let the citizens know that the Police Department is here to work for them and work with them and I feel that they will continue to strive to do that. I would just ask the citizens to support whoever takes my position.”
Any idea who will replace you? “I have no idea, I don’t know what the City or Alderman will do. They could look at somebody that’s already in-house but nobody’s really come up to me and said I want your position. It will basically be up to the Alderman whether they want to promote from within or consider an outside source.”
Any special memory stand out in your time as Greenbrier Police Chief? “Yes, when I started in Greenbrier in July of 2014 I think I knew two people that lived in the city, I didn’t know anybody. The best memory I can think of is that they brought me in with open arms, it wasn’t a battle. Everybody worked together and strived to do what needed to be done.”
So what does the KD stand for? Kenith Duane. “Back years ago when I started at Lebanon PD in the mid 80’s there was a Lieutenant there named LT Jenkins and he started calling me KD Smith and it stuck.”
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