Mayor Bradley Endorses Margot Fosnes To Be Next County Mayor
ROBERTSON COUNTY TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – In a video released on Facebook Wednesday morning, Robertson County Mayor Howard Bradley endorsed Margot Fosnes to be the next Mayor of Robertson County.
Howard Bradley has held the office of Mayor in Robertson County since 2002 when the position was called County Executive. In his entire political career, that includes five commissioner runs and four runs for County Mayor, Bradley has never lost a political race. Back in March Bradley said he will not seek reelection, now, as he steps aside from the political landscape, he has endorsed Margot Fosnes to fill his shoes.
Citing “competence” in the video, Bradley said Fosnes has been a “vital part of what we have done to move Robertson County Forward.” Bradley goes on to say that Fosnes played a vital role in building Highland Crest Community College and has represented Robertson County on a number of regional boards. “She can go to work for you on day one, without any apprenticeship,” Bradley says in the video. See the full video below.
Margot Fosnes is one of five candidates running to be the Mayor of Robertson County this elections season. To compare all the candidate’s backgrounds see list below. Early voting begins this Friday for County Mayor, Robertson County Clerk, Robertson County Sheriff along with Commissioners, Greenbrier Alderman as well as Senate And House of Representatives for our district. Tennesseans will also be electing a new governor.
“I am honored and humbled by Mayor Howard Bradley’s endorsement. He has served Robertson County well and we have moved forward on so many fronts. I have worked closely with him during the past eleven years on a wide variety of projects and initiatives that have grown employment and enhanced the quality of life in Robertson County. Thanks to those opportunities, I feel uniquely qualified and ready to serve in the role of county mayor. I sincerely appreciate his confidence in my ability, ” former Robertson County Chamber of Commerce president Margot Fosnes.
Robertson County Elections 2018
Who’s Running For What
Robertson County Elections 2018 – Who’s Running For What
Running Candidates
Elections are determined by the people who vote, your vote matters!
Robertson County Mayor
(5 choices – 1 will be elected)
Joshua Evans – Recognizing a strong future for Robertson County, Joshua Evans launched his bid for Robertson County Mayor in the August election.
With six years of experience, serving the residents of Robertson County in the Tennessee General Assembly, Evans brings an energetic and experienced perspective to Robertson County government.
“Waking up each day, working and fighting for the needs of our county at our State Capitol was one of the great honors of my life,” said Evans. “Robertson County is at a critical stage when it comes to managing our growth and our budget. Failure to plan and prepare – or simply asking more from our County taxpayers – is not an option.”
In the Tennessee House of Representatives, Evans helped establish the policies that have unemployment rates at all-time lows across the state. He also supported the programs that are bringing greater access to higher education – opening the door to greater opportunities and more successful futures – for many Tennesseans. As a small business owner he understands the burdens being placed by government on those trying to start and grow their own business.
“As Tennessee’s economy continues to grow, and as communities across the state are competing to attract new employers and good careers, it is important that Robertson County have a leader who has worked closely with state economic development leaders, and who can inspire potential employers with confidence in our communities,” said Jonathan Garner, local attorney and former County Commissioner.
“Joshua Evans brings that knowledge and experience to the table, and he is the candidate Robertson County needs.” Joshua Evans grew up in a family committed to serving the community. For more than 25 years, his mother taught school locally and his father served as pastor of Ebenezer Baptist Church – where Joshua remains a member. He is a graduate of Greenbrier High School and Middle Tennessee State University. Starting out as a volunteer in high school, he has been a firefighter and medical first responder with Greenbrier Fire Department for nearly 18 years. He served 8 years as Alderman for the City of Greenbrier and was appointed to fill a vacancy on the Robertson County Commission last year. His wife, Holly, works as a neonatal nurse. Holly and Joshua share a passion for volunteering locally with students and adults with physical and intellectual disabilities and make regular mission trips to Haiti. To learn more about Joshua and stay connected with the campaign, visit
Margot Fosnes – “I am excited to officially kick off my campaign to be the next mayor of Robertson County”, said Fosnes. “Over the last eleven years in my role at the Chamber, I have been privileged to be a part of the exciting growth and progress that Robertson County has experienced. “
“I have attended county commission meetings, school board meetings, and city meetings from Cross Plains to Coopertown. I have seen each community’s character and learned about their visions and their challenges. I have also represented Robertson County on numerous regional boards and committees and come to understand the opportunities that we have to share in the growth and prosperity that the Nashville region is experiencing. I have seen how important it is to make sure the Robertson County is a part of the plans and work being done in the region, to share the attractiveness of our community and the potential we hold for adding residents, businesses and industry while keeping the sense of place that makes Robertson County the home we love.
Mayor Bradley has served Robertson County well. His efforts have raised awareness of our county’s assets and position in the region and his deep love for this county has been clear. I want to continue in the direction he has guided us and build on the work he has done.
I want to put the experience, networks and knowledge gained in my years at the Chamber to work in a new way. The office of County Mayor is the ultimate position in which to serve the people and the place that has become my true home.”
Click to read Bio – More information can be found at the campaign website, Fosnes has appointed Ralph Illges as her campaign treasurer.
Glen Guyor – I am the current Mayor for the Town of Coopertown. I have used the Barrel Festival Event to officially kick off my campaign to be the next mayor of Robertson County. “Everyone tells me I am crazy” – I have been with Electrolux going on 13 years, part-time Mayor, and a Candidate for Robertson County Mayor. The delay in my announcement was a) kicking off a repaving program in the Town b) Amending the FY 2017-2018 Town budget c) the process of passing of the FY 2018-2019 Town budget – $1.5+ Million d) Attended of my nephew’s Cabot, Arkansas H.S. Graduation and the funeral of his younger brother four days later.
Main Reason for Running for Office
• “Robertson Co. is Thirsty for Water”
Lack of water piping to Developments Across Robertson Co. has stunt the growth.
Missed the Basic Needs of a Human Being Water, Food, and Shelter
Missed the 2020 Census Population Growth for Additional Federal Funding
• Saved Robertson County Industrial Board $50K in Matching Funds for the new 500K Gallon Water Tank with the State of Tennessee re-writing the Town’s Grant.
• Landfills are Filling Up at an Alarming Rate – Project with Electrolux for Re-use of 210 tons of Oven Door Glass Scrap that is hauled off 1-1/2 hours south of Springfield, TN.
• Animal Control has a 23% Euthanasia Rate in Robertson Co. which is Un-Acceptable – Will Put Together a Humane Society, Fund Raising, and Partnership with Local Veterinarian Programs
July 2016, Lowe’s announced locating an online Fulfillment Center in Coopertown to employ 400- 600 people with a 1.2 million square foot building and state of the art material handling equipment. I was instrumental as an alderman in convincing the Town council “Why this is a good thing for our area”. The Town agreed to reduce the building fee in half in order to compete against larger cities. Lowe’s will be opening the doors July 2018 during my tenure as Mayor.
July 2016 Former Mayor Childs needed help, he allowed me to negotiate the PVVFD fire contract for the next three years that the Town could fit within an already tight budget. They accepted my offer. Currently, Coopertown is working with Pleasant View to get PVVFD a ladder truck for the I-24 Exit 24 area.
I am a member of the Greater Nashville Regional Council (GNRC) and have on-hand knowledge of Nashville/Davidson Co. growth that is spilling over into the neighboring Cities/Counties. Also, I attend the quarterly Executive and Regular Joint Economic and Community Development Board on what’s happening across Robertson Co. In October 2017, I attended the S.E.US/Japan Conference in Greenville, South Carolina. I was the only Town Mayor in Robertson Co. that attended the interview process for the new Robertson County School Director. In 2012, as planning commission secretary assisted in the Robertson County Comprehensive Growth and Development Plan with emphasis on the Town of Coopertown.
The Town offers our citizens police protection, fire protection, maintain/repair roads, and building code enforcement. I am excited as a Candidate for Mayor of Robertson County to add to the list of many services that the County offers to all of our citizens. Also, I will listen to citizens on the Developments across Robertson County where it makes the most sense. I have a lot larger budget of $51+ Million to manage for Robertson County and I am up to the challenge.
Please join me at my campaign dinner event on Saturday, June 9, 2018 from 5:00 pm to 7:00pm at J. Travis Price Event Center Post 48, Springfield, TN 37172.
Fund Raiser: $50 per person cash or check at the door
Provided by Food Company, 2211 Bandywood Dr., Nashville (Greenhills), TN 37215
Limited to 50 seats
RSVP TO: [email protected]. Also, visit my campaign website –
Billy Vogle – I would like to take this opportunity to announce my candidacy for Robertson County Mayor. I have twenty years experience in the Robertson County Commission. In that time, I have served on the Budget, Education, Law Enforcement, Fire and Solid Waste Committees and as Chairman of the Nominating Committee. I have experience dealing with our county’s policies and an understanding of its departments. I have seen firsthand the challenge of balancing a budget without placing the burden on property owners and senior citizens while still meeting the demands of our county’s growth.
All of the counties surrounding Robertson County are filling up quickly. Schools and businesses are being built and now Nashville is talking transit. This is a crucial time in the development and maintaining of our county. People have discovered Robertson County and more growth is coming. We need to explore ways to fund projects without putting an extreme burden on property taxes. We need to encourage development while maintaining and improving the safety of our schools and neighborhoods. We need good jobs and businesses where folks can spend their money in our county without traveling elsewhere. I have the perspective and experience of a business owner, employee and servant to the people.
I will not make empty promises to the people that sound great but do not work.
This is not a job for one person, but a job for all Robertson County citizens. Let’s work toward Robertson County’s future, stimulate our economy and protect our wonderful heritage and country appeal. I believe in Robertson County. I look forward to hearing from and seeing the citizens and sharing your views and concerns. Let’s go to work! For More:
Are you running for any elected position within Robertson County? Submit your announcement of 500 words or less and a photo to [email protected] and it will be added to this column.
***A link for more information may be included.
Robertson County Sheriff
(3 choices – 1 will be elected)
Teddy Douglas – “My name is Teddy Douglas and I am a candidate for the Office of Sheriff here in Robertson County. I am a lifelong resident of Robertson County. I was raised in the Stroudsville community, attended elementary school at Bell School in Adams and graduated from Jo Byrns High School in Cedar Hill. The information below sets out a little about who I am and sets out some concerns I have and why I want to be “YOUR” Sheriff. I need your help and input to make changes that will be beneficial to all citizens of Robertson County. It’s time for your voice to be taken seriously. If you honor me with your vote I promise that your voice will be heard and acted upon. I can’t please everybody but I can listen.
“I recently retired from the Tennessee Highway Patrol with over 31 years of service, served 5 years with the Goodlettsville Police Department, totaling 36 years of law enforcement experience. Upon retirement from the Highway Patrol, I was a Lieutenant in the Nashville District in charge of the Special Programs Unit covering twelve counties in the upper mid-state.
“I currently serve on the Board of Directors here in Tennessee for a National Railway Crossing Safety Organization known as Operation Lifesaver.
“I sincerely want to return to the basics and bring the Sheriff’s Department back into the community. We must establish a commitment to our citizens, one and all, to be a positive example and have true concern and compassion for those in need. The Sheriff’s Department needs to get into the community and focus on crime prevention and education. This can’t be done if they are not out in the county patrolling and communicating with the citizens. No restrictions on how many miles they can patrol. The Sheriff’s Department must return to its roots and provide a sincere interest in the issues that concern our citizens. If there are no communications within the community then things grow stagnate and people lose confidence in the Department. This day and time there are a lot of issues abounding in the law enforcement arena. Law enforcement must step up and take responsibility and be committed to crime prevention and accountability. Our population, especially our youth which are our leaders for tomorrow, must have respect for law and order and it’s the duty of all law enforcement to set an example and be positive role models. I will put the Deputies out in the county and I will have them involved in your community. Goals And More – click here
Joe Mac Leod – Serving The Community To Make a Difference with 27 years of Law Enforcement Service.
My Promise: As your Robertson County Sheriff, my fundamental duty is to safeguard lives and property; to protect the innocent against deception, the weak against oppression or intimidation, and the peaceful against violence or disorder; and to respect the Constitutional rights of all persons to liberty, equality and justice.
I will keep my private life unsullied as an example to all; maintain courageous calm in the face of danger, scorn, or ridicule; develop self-restraint; and be constantly mindful of the welfare of others. Honest in thought and deed in both my personal and official life, I will be exemplary in obeying the laws of the land and the regulations of the Office. Whatever I see or hear of a confidential nature, or what is confided in me in my official capacity, will be kept ever secret unless revelation is necessary in the performance of duty.
I will not act officiously or permit personal feelings, prejudices, animosities or friendships to influence my decisions. With no compromise, I will enforce the law courteously and appropriately without fear or favor, malice or ill will, never employing unnecessary force or violence, and never accepting gratuities.
I recognize the badge of my office as a symbol of public faith, and I accept it as a public trust to be held so long as I am true to the ethics of my calling. I will constantly strive to achieve these objectives and ideals, dedicating myself before God to my chosen profession. For More on issues and concerns click here
Michael (Mike) Van Dyke – “My vision for Robertson County is to have the safest county in the country where you can raise a family, work, shop, play, and retire. I am dedicated to tackling the issues that threaten that vision. I know it is about the working relationships with our citizens, partnering law enforcement agencies, local business leaders, and other organizations with a vested interest. I believe I have developed many of those relationships and have the ability to expand on what we have built. The sheriff’s office needs to continue our team’s mission of enhancing and protecting the quality of life for our citizens. My vision is to continue planning for the growth of our county, always looking for ways to be more effective and efficient, concentrating on providing high quality services, and being good stewards of tax dollars. We have been very active in the community and I want to see our team continue to focus on maintaining and building community relationships and partnerships. With many members of my family being educators, I highly value our co-operative relationship with our school system and want to see us continue our expansion of the School Resource Officer Division until all schools are covered. I know that getting assistance to young children can positively change their future ultimately changing our county’s future for the greater good.” Michael Van Dyke. For More
Robertson County Clerk
(5 choices – 1 will be elected)
Darrell A Denton Awaiting Announcement.
Angie Holt Groves – For Robertson County Clerk
“I am excited to begin this endeavor to be the next clerk “for the people” of Robertson County.”
* Lifelong resident of Robertson County
* Born and raised in Adams, TN
* Graduated from Jo Byrns
* Attended Austin Peay State University
* Graduated from the Robertson County Leadership 2000 class
* Graduated from the Robertson County Citizens Police Academy
* Married to Joe Groves for 14 years
* Mom to Carleigh and step-mom to Aleisha and Chandler.
* I previously was a member of the Adams United Methodist Church where I served as Assistant Treasurer and Vacation Bible School Co-director. I am currently an active member of Hopewell Baptist Church.”
“This is my first time running for office. I am not a politician; instead, I want to be a community leader. I will work hard for the citizens of Robertson County. I was raised to know how important it is to work hard and strive to do your best in every situation.”
“I have worked for the United States Postal Service for 22 years, I started my career in Orlinda, TN and then moved to the Adams, TN post office. I have serviced a rural route where I am no stranger to hard work. I want to use my friendly, organized, efficient work history in our County Clerk’s office.”
“I believe in treating others as I want to be treated. I have provided customer service to over 500 households a day, while being sure each delivery was treated like it was my own. I will bring that same effort to the Clerk’s Office. I know no one is happy to give away there money. I will do my best to provide superior customer service while you are giving your hard earned money to the Clerk’s Office.”
If Elected:
“I will work closely with the Trustee’s office to get a kiosk set up in a high traffic area in our county. This would allow you to purchase your automobile license, pay taxes, etc. at a location you already visit eliminating making a special trip to the Robertson County Office Building. This will also alleviate congestion and long lines during certain times each month.”
“I would like to make the Clerk’s Office website more user friendly. It has numerous forms that can be printed and completed prior to coming to the office. I hope to provide more clarity on the website so that each citizen that visits the site to retrieve the necessary form(s) will know exactly what other documentation may be needed prior to visiting the Clerk’s Office. This will reduce wait time in the Clerk’s Office and eliminate multiple visits due to not having the proper documentation required.”
I am asking for your vote to be the next Robertson County Clerk.
More information:
Email inquires should be directed to [email protected]
Steve Haley – After much discussion with my family and friends and careful consideration, I am seeking your support to be the next Clerk of Robertson County.
Having been a member of the County Commission for 12 years representing District 11 and serving on numerous committees, including the County Personnel Committee, Sanitation Committee, General Committee, Legislative Committee, Education Committee Chair, Animal Control, Joint Economic and Community Development Board as well as Pro Tem (Vice Mayor) of the Commission, I have the experience, integrity and knowledge necessary to serve the residents of Robertson County.
As a first-generation college graduate from Austin Peay State University, I have always been interested in helping the scholars of Robertson County pursue higher education. This passion led me to serve on the board of the Robertson County Scholarship Foundation for over 10 years. This Foundation awards scholarships to our deserving high school Seniors. I have also just completed my second term on the Board of the Robertson County Players where I served as Treasurer and I am also a member of the Springfield Rotary Club where I am a Paul Harris Fellow.
I am married to the former Elaine Cook who has been Director of Music and Education at Springfield First United Methodist Church for over 25 years. I began the “Salt and Light” Sunday School Class where I have taught for 20 years and I am also a member of the Springfield Camp of Gideons International.
Born in Springfield and raised in nearby Guthrie, Kentucky, Springfield is where my wife and I chose to raise our two children, Timothy David and Sarah Kathryn. Both of our children attended and graduated from the Springfield school cluster and both are graduates of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.
I graduated from Austin Peay State University with a Bachelor of Science degree in History and teaching endorsements in Economics and Geography and with a Secondary Teaching Certificate and entered the business world as a Sales Representative with RJR/Nabisco where i was named Sales Rep of the Year in 1992 for the Nashville North Sales team. In 1997, I joined PL Marketing as a Retail Sales Representative and am now a Retail Manager managing 4 full-time reps directly and 85 part-time reps indirectly. I am also a member of the Robertson County Chamber of Commerce.
In the coming months, I look forward to meeting you and discussing our county’s future, and I ask for your support to be your next Robertson County Clerk. Your vote for Steve Haley will be a vote for knowledgeable, consistent, dedicated service with mindful consideration for the needs of all Robertson County residents served by the Clerk’s office.
Ray Hart – Ray Hart formally announces his candidacy for Robertson County Clerk:
Times change – people change, but honesty and integrity never go out of style. Serving in the Marines as a young man, I learned many things; dignity, respect and a willingness to serve. As a business man with Malone & Hyde/Dean Foods for 25+ years, I learned how to control costs, cut spending and focus on customer satisfaction. If elected as your County Clerk, it is my intention to bring all of these things to your County Clerk office. When you come to the County Clerk office, you will find me there. I will keep regular office hours and will not ask anything of my staff that I would not ask of myself. For the last twenty years, my normal work week has consisted of 50+ hours. I am no stranger to hard work and dedication to my job. It is also one of my goals to make the County Clerk Office a pleasant office in which to conduct business, and to make your transactions as effortless as possible, while complying with state regulations.
My wife of 38 years, Sherry Brown Hart, and I are lifelong residents of Robertson County, and we reside in Springfield, Tennessee. We have 2 children and 3 grandchildren. Our son, Benton, is a graduate of Cumberland University and is currently employed with Hendersonville Fire Dept. He is married to Keyna Elder Hart, and they have 2 children. Our daughter, Raeanna, is also a graduate of Cumberland University and is an RN at Centennial’s Frist Clinic. She and my future son-in-law, Nic Norris, will marry in June and they have one child. My family and I are active members of Greenbrier First Baptist Church.
I am excited about the thought of a new career. I would be interested to hear any of your suggestions or ideas as well. Please feel free to call me at 615-289-2632 or leave a post on my Facebook/fan page.
I am asking each and every one of you for your vote and support. I look forward to meeting as many of you as possible throughout this summer in preparation for the upcoming election. Thank you in advance for your consideration and support as you cast your ballot, whether by early voting, beginning July 13, 2018, or on Election Day, August 2, 2018. More
Semper Fi
Jamie Lynn Cope Thompson – A native of Robertson County, Jamie Lynn Cope Thompson, would like to officially announce her candidacy for Robertson County Clerk. I am determined and driven with diverse experience in various public service-oriented environments. My main-focus is to be effective and efficient to all citizens of Robertson County. I am trustworthy, ethical and committed to superior customer service and proven excellence.
Paul Thompson and I have been married for over 14 years and we have two daughters, Chloe and Abby.
Department of Treasury – TCRS Investment Accounting
– Daily and monthly reconciliations for TCRS (Tennessee Consolidated Retirement System), BEST (Baccalaureate Education System Trust), COE (Chairs of Excellence), Lottery for Education and LGIP (Local Government Investment Pool) activity from custodian bank to general ledger.
– Analyzed daily cash projections for investment retirement accounts and allocations for daily investing.
Department of Treasury – TCRS Investment Operations
– Oversaw settlement of securities and cash movement for TCRS, as of 2011, estimated pension fund of $33 billion dollars.
– Implemented and maintained compliance and investment policies as well as standards of professional conduct between TCRS, registered SEC (Securities and Exchange Commissioner) state authorized brokers and the TN Ethics Commission.
– Real Estate Investment and Venture Capital Firms.
Department of Tourist Development – Communications, Marketing and Sales
– Has experience working with the following state agencies: Departments of Agriculture, Economic and Community Development, Environment and Conservation (State Parks), General Services, Revenue and Transportation.
– Reconciled and maintained departmental spending plan each fiscal year in conjunction with reporting expenditures for financial reporting.
– Worked with Chambers of Commerce and Convention and Visitor Bureaus in all 95 counties within the State of Tennessee.
– Served as project manager for the Ring of Fire Trail, one of 16 trails in the Discover TN Trails and Byways initiative launched in 2009 under Governor Phil Bredesen’s administration with continued support under Governor Bill Haslam’s administration.
– As the Senior Tourism Group Sales Manager, I work daily with the tourism sales team to manage and support group sales efforts in representing Grand Ole Opry, Ryman Auditorium, Opry City Stage and Ole Red.
– Pursue and negotiate group accounts as well as develop and implement sales and marketing strategies associated with the group market.
– Research, analyze, and monitor financial, technological and demographic factors to target and capitalize group market opportunities. JW Robertson, Treasurer
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Robertson County Commissioners
*Robertson County is governed by a 24-member county commission, two commissioners from each of 12 districts, based on population.
If you are unsure of your District, see the back of your voter registration card or call the Election Commission, (615) 384-5592.
County legislative Body, District 1 (MAP)
(3 choices – 2 will be elected)
Scott Ballard – My name is Scott Ballard, and I am seeking election as County Commissioner for District 1. My life has been dedicated to public service. I have been a teacher, coach, and a minister for 26 years. I am currently a teacher in the Robertson County school system and the preacher for the Birdwell’s Chapel Church of Christ. I believe morality and integrity should be and are the foundations of our county. I believe the residents of our county are concerned with their families, their homes, their businesses, and their quality of life. As county commissioner I vow to protect these things. As an educator and the father of three school-age children, I am a strong supporter of our public school system; this includes students, teachers, and administrators. My wife and I have been married for 18 years and have lived in Robertson County for 15 years. I humbly ask for your support and vote for County Commissioner for District 1.
Tommy Jackson
My name is Tommy Jackson and I am seeking re-election as a County Commissioner in District 1.
As a native of Robertson County, I have lived and worked in District 1 for 40 years. For 36 years I have been dedicated to serving this community thru Emergency Medical, Fire & Rescue services. Since 2010, I have served on the County Commission representing District 1.
I look forward to continuing to represent District 1 as we look to the future to maintain our hometown atmosphere while facing the potential growth of our area. Schools, local jobs and maintaining the safety of our homes & families will continue to be a top priority for me during this next term. Due to the increase in our rural population, I support the updating our solid waste convenience centers and adding more hours of operation at each location.
I want to thank you for allowing me to serve and appreciate your continued support.
Willis Jepson – My name is Willis Jepson. I am running for County Commission in District 1. I am a lifelong resident of the Orlinda community. I am a farmer so I live and work in District 1.
My children attend East Robertson Elementary School where they are receiving an excellent primary education. My wife Brittany, our children and I are members of Life Center Church in Cross Plains. My wife works for NorthCrest Hospital.
We lead busy lives both working and living in Robertson County. We love our community and its close knit bonds of friendship. Neighbors still check on neighbors here and help friends in need. I can understand why people want to move into our community. The opportunity of economic and population growth brings unique challenges to rural communities like ours. I want our community to attract and maintain good paying jobs that translate into a better standard of living for everyone in Robertson County. I think it is important for our County Government and Leadership to have a calculated plan for how we will handle the future population growth in our county.
Who wouldn’t want to live and work in our wonderful county? We simply cannot build now and figure out how to pay for additional services later. How we plan for growth now will directly affect the standard of living for Robertson County residents in the future. We need to have a revenue plan in place as more houses are built and new industry comes to our county to pay for the future needs of our county. Housing developments lead to building additional schools and providing more safety services from our Fire and Law Enforcement Departments.
Who should pay for these services? I don’t think asking residents, many of whom are lifelong, to pay higher property taxes to provide services to new developments is a sustainable answer to this question. We need to be open minded and create forward looking sustainable revenue solutions to our growth opportunities.
I would appreciate your vote in August!
Willis Jepson
County legislative Body, District 2 (MAP)
(2 to be elected)
Don Eden Awaiting Announcement.
Keith Hoover Awaiting Announcement.
Smokey Barn News (Advertisement)
County legislative Body, District 3 (MAP)
(2 to be elected)
Patsi Gregory – My name is Patsi Gregory and I am a candidate for County Commissioner for the Third District of Robertson County. am honored to have served as County Commissioner for this district for thirteen years and am asking for the opportunity to continue to serve in this capacity. Our county is facing several challenges and most of these are the result of the population growth we are experiencing. My vision for the next four years is to be able to maintain our agricultural heritage and our quality of life while balancing the needs that have been created because of this growth.
The close proximity of our county to both I-65 and I-24 has encouraged people from surrounding counties to make Robertson County their home. As this growth will continue it is important to elect a Commissioner who understands the decisions to be made need to reflect the diversity that now characterize our county. I have the honor of representing people born and raised in Robertson County and still living on the land owned by their grandparents and at the same time representing those who have only been in our county for a short period of time. I represent young couples with small children and retired couples with grandchildren. There is a fine line that exists in balancing the needs of these different groups and this can only be accomplished as we work together. For thirteen years I have asked for your input and listened to your concerns. I have cast my vote only after hearing both sides of the issues. In order to continue to preserve the past while preparing for the future we still need to work together.
I’m asking you for your vote for County Commissioner for District Three on August 2. Thanks so much for your support!
Eric Roberts – My name is Eric Roberts. I am a 30 year resident of Robertson County. I work in the collision repair business in this county and have raised a family here. Now, I’m thrilled to see my grandchildren being raised here as well.
For the past 4 years, I have served as District 3 County Commissioner. During this time I have learned how county government operates and am still learning. During the past 4 years, I have had the privilege to serve on the Law Enforcement, Building and Grounds, Animal Control and Beverage Committees . I have enjoyed representing the citizens of District 3 – those I already knew, and those I’ve met over the past 4 years. I look forward to and appreciate the opportunity to serve this community for another 4 years and want to thank each and every one for their vote of confidence to serve again.
County legislative Body, District 4 (MAP)
(2 to be elected)
Ervin Brown Awaiting Announcement.
Dennis Wade Awaiting Announcement.
Smokey Barn News (Advertisement)
County legislative Body, District 5 (MAP)
(2 to be elected)
Jeffrey L De Long – Hello, My name is Jeff DeLong and I am running for Alderman Ward 2 in Greenbrier and also running for Robertson County Commissioner.
I am a long time resident of Greenbrier. A family man with a wife and 3 children, 11 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. I am a member of Ebenezer Baptist Church where I serve as Deacon and Sunday school director. I recently retired from the Tennessee Army National Guard where I served 34 years including 2 deployments Operation Southern Watch and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
I have served as Alderman for 12 years. I own and operate a service business in Greenbrier. My life has been dedicated to serve. I know the struggles of working everyday trying hard to raise a family. I know what it is like when one flat tire or a dead battery can set you back and cause something else not to be paid, I have been there I also know what it is like for a small business owner to try to survive with all the regulations and rules. I believe that a person that works hard should be rewarded not regulated.
I am running for both County Commissioner and Alderman because I feel like I will be able to take Greenbrier Concerns to the County as well as bring more understanding from the County back to Greenbrier. My family has had 3 generations graduate Greenbrier schools and a 4th started this year. I care about this city and will always do my best to put the will of the citizens 1st and would appreciate your support.
Frank Spain – 1975 Graduate of Greenbrier High School B.S. in Business and M.S. in Mechanical Engineering from Trinity College. Surgeon’s Assistant at TriStar Hendersonville Medical Center. Santa Claus at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital for the past 9 years.
Married to Joy Freeland Spain for 41 years. Joy is Food Service Manager at Westside Elementary School. 2 sons, Chad (deceased) and Matthew, 24 years old and a Corrections Officer with the Robertson County Sheriff’s Department.
As a lifelong resident of Robertson County, I am concerned about the same things YOU are concerned about. I want to bring new ideas and a fresh perspective to the Commission. I want to bring YOUR ideas. I will make myself available to you, the citizens of District 5 and I will LISTEN to you.
Please support me with your vote on August 2nd, and let’s make. Great County even better!
County legislative Body, District 6 (MAP)
(2 to be elected)
Stacey Moore Awaiting Announcement.
Randy Wilson Awaiting Announcement.
County legislative Body, District 7
(5 choices – 2 will be elected)
Jeff Ayers Awaiting Announcement.
Ronnie Carter Awaiting Announcement.
Zollie Rose – Dear People of Robertson County, My name is Zollie Rose, and I am running for the office of County Commissioner of District Seven. I am a man who knows what is going on within this county. I pay attention to the news. I read the County Commission Minutes, and in my opinion a lot more can be done at these meetings. When someone is elected it is their responsibility to work towards the concerns of those whom they represent.
I am not just words. I am action. The entire time in which I have lived in Robertson County I have often heard complaints about road conditions. If elected I will address this issue.
Another problem is crime. While it is not rampant throughout all of Robertson County, it will spread if it is not addressed. I plan on supporting our law enforcement as much as possible, and begin to allocate more funding for them. I do not believe in putting off what can be accomplished now.
A third concern is the sense of community in Robertson County. Robertson County is full of kind, loving, hard working people. Yet their are those that would like to divide us. I wish to bring about more community events that the people of Robertson County will enjoy, and that will bring about a greater sense of pride in our county, state, and country.
I want the people of Robertson County to know that I can get the job done. Many people may consider us as only numbers, but I realize that we are people that have friends and family. We are more than numbers. When you vote please remember that a vote for me is a vote for Robertson County.
Bob Stroud – My name of course is Bob Stroud, and I am a life long resident of Cedar Hill. I am running for my second term as a County Commissioner for the 7th district that includes Adams, Cedar Hill, Stroudsville, and some of the Barren Plains communities. In my first term as a Commissioner I served on the Law Enforcement committee, Solid Waste committee, EMS committee, and the Zoning Appeals Board. I have enjoyed serving and appreciate the trust of my neighbors to represent them in county government.
Mark Tillman Jr – Hi, this is Mark Tillman Jr and I am running for one of the two County commissioner seats in the 7th district of Robertson County. I am a 2004 graduate of Jo Byrns and a 2008 graduate of the University of Tennessee. I am a farmer and a proud husband and father of 4.
I am a devout Christian and a member of Mt Carmel United Methodist Church in Clarksville. I am a member of the Red River Lodge #537 F&AM in Adams. I have been volunteering with youth sports in our area for the last 6 years and I have been an assistant basketball coach at Jo Byrns for the last 3 years.
I would like to thank those who signed my petition and those who have supported me to this point. It would be an honor and a privilege to represent the fine folks of our district and help continue the embetterment of our great county. I would appreciate your vote for district 7 County commissioner in this 2018 election.
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County legislative Body, District 8
(3 choices – 2 will be elected)
Bubba Dorris – I would like to ask the people of District 8 to help Re-elect me (Bubba Dorris) this August. Myself, along with my wife Vicky and my dog Casey, will be out knocking on doors so be sure to look for us and say hi. I have enjoyed the past eight years in office and ask for your help so I can do more for others in our county. With that thought in mind, I’m once again asking for your vote this August.
I was born in Springfield and have lived in Robertson County all my life. As a group, we work hard to spend your hard earned tax money in a frugal and wise manner. Over the years in office, I have learned that there is no way to make everyone happy but I always have an ear for those who ask me to listen. Like many of you, I too have made an investment in Robertson County. Through my firm VTK dumpsters, my wife Vicky and I face the same struggles as you and I know the role that a properly run government can play in the community. Thank you, and I look forward to serving you again in the next term.
Albert Fuqua Awaiting Announcement.
Faye Stubblefield – My name is Faye Stubblefield. I am running for Robertson County Commissioner in the District 8 voting district. It has been an honor to serve the people of my district for the past eight years. I have served and continue to serve on various committees including the EMS, Financial Investment, Delinquent Tax and Budget Committees. I have studied, investigated and reported on many issues and voted the way I felt was in the best interest of the people I serve and our county.
I have been married to Cecil Stubblefield for 50 years. We have two children and two grandchildren. I am on the Finance Committee of my church, President of the Cross Plains Community Chamber and Co-Founder/Co-Chair of the Kilgore Station Bluegrass Festival and Antique Tractor Show. I work for The Farmers Bank as a Marketing Assistant.
I ask for and appreciate your vote. Remember when you go to vote, I am the last name on the list for District 8, Thank you.
County legislative Body, District 9
(2 to be elected)
Stephanie Couts Bradley – Stephanie Couts Bradley has announced her candidacy for the County Commission representing District 9. A lifelong resident of Robertson County, she is a graduate of Springfield High School and MTSU. She was the National Collegiate 4-H intern in Washington D.C. She has been an active volunteer with Willow Oak Center for Arts & Learning, CASA, United Way, Girl Scouts and the Robertson County Chamber of Commerce Volunteer of the Year. She is also active in the Federation of Women and Women’s Outreach clubs. At the requests of teachers, she has taught food nutrition classes to high school students.
“My emphasis will be on education and economic development. I will support progressive measures that will improve the lives of all people in our community. I pledge to you to always be fair, honest and open.”
Robert (Bob) Hogan
Awaiting Announcement.
County legislative Body, District 10
(2 to be elected)
Burton D Glover Awaiting Announcement.
William H (Bill) Moore Awaiting Announcement.
County legislative Body, District 11
(3 choices – 2 will be elected)
Michael J Ellis Mike Ellis Focuses on Improving Schools in Re-election Bid For Robertson County
Commission 11th District
Focusing on providing a better education for Robertson County students, incumbent Mike Ellis has announced his candidacy for County Commissioner in the 11th District.
Ellis, who has served on the School Board, cites his extensive experience as evidence he is the best qualified candidate to upgrade educational opportunities for the district’s youngsters.
“I know what’s needed and how to get it done,” Ellis said. “I’ve served a term on the school board and have a very good relationship with the director and his staff. I know what can be done and what can’t.”
Ellis pointed out that the school budget is about two-thirds of the county’s total budget, and the economic future of the county is tied to the quality of the schools. “The ability to attract new businesses and the desirability of building or buying a home here are both dependent on the quality of our schools,” he said.
Ellis said several large tracts of land in the district have been considered and turned down for development because they are a long way from high schools. “That affects every piece of property in the district and the county,” he said.
Ellis pointed out that the children in the eleventh district attend ten different county schools and six private schools. “Until recently, our district had the oldest schools in the county,” he said.
“I’ve been promised that Coopertown Elementary School will move the 4th and 5th graders back to the elementary school when remodeling is completed. I hope I’m able to keep working to make sure that happens.”
Ellis had a long career working in the Federal Government for the Social Security Administration. He also had several other jobs which afforded the opportunity to live in various locations around the country.
“All that experience helped me develop my ability to talk to and work with various government agencies and their employees,” he said.
A long-time resident of Robertson County, Ellis graduated from Coopertown High School in its last class before the school was closed in the end of the 1964 school year. He graduated from Austin Peay University in 1968 and became an employee of the U.S. Social Security Department three days later on July15, 1968. That was the same day he met his future wife, with whom he will celebrate his 50th wedding anniversary in November. He has one grandchild, who is a junior at Springfield High.
“I’ve lived in Robertson County most of my life and in Springfield several years. I know the district well.” He has managed and operated the Ellis family farm near Sandy Springs, where he currently resides, since the death of his father in an auto accident in 1965.
Billy Kevin Gray – Gray seeks re-election.
Billy Kevin Gray is announcing his candidacy for election as County Commissioner of the 11th District of Robertson County in the Aug. 2 Election.
Gray 54, previously served as County Commissioner in the 11th and 9th Districts of Robertson County for more than 24 years. Experience matters when it comes to education, economic development and the quality of life of our citizens and as your voice on the County Commission these issues will continue to be a priority for Gray. These priorities include Gray’s support of the renovation and rebuilding project at Coopertown Elementary School.
Gray was honored to serve beside his father, Billy B. Gray, on the Robertson County Commission for many years. Learning to lead through his father’s example is something Gray will keep close to his heart and will use to guide his decisions on the County Commission.
Gray’s experience includes serving on the following County Commission committees: nominating, landfill, ambulance, fire and safety. Gray is a retired career State employee and is currently employed at Lowe’s in Springfield. His political career includes serving as the Robertson County campaign coordinator for former Governor Ned Ray McWherter.
Gray is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Billy B. Gray, married for 26 years to Patricia Gray and has three grandchildren, Michael, Evan and Riley.
Billy Riley – Local farmer Billy Joe Riley seeks election on the 2018 ballot as your Robertson County Commissioner 11th District. Billy Joe and his 2 brothers, Randy and Bobby Clay have farmed the fertile soil of north-western Robertson County known as “Sadlersville” since they were boys taking strong initiative from their Mom and Dad, Joan and Bill Riley. Farming through the 80’s brought the realization of the importance of diversity within the family farming operation to stay productive and profitable. Billy Joe brings the ethics of hard work and a true love for Robertson County to grow stronger and more productive as the county realizes the growth at hand. Better job opportunities create a more stable environment for families, more local support of small business growth, greater tax collection for Robertson County to secure education opportunities and roads to service the community. All of the above could be accomplished with better and more supportive communication between the 11 municipalities our county holds. Let’s communicate with the people to make the best better.
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County legislative Body, District 12(MAP)
(4 choices – 2 will be elected)
James G Bowens Awaiting Announcement.
Lester N Woodard Awaiting Announcement.
Thomas Woodard – Greetings All! My name is Thomas “Tommy” Woodard. Let me take this opportunity to introduce myself to those of you whom I have never had the pleasure of meeting or interacting with. Again, my name is Thomas Woodard, but you can call me Tommy. I am seeking your vote for the 12th District seat of the County Legislative Body. I would love the opportunity to be a voice for District 12. I am open and receptive to input from all concerning new growth opportunities that many areas of Robertson County are long overdue for.
I have lived in Springfield (Robertson County) Tennessee for over 42 years. My wife, Jo Ann, and I have enjoyed raising our children, grandchildren, and now great grandchildren here in the Robertson County area. I worked for Unarco Material Handling, Inc. for 37 years before retiring. I attend and am a very active, long-standing member of Banks Chapel United Methodist Church currently under the leadership of Pastor R. Stephens.
I proudly served my country as a member of the United States Army and was honorably discharged. And as a service member, I realize that service is a lifelong duty. Along with the help of my district and other County Constituents, I would like to put my service to work for my community and county as a representative for our district; District 12.
Help me to help us all become a better, more vibrant community and county. Let’s work together for a better District 12, a better Robertson County, Tennessee.
Please consider me as your candidate to help move our beautiful area forward. When you go to vote, remember that you have a voice and I am willing to help you get your voice heard. Let’s work together!
August 2nd, 2018, please cast your vote for Thomas “Tommy” Woodard, District 12 Representative. I would greatly appreciate it.
Darrell Woodard Awaiting Announcement.
Are you running for any elected position within Robertson County? Submit your announcement of 500 words or less and a photo to [email protected] and it will be added to this column. A link for more information may be included.
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Circuit Court Clerk
Lisa Cavendar – Current Circuit Court Clerk
Awaiting Announcement.
Kendra Shepard Shelton – I am Kendra Shelton, and I have been blessed to serve as your County Trustee for the last four years. I have three fantastic staff members and we are eagerly looking forward to serving you for at least four more years… and then some, I hope.
When I took office in 2014, we began accepting partial payments of any size and amount which has proven to be very helpful to our customers. In March of this year, we began accepting prepayments for those who prefer to pay year round or as they have funds available. When the bills are mailed in October, these prepayments will be applied to the amount due, and an updated notice will be sent showing the remaining balance due. The remainder will have to be paid by February 28th to avoid interest, just as all other taxpayers do.
Our future plan is to be able to offer a bank draft option so that those who want to prepay on a regular basis can have their chosen amount drafted from a bank account. Then they would not have to mail or bring the payment to the office. This plan must be approved by the state before we can begin implementation, but we will work toward this option.
We have thankfully secured valuable interest rates for the County funds including an insured cash sweep account, certificates of deposit, and various accounts at multiple local banks and the Local Government Investment Pool. We work closely with the County Finance Department as well as the Assessor, Register of Deeds, and Chancery Court on a regular basis.
We strive to notify taxpayers of the State’s tax relief program as well as the tax freeze program offered by our County. The State tax relief program is for the elderly and disabled with income less than $29,180 for this past year as well as for total and permanent service related disabled veterans or widow(er) with no income limit. Qualified participants are eligible for the State to pay a portion of their taxes. The amount changes each year as well as the income limit. We will not know those details until October.
The tax freeze program is for applicants age 65 or older who had income less than $35,460 in 2017. We must verify the applicant’s income each year in order to maintain participation in the program. Those who qualify for the program have their tax amount frozen so that if there is a tax rate increase, they do not have to pay the additional amount. We look forward to working with as many of these applicants as possible. If any of you have questions about the program, you may contact our office at your convenience.
I am always available to talk to anyone who has questions or suggestions as related to the Trustee office. Please call or come by anytime. Thank you for allowing me to serve you.
Register Of Deeds
Connie Y Stroud – (Current Register Of Deeds) The Register’s general duties have always been to record various types of legal instruments and transactions, particularly those conveying title to land. The entire recording process takes place at each workstation.
As you can see, the responsibility that the legislature has given the Register of Deeds is very important. Nearly every citizen will invest in a home or land at some point in their lives.
Most of the time, it will be the largest investment these citizens ever make. Therefore, the integrity of these records is extremely important. Because of the importance of the recording and maintaining of these vital records, the Register of Deeds is an elected position and each term is four years.
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City of Greenbrier Alderman Ward 1
(2 choices – 1 elected)
Billy Ray Dorris – My name is Billy Ray Dorris I am running for ward one alderman in Greenbrier. I have served for the past four years. I have been married to Lisa Dorris for 37 years we have four children; Landon , Bryan , Brent and Autumn along with seven grandchildren, two great grand children.
I have worked at Berry Plastic ( Old DuPont ) for 47 years. I served as Tennessee Dixie boys baseball state director from 2004 to 2016 which consisted of handling over a 100 teams across Tennessee with usually 13 boys to a team. I am a mason, 32 degree Scottish Rite mason and a Shriner also past master of Greenbrier lodge #753.
I look to the future for my children and grandchildren. I want our government to be more transparent and to listen to the people who are paying the bills, balance the budgets and help our citizens. I have no aspirations to seek a higher office. I would like Greenbrier to become a place people would like to move to and raise there children. l have lived here all my life and I love Greenbrier and only want the best for our little city. If re-elected I will be the voice of the people not my personal views.
Ed Moran – Ed Moran is running for Alderman of Ward 1 in Greenbrier, Tn. He currently is seated on three boards for the City of Greenbrier. Vice Chairman of Planning and Zoning, the Beer Board, and the Parks and Recreation Board.
Mr. Moran is a 72 year old retired detective from the Metropolitan Nashville Police Department in Davidson County with commendation and awards. He served the citizens of Davidson County for 34 years before retiring in good standing and considered it an honor to do so.
Mr Moran is an honorably discharged veteran of two branches of military. He served in the regular Air Force and the Army Reserve. He served on the Police Department Credit Union Board of Directors for several years during his tenure at the police department.
He is also a Past Master of Edgefield Lodge #254. He is currently serving as a board member for the Oak Hills golf course in the city of Greenbrier.
Mr. Moran feels that being involved in his community is one way to monitor the growth that will inevitably come to Greenbrier. He feels that good stewardship is the responsibility of all citizens. He is fully aware of the need for fair balance to be struck between the established constituency and newcomers to our town. He thinks all citizens should have a voice in the growth of their city.
He feels that as Nashville has outgrown its boundaries and most of the Eastern, Western, and Southern connecting counties have also exceeded their limits it is only a matter of time till the influx moves North. The growth will come and the important thing will be not to argue the point but to manage it. Growth needs to be appealing and well thought out.
Mr. Moran considers this to be his mission statement. Ed has been married to his wife of 24 years, Terrie Moran, and they have been a part of the Greenbrier community since December 2006. Their plan is to be in their current home and live their lives out in Greenbrier. Ed Moran is asking for your vote for Alderman of Ward 1 in Greenbrier in the upcoming election.
Are you running for any elected position within Robertson County? Submit your announcement of 500 words or less and a photo to [email protected] and it will be added to this column. A link for more information may be included.
City of Greenbrier Alderman Ward 2
(2 choices – 1 elected)
Jeffrey L De Long – Hello, My name is Jeff DeLong and I am running for Alderman Ward 2 in Greenbrier and also running for Robertson County Commissioner.
I am a long time resident of Greenbrier. A family man with a wife and 3 children, 11 grandchildren and 3 great grandchildren. I am a member of Ebenezer Baptist Church where I serve as Deacon and Sunday school director. I recently retired from the Tennessee Army National Guard where I served 34 years including 2 deployments Operation Southern Watch and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
I have served as Alderman for 12 years. I own and operate a service business in Greenbrier. My life has been dedicated to serve. I know the struggles of working everyday trying hard to raise a family. I know what it is like when one flat tire or a dead battery can set you back and cause something else not to be paid, I have been there I also know what it is like for a small business owner to try to survive with all the regulations and rules. I believe that a person that works hard should be rewarded not regulated.
I am running for both County Commissioner and Alderman because I feel like I will be able to take Greenbrier Concerns to the County as well as bring more understanding from the County back to Greenbrier. My family has had 3 generations graduate Greenbrier schools and a 4th started this year. I care about this city and will always do my best to put the will of the citizens 1st and would appreciate your support.
David Edwards Awaiting Announcement.
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City of Greenbrier Alderman Ward 3
(4 choices – 1 elected)
Chris Davis Awaiting Announcement.
Larry Stroup Awaiting Announcement.
Bill Deaver (2 yr) Awaiting Announcement.
Benton Hart (2 yr) Awaiting Announcement.
Republican State Executive Committeeman District 25
(2 choices – 1 elected)
Larry Hillis (R) Awaiting Announcement.
Mary Ann Parks (R) Awaiting Announcement.
Democratic State Executive Committeewoman District 25
(2 choices – 1 elected)
Gentry Allen (D) Awaiting Announcement.
Martha Shephard (D) – “I am Martha Shepard and I am running for Democratic State Executive Committeewoman for the 25th senatorial district that includes Cheatham, Dickson, Hickman, Humphreys and Robertson counties. I am running for re-election and fill that my experience in the past can help further spread our democratic message on this committee. I want to ask you for your vote.
I graduated form Clarksville High School in 1968, attended Austin Peay State University for pre-pharmacy and graduated from UT College of Pharmacy in Memphis in 1973. I married David Shepard in 1974 then we moved to Dickson, TN, his hometown, in 1975. David and I have three grown children and six grandchildren who all live in Dickson County now. All three of my children went to public schools in Dickson and I am proud of that.
I practiced pharmacy for 38 years. I worked in retail and hospital before owning our own pharmacies in Dickson, Lyles and Kingston Springs.
I have been active in the Tennessee Pharmacist Association, my church, Dickson First United Methodist, and various local civic organizations to include Habitat for Humanity. I am currently a docent at our local museum, Clement Railroad Hotel Museum, where I have learned so much more history of all my surrounding counties. Thank-you for your vote this August”, Martha Shepard
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School Board Zone 1
Allan B Heard Awaiting Announcement.
School Board Zone 2
Wendy Bargatze – Educational background: Butler Senior High School graduate,1968
Edinboro (PA) University, graduate, BA,1972
Teaching experience: Murrell Elementary, Metro Nashville, 5 years
Lipscomb Elementary, Williamson Co.,11 years
Woodall Elementary, Robertson Co., 9 years
Married to: Ron Bargatze
Children: Jennifer (45) Shelli (42) Chris (40) Stacey (38) Sarah Anne (33)
I chose to run for the Robertson County School Board because of my lifelong commitment to education. When Stoney Crockett decided that he
would not seek a fifth term as the District 2 representative, and at the urging of several citizens of the community, I accepted the challenge of this campaign.
My primary decision to run for this position is based on my desire to contribute to making Robertson County schools be the best school system possible.
State of Tennessee House Of Representatives
(2 choices – 1 elected)
(Incumbent) Sabi (Doc) Kumar – Thank You Robertson County! State Representative Sabi Doc Kumar MD
Yes, My Friends! I thank you for the honor to serve as your State Representative in the Tennessee Legislature, from District 66 since 2014. I am proud of my service and I wish to continue.
I have served Robertson County as a Surgeon for 40 years! My wife Linda (36 great years!) and I live in Springfield. Our family, along with our daughter Nina, who is an attorney, attends First United Methodist Church in Springfield, where I also teach Sunday School. In addition to my surgical practice, I own a surgical instrument company that sells my patented surgical devices. As the owner of two small businesses, I understand economic issues. I know the value of education in changing lives. I understand healthcare from the perspective of patients, doctors and hospitals.
I ask for Your Vote and Support because:
1. I Have Served the People.
I always respond to calls, messages, emails and letters. It is a habit because, as a surgeon, I have done this for my patients over the last 40 years. I and my staff work to solve problems for you. Life being what it is, not all problems can be solved. When such is the case, we explain why and folks understand.
A particular joy has been to attend all of the eight High School Graduations in Robertson County. I invite students to shadow with me as a Surgeon or as a State Representative. It is a blessing to guide and inspire them.
2. I Have Served The Community.
I was elected to be your State Representative on November 4, 2014. Just ten days later, on November 14, 2014, I met with the TDOT Commissioner. I had not even been sworn in yet! The plans about widening highway 431 and a traffic signal at the junction of highways 49 – 257 have existed for years. I worked to make it happen!
My wife Linda and I have a special place for Veterans in our hearts. We visit, support and honor our Veterans!
3. I Have Served The State.
I have stood for our Common Sense Conservative Values: Love of God, Country and Sanctity of Life. I have worked to lower taxes, improve government, support 2nd Amendment and a balanced budget (Yes!).
4. I Give Back to Our Community.
I donate my Legislative salary and per diem to local causes and civic organizations.
This is my way to give back to a community that has been so kind to me!
5. Looking Ahead
I have set a foundation of trust, friendship, and honesty with citizens and fellow legislators. They seek and value my opinions. My newspaper articles have regularly kept you informed. I have passed and supported meaningful laws.
I must thank my wife Linda and our daughter Nina for their love, support, help — and a little criticism, when necessary!
My Friends, elections are key to our democracy. Please pray for God’s Guidance and think seriously. I ask for your vote and thank you for the trust you have placed in me! God Bless You and Our Nation!
Larry Proffitt – Larry Proffitt, an 8th grade U.S. History teacher, is a husband of 33 years to his loving wife, Lori Ann. Together, they have a son, James Robert. Larry was recruited to Robertson County in 2010 as a teacher. He and Lori have made their home in Greenbrier since 2010. He calls it their own little Mayberry. Larry and Lori Ann love walking through the small town and admiring the beauty of Small Town America.
Larry is a second career educator of 13 years. He believes in the community schools across Robertson County, all of Tennessee, and the students making their journey through Tennessee’s schools. As a matter of fact, Larry believes so much, that he spends all snow days at the General Assembly speaking to legislators about improving our schools in every way possible. This has been his commitment for the past ten years of his life of an educator. He wants every child to have a great public education available to them like the one he received. Education is just that important to him! He believes quality education is the foundation of our republic and its democratic ideals, and his students are the future of that belief.
Unsuccessful running for office in 2016, Larry’s passion leads him to run again because of those educational ideals. He has witnessed four years of a failed investment in multiple standardized testing companies which have cost the taxpayers of Tennessee millions of dollars per year. An archaic practice from the past, standardized testing sorts and compares the students of our state. Students and teachers are pressed into anxiety over constant preparation, security measures, and unexpected adjustments for a once-a-year practice proven unsuccessful. Now, it has been connected to a longitudinal statistical formula which supposedly incorporates every situational event, emotion, or traumatic experience that students and teachers of all school systems will encounter. This is what the futures of those students and teachers are judged upon. Larry feels students and their parents, as well as their educators, deserve better.
He truly believes in Robertson County’s schools and Tennessee’s schools! So, he commits this year to go further and be an example to those that wish for a paradigm shift in the way we look at education. To do that, he is running for House of Representatives in District 66, Robertson County.
State of Tennessee Senate 25th District
(2 choices – 1 elected)
(Incumbent) Kerry Roberts – When you elected me to be your state senator four years ago, you hired me to work for you. Whether teachers dealing with repeated failures of TNReady, single mothers struggling with TennCare, elderly folks losing SNAP EBT cards, veterans trying to claim benefits that have been denied, farmers fighting the EPA, or commuters calling out TDOT for needed road repairs, our office has become the “help desk” for Tennesseans in Robertson, Cheatham, Dickson, Hickman, and Humphreys counties. It’s an honor to serve you.
It’s also an honor to represent you in the General Assembly, where we fight for things that make a difference in the lives of Tennesseans. We passed legislation helping folks get back on their feet by making post-high school education available and affordable to all, waiving initial occupational licensing fees for low income individuals, extending TANF benefits to folks finding work, and giving those who have served their debt to society for past crimes a ‘fresh start’ in the job market.
We passed laws that eliminated many taxes and led to job growth and educational gains. As a result, Tennessee a top business destination in America. Our teachers are doing a phenomenal job, unemployment is at record lows, our debt per capita is among the lowest in the nation, and our credit ratings are excellent. Tennessee is literally the envy of many other states.
We also passed legislation addressing some of our most difficult challenges in Tennessee: sex trafficking, abuse of the elderly, crippling healthcare costs, care for those with disabilities, protecting the life of the unborn, opioid abuse, and welfare fraud.
In Tennessee, Republicans and Democrats often join together to govern with conservative principles. We believe our conservative principles mean we can compassionately take care of our most vulnerable citizens, provide educational opportunities for all Tennesseans, and create an environment where farmers and small businesses flourish IF we keep taxes low, spend wisely, and balance our budget. And we have.
But there is always more to do! There are far too many who have yet to benefit from our growing economy or whose families are torn apart by generational poverty, illiteracy, or addictions. I’m running for re-election to continue working for you.
On November 6, 2018, I’m asking for your vote to continue serving and representing you. Thank you so much – Kerry Roberts
State Senator Kerry Roberts and his wife of 30 years, Dianne, live in Springfield, with their three children. Their children have attended Robertson County public schools. Kerry farms, is a small business owner, and hosts “The Kerry Roberts Show” on AM-1590 WDBL each Monday morning at 7:00 am.
As a Tennessee Senator, Kerry is known for his statesmanship and ability to bring both sides of the aisle together to work on legislation that benefits all Tennesseans. In four short years, he has earned increasing responsibility and now serves as the Chairman of the Calendar Committee (which schedules all legislation) in addition to serving on the Commerce and Labor, Government Operations, and Judiciary committees.
Kerry is a staunch conservative, believing in limited government, personal responsibility, and individual liberty. He has consistently earned high ratings and endorsements from organizations such as Right to Life, the American Conservative Union, The Foundation for Government Accountability, the Tennessee Firearms Association, and the National Rifle Association. His commitment to our constitutional rights is unwavering as is his defense of our most vulnerable citizens, including the unborn.
For more information about Kerry and his family, join Kerry on Facebook at, Twitter at @kerryeroberts, Instagram at @kerryeroberts,, or [email protected].
Wade Munday – Wade Munday is a candidate for State Senate District 25. As Senator, he will work hard to support rural hospitals and health care for the poor through the expansion of Medicaid. As a product of public schools, he understands that a strong public education system benefits our economy and our way of life. He also believes that as the Middle Tennessee region grows, we need to be able to keep up with the demand for housing, utilities, and infrastructure.
The son of a Marine and the grandson of a sharecropper, Wade always had big boots to fill. He learned about hard work from his family. He listened to stories about his grandfather and father working the tobacco fields of Robertson County. He started working on a small farm operation at 15 himself.
Wade grew up in Sumner County, attended Trevecca Nazarene University, and earned a Masters of Divinity degree from Vanderbilt University. He was called to religion and public service thinking that he might become a minister or a missionary. After seeing so many politicians who turn public service into personal service, he decided that women and men like the ones he knew, honest and ethical folks, were the ones who need to run for office. So, he began working on campaigns and elections for ordinary folks across the nation and the state.
Politics hasn’t been everything, though. Wade’s public service includes work at an international pediatric cancer research hospital, the National Health Care for the Homeless Council, and now as the Executive Director of Tennessee Justice for Our Neighbors. Staff attorneys at Justice for Our Neighbors, originally a ministry of the United Methodist Church, help more than 500 victims of human trafficking, war, and domestic violence with humanitarian legal services each year.
Wade was drawn to public service as an Eagle Scout and then became fascinated with other cultures on foreign mission trips to Mexico and Ethiopia. He has traveled extensively throughout the U.S., Latin America, Europe and Africa but calls historic downtown Springfield home.
Wade serves on the board of the Tennessee Alliance for Legal Services and the Tennessee Women’s Political Collaborative. Previously, he has been on the board of the Mary Parrish Center for Victims of Domestic Violence and Tennessee Citizen Action.
He has two children, Eleanor (4) and Ames (almost 2).
Early Voting Begins Friday July 13th thru July 28th
Monday – Thursday 8AM – 4:30PM
Fridays 8Am – 5:30PM
Saturdays 8Am – 12:00 NOON
Robertson County Election Office – 615-384-5592
Robertson County Office Building
513 South Brown St., Room 137
Springfield, TN
Email: [email protected]
VOTING DAY – Thursday, August 2, 2018 at local voting stations. See your voter registration card for your designated voting station.
This is an important election, it will set the direction of Robertson County’s future for years to come, so be sure to vote.
Last Day to Request Absentee Ballot—July 26, 2018
November General/City Elections
Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Your Vote Matters.
Your Vote is your Voice.
Your Vote Can Change The Future of Robertson County.
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