Springfield Police Chief David Thompson Announces Retirement

Springfield Police Chief David Thompson Announces Retirement

SPRINGFIELD TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – After more than 40 years of service, Springfield Police Chief David Thompson has announced his retirement, effective December 31, 2017.

“I have greatly appreciated the opportunity to serve this community for the past 5+ years, and my family and I have grown to love the people and the community. However, I have spent more than 30 years of my life working as a police chief, and it is time for me to spend more time with family and friends, and to pass the torch to others,” Thompson said.

“I am thankful for the friendships and the professional acquaintances I have made, and I wish the City of Springfield and the Springfield Police Department nothing but the best relative to the safety and security of the community and its residents.”

According to Springfield city officials, Assistant Chief Danny Johnson will step in as the interim chief until a permanent replacement is chosen.

Thompson became Chief of Police in Atlantic Beach Florida when he was only 28 years old. He began his policing career after graduating Florida State University with a Bachelor of Science, and a Certificate of Law Enforcement. He eventually obtained a Masters in Criminal Justice Degree from the University of North Florida.

Thompson became a patrol officer in North Carolina and went on to work as a supervisor, detective, administrative lieutenant, and Chief of Police and even caught a serial killer.

Thompson also worked in internal affairs, taught criminology in universities for over 21 years, write grants for underprivileged children, or work on SWAT teams while supporting a wife and three children at home.

When hurricanes came to Florida, Thompson said he always sent his family away, but never evacuated himself. “It just didn’t seem right to him to ask my officers to brave a storm if he wasn’t by their side.”

Smokey Barn News will be in contact with Springfield city leaders to see if an internal candidate will be chosen or if an external search will be initiated.

To better understand Thompson’s passion for the community, we have enclosed the video below from the 2014 Robertson County celebration of Martin Luther King Jr. Day, Thompson starts at 8:19 minutes.

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