Meet Local Candidates Running For Your Vote Nov. 2020
ROBERTSON COUNTY TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – Meet the candidates running for the Commissioner, Mayor and Aldermen seats that are on the Robertson County ballot this coming November. Cities with open seats on the November ballot include: Adams, Cedar Hill, Springfield, Cross Plains, Millersville, Coopertown, Ridgetop, Orlinda, Portland and White House.
NOTE: Greenbrier elections were just held on the August Ballot
Below you will find the names and official announcements of candidates that are asking for your vote in Robertson County November 2020.
*Announcements are still coming in, so reload this page for updates
Who will be the decision-makers for the future of 10 cities in Robertson County?
Attention CANDIDATES…………..
A sign on a street corner can’t say it all……If you want Robertson County voters to know your name, your face and where you stand on the issues, click here to submit your FREE announcement/photo for candidacy to Smokey Barn News.
Last Day to Register to Vote—October 5, 2020
Online Voter Registration – Click Here
Last Day to Request and Receive Absentee Ballot Request—October 27, 2020
Early Voting Wed., Oct. 14th thru Thurs., Oct. 29th
Wednesday, October 14 – Thursday, October 22, 2020
Monday Thru Thursday 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM
Friday’s 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Saturday’s 8:00 AM – 2:00 PM
Monday, October 26 – Thursday, October 29th, 2020
8:00 AM – 6:00 PM
Location: Robertson County Election Office
513 South Brown Street, Room 137
Springfield, TN 37172
Covid procedures: The elections office will have a separate entrance and exit for voters, a face covering is recommended, but as of right now, Voters do not have to wear one. If you are in the County Building after voting taking care of other business, a face mask is required. Read more
General Election Offices to be elected:
U.S. Senate, U.S. House of Representative and State
Municipal Elections: Offices to be elected are City Commissioners, Mayor and Aldermen

City of Adams Commissioners
Megan P Baird
Send your announcement for candidacy to [email protected]
Donna A Boisseau – Incumbent
Send your announcement for candidacy to [email protected]
Jay Hall
Send your announcement for candidacy to [email protected]

City Of Cedar Hill Commissioners
John C Edwards
Hello, my name is John Edwards and I’m running for Cedar Hill City Commissioner. I’ve been blessed to be an entrepreneur for nearly a decade by helping individuals with disabilities achieve competitive employment. Also during that time, I have served on various boards for nonprofits and community organizations, including as past President of Crime Stoppers of Springfield & Robertson County and currently serve on the Advisory Board for the Tennessee Rehabilitation Center In Clarksville. The biggest blessings and titles I hold are: Follower of Jesus Christ, Husband & Father.
Over the last year, I’ve worked tirelessly to bring our community together through events such as the Cedar Hill Farmers Market and by spearheading efforts to bring in new food options that have been provided by a constant schedule of food trucks. We’ve also greatly reduced litter and trash from our community, which has been one of the most mentioned concerns by our residents.
I’ve sought feedback from our residents and will be targeting those areas where our citizens have concerns such as: trash and litter in our community, lack of community events and concerns about crime in our area. We will resolve these issues with a plan I’ve called the “Fulfill Cedar Hill” initiatives. Some of the pillars of the plan include:
Creating responsible growth to ensure we are bringing in the right growth to increase the ease of access to goods to increase the quality of life in our community and to raise property values. This would also bring in needed tax revenue which can be utilized for community improvements, community involvement and infrastructure expenditures such as paving roads, replacing street signs and park improvements.
Cleaning up our community and reducing litter and run down properties that are in an unsafe condition and that pose a safety or health risk such as overgrown lots or houses that are past repair.
Reducing crime through a renewed focus on utilizing community watch programs and by establishing a block by block watch program where citizens can report criminal activity and we can pass that information along to the appropriate party to not only reduce crime but to drive it out of our community. I’d also like to look at partnering with law enforcement to increase presence in our city.
Community events and activities are sorely missed and needed in our community to not only give our families and residents something to do but to also build the community we’ll need to support future businesses. I’ve made this a priority with all the events we’ve organized lately and I’m even more excited to see the future ones we’ll have as well.
These are just a few things I’m looking to focus on but If you were to look at the core of why I’m running then I think you’d find the heart of a servant who wants to make our community better and improve the lives of those who call Cedar Hill home. It is with that in mind, that I’d be grateful for your vote for City Commissioner for our great city of Cedar Hill.
Jenna L Traughber
Send your announcement for candidacy to [email protected]

City Of Cross Plains Commissioners
Daniel Chaney – Incumbent
Send your announcement for candidacy to [email protected]
Jimmy Stark – Incumbent
Send your announcement for candidacy to [email protected]

Mayor Town Of Coopertown
Glen Guyor – Incumbent
Glen Guyor – Incumbent Glen Guyor announces that he is seeking re-election as the Mayor for the Town of Coopertown on November 3, 2020.
The Town offers our citizens police protection, fire protection, maintain/repair roads, and building code enforcement.
I. Police Protection –
a. In 2020, according to Safewise the Town of Coopertown is the 2nd safest City/Town in all of Tennessee (
b. Increased the size of the police force to match the upcoming growth. Chief Haley, Sgt. Parker, and officer King are EMT trained which is critical when being the first responders to emergencies. The Town has its first detective as Mr. Jackson has been promoted recently. I am proud for all the work that they all have done for our community. (
II. Fire Protection –
a. Negotiated (2) three year – Pleasant View Volunteer Fire Department contracts (2016-2019 and 2020-2022). (
b. With the help of the alderman, the Town is contributing over a 7-year period $350,000 toward the purchase of a quint ladder truck that started July 2020. Shared total cost $1.1 million.
III. Road Repair –
a. Upgraded equipment with a hot box and roller (packer) to deliver hot asphalt which is a more durable patch vs. cold patch. (
b. With Governor Lee’s State of Tennessee Grant giving back to the local governments, the Town will receive on July 31, 2020 a grant for $130,500. 100% of this grant will go into the paving projects for 2020-2021. Hopefully, after this summer/fall paving project approximately 10 miles will be resurfaced in the past 4-years. ( and (
Glen is a 1983 graduate of Ole Main High School in North Little Rock, Arkansas. Also, he earned his degree in Bachelor of Science in Industrial Technology Engineering at Southern Illinois University.
He still serves on the Planning Commission for the Town and has done so since 2010. In 2014, he was elected Alderman Ward 2 until he resigned in 2016 when elected Mayor. Dr. Kevin Davis completed his 2 years that were remaining.
He has attended the annual community planning courses to earn credits in order to be able to serve on the planning commission. As an elected official, he has completed both MTAS (UT) – Newly Elected Official Training I and II.
I am a member of the Greater Nashville Regional Council (GNRC) and have on-hand knowledge of Nashville/Davidson Co. growth that is spilling over into the neighboring Cities/Counties. Also, I attend the quarterly Executive and Regular Joint Economic and Community Development Board on what’s happening across Robertson Co. In October 2017, I attended the S.E.US/Japan Conference in Greenville, South Carolina. I was the only Town Mayor in Robertson Co. that attended the interview process for the new Robertson County School Director. In 2012, as planning commission secretary assisted in the Robertson County Comprehensive Growth and Development Plan with emphasis on the Town of Coopertown.
Glen is a member of the Coopertown Men’s Club.
Glen and his lovely wife, Susanna Payne Guyor reside in Oak Pointe since March 2006.
I am proud to serve our citizens in the Town of Coopertown to make it a better and safer place to live. I always listen to the citizens and available 24/7. The Town is debt free and feel like my work is not complete. I would appreciate your vote and continued support at the Tuesday, November 3, 2020 ballot or the early voting period is Wednesday, October 14, 2020 thru Thursday, October 29, 2020. Learn more here.
Becca Werner
Becca Werner has been a resident and business owner in Coopertown for 16 years. Her love of this community started from the first moment she visited Coopertown 17 years ago. “From the moment we got off the interstate, we felt like we could just breathe better. The green fields and beautiful homes we saw coming down Highway 49 …we just knew that we wanted to live here. Once we learned about the history of this community, well that made me love it even more.”
Becca has a strong management background stemming from her time in the healthcare industry as well as her role as co-owner and Vice President of the company she runs with her husband Michael. During her time with a national home healthcare company, Becca was tasked with starting a new line of business, a national call center for patients suffering from sleep apnea. Becca grew the division into the largest profitable entity for the company. In just three years, the growth of the division went from $0 to $23 million dollars a year and she managed a staff of over 90 employees.
“I love a good challenge, and the opportunity with both that call center, and in starting our own businesses, provided a great challenge! The next Mayor of Coopertown is going to face some real challenges and I know I am up to the task.”
Becca has spent the last several months reaching out to the residents and businesses in Coopertown. In addition, she has met with officials from Coopertown, Robertson County, Pleasant View, and Cheatham county to gain a broader understanding of the relationships maintained within our town and to establish a base from which to build should she win the election.
Becca has identified several issues to address in her first year and has recognized that several of these items will take several years to effect. Her primary focus in that first year will be on the following: Budget & Fiscal Responsibility, Community Outreach/Volunteerism, Preservation of our historical treasures and lifestyle, and smart business development. Additional information on these ideas can be found here.
Becca has dedicated time to various endeavors throughout her life: Childrens Ministry Coordinator for her previous church, volunteering at her children’s school, the Nashville Zoo, Bridges for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, as well as a volunteering and supporting the Coopertown Barrell Festival 5-Miler each year. Her family are members of Springfield First United Methodist Church in Springfield.
Becca has been married to her husband Michael for 26 years. Michael, like Becca’s Father and Grandfather, is a proud Army veteran. He is a dedicated patriot who served his country as a Cobra helicopter pilot and was deployed during Desert Storm. He is strong in his faith and shares Becca’s belief in personal responsibility. Something they have instilled in their children, Sarah (23) and Sean (15).
If you would like to ask Becca a question or schedule a time to meet with her, you may email her at [email protected]
“ Coopertown is our forever home. If the good people of Coopertown decide to elect me as their Mayor I will work hard to make sure that when people get off at our exit and head home, they have good roads to drive on, conveniences that they want and need, feel safe in their neighborhoods, and finally, when they step out on to their porch that evening, can take a deep breath and be glad to call Coopertown their home.”
Vote Becca Werner – Mayor of Coopertown – November 3rd
“Preserving the Past…Preparing for the Future”
Lee Canfield
I am an honorable resident of Coopertown, Tennessee. My family and I came to this wonderful community 2008. I was born in Nashville, Tennessee to a large family. I have always loved serving my church, community, and country. I am a graduate of Nashville State Community College and Tennessee State University in Nashville, Tennessee. I hold a Bachelors Degree in Science from Tennessee State University.
One of the most thankful things that I can say that I accomplished will always be serving my country in the United States Navy. The reason I am running for Coopertown Mayor is that I want to promote our community into the future while preserving our heritage. Nashville is growing at a fast rate and this is causing many changes in our area as well. This concerns me and it should you too. This is one of the reasons that I am running.
I believe we can have a decent town while maintaining our unique identity. I love serving my country and community. Please consider voting for me. We can do this together! Learn more here

Alderman Ward 1 Town Of Coopertown
Vote For 1
Randee Masters
Send your announcement for candidacy to [email protected]
*See MAP of Ward 1. If you reside in Ward 1, it will be listed on the back of your Voter registration card

Alderman Ward 2 Town Of Coopertown
Vote For 1
Ruby J Cash – Incumbent
I have been a resident in Coopertown for over 27 years. I have two children, one attending APSU and one attending Coopertown Middle School. My husband and I own a landscaping company that employs approximately 20 people. Prior to that, I was in the finance industry for over 17 years. My management experience includes budgeting, balance sheets, goal setting, employee development, business growth and partnerships. I believe in working hard, being honest and taking on challenges. As the old saying goes, “anything worth having requires work”.
Last May, I was appointed Coopertown Alderman for Ward 2, replacing Lucas Decker. As your Alderman, I have done my best to use a common sense, business-like approach when making decisions on your behalf. I ask questions, demand answers and try to make critical decisions based on ethical choices. I value every hard earned dollar that is paid to our city. As Alderman, I will continue to work hard for you. Coopertown is on the verge of change, it is inevitable. Growth is coming and we need a strong plan to control it. The plan must retain the appeal of our beautiful city, but also create a revenue stream to support services and road infrastructure. It is imperative that we develop partnerships with local businesses and neighboring communities. I want to help implement a long term vision and strategy for Coopertown. I will support our residents, Mayor, Alderman and city staff.
I am asking for your vote on November 3rd. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.
Ruby Cash
Alderman, Ward 2
City of Coopertown
See MAP of Ward 2. If you reside in Ward 2, it will be listed on the back of your Voter registration card
Orlinda, Tn Commissioners
Vote For 2
Tabitha Swearingen – Incumbent
Send your announcement for candidacy to [email protected]
Portland Alderman
Vote For 3
Penny Barnes
Hello, I’m Penny Barnes and I’m running for Portland City Council. I have lived the greater part of my life in Portland and I cherish my hometown. I have over 20 years serving people and business as an HR leader. Now, I am ready to serve my community. I want to listen, learn, and understand what the citizens of Portland care about most. I am passionate about Portland’s growth and seeing our downtown continue to transform.
I am humbled by neighbors, friends, and family that have pledged their support! I’m truly blessed to have an amazing team of supporters. Thank You!
I’m asking for your vote so I can serve you and stand up for what matters for our city and families. Learn more here.
Thomas Dillard – Incumbent
Send your announcement for candidacy to [email protected]
Lloyd Dunn
Dear Portland Voter
My name is Lloyd Dunn, and I am one of your candidates for Portland City Alderman (council). I want to start off by saying THANK YOU for allowing me to contact you today.
Portland is a city of tomorrow, a city of 13,000 fine folks who share differences in many categories. We represent many religions, sexual orientations, colors, and all points in between.
I see a Portland that can be a WELCOMING community for everyone, a community that welcomes new national business brands, and a community that protects the natural environment that makes our city beautiful.
I see a Portland that is and does.
1: Welcoming, Inclusive Community
2: Responsive, Transparent Government
3:Smart, Strategic Development
4: Forward Thinking, Sustainable Future
5: Support Our Public Education System and so much more.
I would appreciate your vote and let’s build a better Portland of Tomorrow, A PORTLAND FOR EVERYONE!
To learn more:
Facebook @dunn4tn
Twitter @dunn4tn
Instagram @dunn4tn
Gayle Gentry
Send your announcement for candidacy to [email protected]
Jody McDowell – Incumbent
“Hey y’all, I know this election cycle is crazy enough. I almost hate that our city election is at the same time as the Presidential. We seem to get lost in all the other things going on. I’ve been proud to serve this city, and I would love to continue what I do. There are several folks running for office and I’d be proud to serve with any of them.
You have four seats to vote for, for Portland City Council. I’d be honored to be one of your choices,” Incumbent Jody McDowell
Chirag Patel
Send your announcement for candidacy to [email protected]
James W Toney
Send your announcement for candidacy to [email protected]
Brian Woodall
My name is Brian DeWayne Woodall and I am running for your Portland Alderman.
I was born and raised in Portland, TN, and remember running up and down Main Street and hiding in the clothes at Chandler’s along with selling my grandmother’s fried pies to Elliott’s Office Supply. Many memories overwhelm me with the Purple and White from football games, lining the streets during homecomings, and the many Strawberry Festival Parades with floats and bands flooding Highway 109. This is my town and I am deeply in love with her.
I graduated from Portland High School in 1987. Immediately after graduation, I entered the United States Army. During my 22-year tenure in the military, I was fortunate enough to attain the highest enlisted rank of Command Sergeant Major and my bachelor’s degree in Business Administration. My leaders, peers, and Soldiers assisted me in making me into the man I am today – a leader, motivator, and family man. “Leading from the front” has always been my motto and will be the way I serve you as your Portland Alderman.
I returned to the Portland area after my retirement because I can honestly say there is no place like home. My family currently operates a small retail shop in town. Fortunately, they support me in this current endeavor to be a front line leader in our town. It has been my dream to give back to the community the way I did my nation. I simply love Portland and everything about this city that we call Home. The job of Alderman is to serve the CITIZENS and listen to their concerns in order to better the quality of life for all.
There is nothing more important than to see prosperity and growth in Portland over the coming years. I pledge to put the citizen’s wishes above my own and will communicate with you as often as possible, even if something cannot be the way that you would like it. As your Alderman, I will work for you.
I am thankful for the opportunity to be able to serve you and for your confidence in me as a leader to serve our community. I am asking for your vote in the November election to be YOUR Portland Alderman. Learn more here.
With respect,
Brian DeWayne Woodall

City Of Ridgetop Mayor
Vote For 1
To view the Ridgetop Mayoral Forum, Click HERE
Clayton Bollinger
Policy Letter to the Citizens of Ridgetop
Ladies and Gentlemen of Ridgetop:
We, three gentlemen, are running for election to the offices of Mayor and Aldermen. We came together to put out a joint policy statement so you would know what our stated goals are in an attempt to garner your votes and support, as well as establish a policy of transparency in city government that we feel is overdue.
We will have details, policy discussions, and biographies on the website
Ridgetop has gone through a period of unrest and upheaval that has put transparency of government and citizens’ rights at the forefront of issues. The decision by the Mayor and Board of Aldermen to no longer allow concerned citizens to speak and address the board at meetings was the tipping point for all of us to enter the race for election. Although this has been interpreted as to be within the letter of the law by the city charter, (which does not specifically address citizens being allowed to speak at city meetings), we feel it goes against both the national and state Constitutions that list Freedom of Speech and Freedom to Peacefully Assemble as paramount in the Bill of Rights. Further, it goes against city precedent, in that through out all of the city meetings in Ridgetop’s history, comments from citizens addressing the board have been duly recorded in the official minutes of the city meetings.
We intend to amend this in the short term by voting as the city officers to change this onerous policy, and in the long term, we seek to amend the city charter to permanently observe and respect the citizen’s right to speak and address the board. We intend to re-establish the City of Ridgetop Police Department as soon as practical. This was the second issue, that has brought all of us into this race, was the abolishing of the city Police Department. This was a department that gave 24-hour, 7 day a week dedicated coverage to the citizens of Ridgetop and had a 9-1-1 response time of half of the nation average of 10 minutes. Now that responsibility for Law Enforcement has been ceded to the county at considerable cost along with the city no longer receiving the proceeds from citations and fines. We have a reasonable response time for 80 hours of the week, by two deputies detailed to the city. For the rest of the week, response times maybe 35 minutes, if officers are even available at all from Sheriff’s Department Headquarters on the far side of Springfield. We feel this is unacceptable. Ridgetop tax dollars should focus on essential services, at the top of those essential services is the 9-1-1 triad of Police, Fire, and Emergency Medical Services. We felt this policy was unwise when embarked on last year, now in times of pandemic and public outrage, we deserve the services that we have paid tax dollars for and expected in the past.
Growing up in Ridgetop in the past was akin to growing up in the fictional Mayberry from Andy Griffith. A town full of friendly, hospitable, and polite people who have a sense of community. We need to keep Ridgetop a “Mayberry”, a safe and secure place to raise families, while preparing for growth as middle Tennessee continues to expand in population and influence. We are a team that has international and national leadership and management experience. We are asking for your vote!
Dennis Wade
Dennis E Wade (born October 5, 1953) is a businessman and the current Robertson County Commissioner for the 4th District. Dennis is a lifetime resident of Robertson County, and with his wife (Vickie) raised there three children in Ridgetop. Dennis and Vickie where married in 1975. They currently have 6 grandchildren that they are immensely proud of.
Dennis has been a member of First Baptist Church since he was a child. He enjoys camping and cooking for the family.
He has been a member of the Tennessee Society of Certified Public Accountants and the American Institute of CPAs since 1983. Dennis and his son, Jonathan, are co-owners of Wade Bookkeeping and Tax Service with an office in Ridgetop. For 15 years he owned a nonmedical home care company serving an 8-county area in northern middle Tn.
He has served on the boards of several nonprofits over his career. The most recent being the GreenRidge Chamber of Commerce.
His focus on the County Commission has been assisting the budget committee members to prepare the annual budget for the County. He served for 6 years as chairman of the budget committee.
He feels very qualified to assist the board of alderman for the city of Ridgetop in managing the taxpayer’s tax dollars and the utility customers service payments that the city receives. Providing all citizens of Ridgetop, the best small-town living environment possible.
Over the next few weeks, Dennis will be posting on his Facebook page important information on his position of key concerns for the citizens in Ridgetop. Search for Dennis Wade For Mayor on Facebook. Learn more here.

City Of Ridgetop Alderman
Vote For 2
Tim Carver
Hello, My name is Tim Carver and I am running for Alderman of Ridgetop.
I’ve lived in Ridgetop sense 2007. I’m putting my hat in the ring for Alderman because I feel I can do great things for our city.
I want to see the city become the family friendly community it should and could be. I would like to work with the parks department and committee to bring in more festivals.
My plans would not only pay for themselves, but also develop a source of revenue that could boost local tourism without increasing taxes to do the events. This would also help the small business owners, crafts people, and artisans of our city. More events more revenue for both local small business owners and the city.
I’m in full support of doing what it takes to make sure we can get back our police department. I’ve seen first hand why we need a fulltime police department, and feel it is a priority to get back our boys in blue. The community needs to be able to know that their safety is at close hand, and not 15 to 20 minutes away if at all.
I would also like to dedicate the police department building in memory of the late David Wiley. He was an exceptional officer and a fixture in the city. It just seems the best way to commemorate his devotion and dedication to our great city.
I want to put the voice of the community back in the meetings again. No decisions should be made without the input of the citizens. Full transparency is what is needed to ensure the citizens get a say, and the citizens know what their taxes are going towards.
I have no connection to any current sitting board members. Because of this I know its going to take alot of effort to win.
If elected as Alderman I will do what is needed to make sure the community is heard.
This city deserves change, and it needs the “good ol boy ” politics to come to an end. The only way to usher in change is to go for the underdog.
My name is Tim Carver and I’m running for Alderman, because this community needs something better. Learn more here.
Monty Gregory
Hello, my name is Monty Gregory and I’m running for alderman of Ridgetop. First a little about myself. I’m a park board volunteer for the last 3 years, chairman for the last 2. I’ve been an automotive tech for over 20 years, promoted to team lead for 3 different managers. I’m a competitive bbq chef, operation bbq relief volunteer, a national weather service advanced severe weather storm spotter, and official rain fall observer for the national weather service, where I report rainfall amounts every day. I graduated high school from Greenbrier, where I lived until 8 years ago, when I moved to Ridgetop.
I have attended Highland Chapel for the last 7 years, with my wife, which includes 2 mission trips a year to the coal mining community of Appalachia in Eastern Kentucky.
While I think there are more important issues, that will affect more people in the long run, the topic of the police dept seems to be the hot topic. Quick answer is, I would like to see us bring back our own police force. I do believe that for the crime rate and number of calls from within city limits, what we have now, is sufficient. I would like for us to have more control over when and where they patrol. I would also like to see us be able to enforce our own regulations and ordinances. Which as I understand the county will not do. So how do we get back to having our own force again? That is a question we will all have to learn together, if that’s the path we pursue, since none of the other candidates have this experience either. The county is paid until Feb 2022, so that gives us time to make informed and precise decisions.
The city being debt free also gives us a unique position to hopefully not have to raise taxes to do so, which as a taxpayer, I am completely against. Stay tuned for more information – click here
Kristen Harrison
Send your announcement for candidacy to [email protected]
John Senft
My name is John Senft and I am running for Alderman, to serve the citizens of Ridgetop in the coming term. I was born into a military family in Tampa Florida and was one of five children. I traveled internationally as a teenager and experienced many different cultures and forms of government. What I learned from my travels, is the freedoms we have, most other countries do not. The right to speak our minds, and freedom to worship, the right to bear arms, the right to own property and not have our rights violated. I could go on, but I hope you see the point. As citizens of this great country, we have so many rights that are taken for granted. And so, we have an election coming up, where we have the privilege of choosing who we want to represent us in our community, city, county, state and even the nation.
I grew up in Southern California. I met my wife in the church that she attended. After joining the church, I felt the Lord’s call on my life, and studied and prepared for ministry. My wife and I moved to middle Tennessee in November of 1992. We have been active in ministry and service to the Lord for many years. We have lived in Hendersonville, White House, Cottontown, Cross Plains, and for the last seven years, in the lovely community of Ridgetop.
My Employment Background: I spent ten years in Corporate Finance working for two different Companies. I started as an Account Representative, advanced to Field rep, Loan Servicing Manager, Inventory Control Manager, and finally Operations Manager when I left. I worked for a Mortgage company for about 9 months before opening my own Branch. Operated the mortgage branch for about four and half years until the market crash of 2008. During the mortgage years, I also developed real estate and worked as a project manager building homes. Knowledge of construction, finance, operations, logistics, and managing and working with people. Operated a lawn mowing and landscaping service during the recession, as a landlord managing rentals, Tennis coach and teacher, still active playing, and teaching, have served 6 Years on the Summer Crest Tennis Club’s board here in Ridgetop.
When my wife and I moved to Ridgetop over 7 years ago, we were starting over. The economic crash of 2008 that affected our nation, had a severe impact on us as well. We rented a home from a gracious landlord, and we have been here ever since. We love our neighborhood, friends we have made, schools our children have attended, and relationships that we have developed. We enjoy ridgetop Park, the history, the walking trails, it is a beautiful setting. Summer Crest is a little gem of a Tennis club tucked away at the end of Lennox, nestled among the trees. Holt’s has that small-town homey feel, where the meat department will hand cut whatever you would ask for, and everyone knows one another. I could go on about the positives, but with the election coming up, we need to address the issues that our community is facing.
• First and foremost is for every person to feel valued. Whether it is a workplace environment, church, group, committee, or in Ridgetop’s case, the city. Duly elected officers of a City, County, or State are given a great responsibility to represent the people who voted for them. To do what is best for the whole, and not a select few. Every person must feel like their voice and vote counts. And to remove or exclude anyone from being able to voice a concern, complaint, or question why officials made decisions that effect the community negatively, this needs to be corrected. A citizen’s right to speak up must be restored to the Town Hall Meetings. Mayors and Alderman may have official titles, but they are still citizens of the community, and supposed to serve the people who elected them to office in the first place, not silence them.
• Second, a community must feel that the rights and privileges that are afforded to everyone are maintained and protected. Quoting from the Declaration of Independence, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness,” are unalienable rights, which means they cannot be given away or taken away. When the Ridgetop Police Department was disbanded and done away with, the protection, of its rights, afforded to this community was compromised. To feel safe and secure, to know that those who violate the laws of our community will be summarily dealt with. We no longer have that inviolability. Restoring a Ridgetop Police Department who will protect and serve the community is paramount as well.
• Lastly, the city’s infrastructure needs to be evaluated and reviewed. From the city sewer system, roads, utilities, fire, and emergency, and so on. Making sure Ridgetops’ tax dollars are maximized on the essential services that the citizens of the city are paying for.
If given the privilege to serve as an Alderman for Ridgetop, I will strive to make our community a safe and secure place where families enjoy the freedoms that our nation has afforded to each and every one of us. Learn more here
Tim Shaw
My name is Tim Shaw and I am running for Alderman for the great city of Ridgetop. A long-time Tennessean, I am dedicated to my family and community. As a citizen of Ridgetop for 26 years, I feel we have unique challenges in front of us.
I attended the University of Tennessee and pursued a degree in accounting. I have extensive experience in working with and for people for the betterment of the group and the organization. I was the owner/operator of a grocery store and have been a District Manager for companies like Dollar General and Dollar Tree. This experience has allowed me to develop specific skills in the areas of management, leadership, active listening and budget development and implementation.
I believe it is time for change for our great city and there are three areas which we have to prioritize:
• First, we must attempt to re-establish the Ridgetop Police Department. This is extremely important for our city and will be my top priority. I will look at various grants that we can apply for in order to aid in rebuilding this branch of our 9-1-1 triad. It is my belief that all citizens have a right to the basic safety and security that a dedicated Police Department can bring to a city.
• Second, we must review our charter to make sure it is current. We must ensure the Ridgetop City Charter is relevant and meets the needs of its citizenry. More importantly, we must review it to ensure each and every citizen of Ridgetop has the ability to speak and be heard in every Town Hall meeting. It is our Constitutional right under the First Amendment, guaranteeing all citizens the freedom of speech and the right to peaceably assemble.
• Third, we need to assess the cost and planning for the installation of a sewer system for all of Ridgetop and evaluate the necessity of upgrading the systems in place today. Again, there may be grants that we can utilize to install and improve upon our current sewage infrastructure and I will work to pursue those opportunities.
If elected, I will work diligently for you, my constituents, and will work with you to move our great city forward and to make Ridgetop a better place to live for all. It is time for change! Learn more here

City Of Springfield Mayor
Vote For 1
Ann Schneider – Incumbent
I would like to announce that I, Ann Schneider, am running for re-election as Mayor of Springfield following four years of unprecedented economic growth and strong support of local businesses. I appreciate the honor of having been elected Mayor, and hope to have your support in November.
I am a lifelong resident of Robertson County and graduated from Western Kentucky University with a B.S. degree in finance. In addition to serving the people of Springfield as Mayor, I have over two decades of experience in the banking and investment industry as a commercial lender, bank manager and financial advisor. This experience allows me to bring a wealth of financial expertise and acumen to City projects and businesses, ensuring Springfield remains a fiscally sound city with low taxes.
As Mayor, I have worked tirelessly to bring new business and economic growth to Springfield. I understand the economy and the important role businesses in Springfield play in providing jobs for Springfield residents. I look forward to the next four years and bringing even more businesses to Springfield that will provide unparalleled growth and job creation. Additionally, I have sought to make Springfield a place for families to build community through the creation of the Splash Pad and the dog park. These family attractions help to make Springfield a vibrant community in which to call home and raise a family.
As a regional leader I understood that for Springfield to become a true engine of economic growth and opportunity, a second source of water was needed. As a leader with vision, I have worked across state lines in Kentucky to secure a second source of water for Springfield through the Logan Todd Regional Water Commission. With skilled leadership and understanding of the region, this collaboration will bring over 2.3 million gallons of treated water daily to over 14,000 Robertson County residents.
A longtime community and civic leader, I am a member the Springfield Kiwanis Club, graduate of Leadership Middle Tennessee, and graduate of Leadership Robertson County. I am a former Board Chair of the Robertson County YMCA, past board member of Robertson County United Way, past member of the Robertson County Industrial Board, and served as President and as a member of the Board of Directors of the Robertson County Chamber of Commerce. I have been a past winner of the Business Woman of the Year, Young Careerist, Robertson County Times Pacesetter, and Robertson County YMCA Volunteer of the Year awards. Prior to being elected Mayor of Springfield, I was an Alderwoman for Ward 4 and also served as Vice Mayor.
I am a member of First United Methodist Church in Springfield, where I previously served as Chair of the Staff Parish Committee. I was married to Larry Schneider for twenty-seven years. Larry passed away in December 2019 following a valiant, courageous battle with esophageal cancer. I remain steadfastly grateful for the outpouring of prayers, love, care, concern, and support I have received from Springfield citizens over the last months.
I consider it a great honor and privilege to serve as Mayor. I hope to receive your vote for Mayor of Springfield on Tuesday, November 3. Learn more here.
Buzzy Poole
I am announcing my candidacy for Mayor of Springfield. I am a lifelong resident of this community and I am troubled by many things that I see happening here.
I am concerned about the level of crime and drugs in our city. I am concerned by the lack of better jobs for our citizens. I am concerned that we are losing businesses and restaurants. I am also concerned that we have citizens living in their cars in our Walmart parking lot.
As a city, we should be doing better that this. It is my opinion that we have much work to do!
We need investment in our city, whether it comes from those who live here or from those outside of our city. We have to get investors excited about Springfield. We have little to offer to those who might consider moving here. We no longer have a movie theater, a bowling alley or skating rink. We have no recreational types of businesses at all. Nothing for our young people to do, other than congregate in parking lots just as a means to occupy themselves.
I want to be a servant of our city, all of our city. No matter your social status, your economic situation or your race. Everyone deserves to be heard and represented by our city government.
I am asking for your vote on Nov. 3rd.
Can one person make a difference….I truly believe so.
I do not seek the title of “Mayor of Springfield”………..
I want the “JOB” of being Mayor of Springfield. Learn more here.

Springfield Alderman Ward 4
Vote For 1
Tim Harris – Incumbent
I would like to announce that I, Tim Harris, am seeking re-election for the Ward 4 Alderman seat in the City of Springfield. It has been my pleasure to serve as your current Alderman of Ward 4 since December of 2016, and to also serve as Vice Mayor for the City of Springfield since December of 2018. Our City has seen economic growth each year, and we can all be grateful that our numbers have continued to increase since the onset of the 2020 pandemic. As a City, we continue to face many projects in front of us and I am grateful for the City leadership, the department heads, and the many employees that make the City of Springfield a great place to live.
I am a lifelong resident of Springfield, having graduated from Springfield High School in 1985 and then received an Associate of Arts Degree in Funeral Service from Gupton Mortuary College in 1993. I have held my Funeral Director’s license in the State of Tennessee since April of 1994. I went to work, part time, at Robertson County Funeral Home in October of 1991 and will soon begin my 30th year there. I currently serve as Vice President, General Manager, Funeral Director, and one of the owners of the funeral home. I married the love of my life, Pam Alsup Harris, in March of 2004. We currently serve as Worship Leaders at Mt. Sharon Cumberland Presbyterian Church, where we are members.
Serving as Alderman of Ward 4 and as Vice Mayor for the City of Springfield, I have gained a much greater respect for government, leadership, and the actuality of how a City operates. We have a great group of citizens that make up our City and I ask for your vote of confidence as Alderman of Ward 4 for the City of Springfield on November 3rd.
See MAP of Ward 4. If you reside in Ward 4, it will be listed on the back of your Voter registration card
Springfield Alderman Ward 5
Vote For 1
Lisa Arnold – Interim replacement for Bruce Head. Current Incumbent
See MAP for Ward 5. If you reside in Ward 5, it will be listed on the back of your Voter registration card

Springfield Alderman Ward 6
Vote For 1
Henry Clay Sneed – Incumbent
In announcing my bid for re-election as Alderman of Springfield Ward 6… I’d like to start with 1 issue that should sum up your voting preference to re-elect Henry Clay Sneed for another term.
Currently, the Springfield City Mayor is paid $600 per month and the Aldermen are paid $350 per month. After about 15 months on the job in the Spring of 2018 a motion was made by Alderman Harris to increase the monthly pay for the elected officials.
The new pay per Alderman Harris’s motion will be $1200 for the Mayor and $600 for the Aldermen.
The vote was swift with little debate and even less media coverage. 6 to 1.
Henry Clay Sneed was the only one on the board to vote against it. Was it too much? Yes. We only meet one day a month for about 1 to 1.5 hours. How much do you make per hour?
Need another reason to re-elect Sneed? How about this?
When the Roberson County Chamber of Commerce, a 501c nonprofit and recipient of $100s of thousands of dollars in taxpayer funds over the years refused to give at my request more than some internally produced summaries of financials I brought a lawsuit to force the issue to resolution. I had no lawyer. They retained one. They actually hired a lawyer to keep me from seeing as a dues-paying Chamber member that the bylaws state I can see.
The case was dismissed due to being filed in the General Sessions court, which could have heard the case, but argued it’s not the proper court which is Chancery. I could have re-filed there. But we can all come to our conclusions about this.
I then made a motion at a City Hall meeting to require all nonprofits requesting to receive taxpayer donations to submit an IRS form 4506 to allow the City to obtain a full or partial at our option transcript of tax returns. This is the same form a bank sometimes requires when you get a mortgage loan. That measure passed with a split vote of 4 to 3 with the Mayor notably voting against it. Months later with this rule in place Staff allowed the request for funds to be considered without the required form stating that “some did not want to do this”. A motion was made by Alderman Harris to rescind the requirement that just months earlier he voted for. The effort to repeal worked. They got the money and we can’t be sure of what its being used for. One actually asked for $1000s more and got it.
Need more?
An architect was hired to as it’s required by law to assist in the partial demolition of a building. Saving parts of the building and tearing down another. A blueprint, but in reverse called a schedule of demolition is required by law to be provided and used by whoever is contracted to do the work. A contractor was hired for about $450,000 after vetting and bids handled by the architect. The day the contractor started they had what was called an” accident” that damaged the part to remain. They had a million-dollar insurance policy. Unbelievably. The City officials and some of the Aldermen did NOT WANT to file a claim, but gave them a change order to pay them more to tear down the rest of the building they damaged. I was successful in stopping this from happening and filed a formal complaint against the architect to the State Board over that profession. My efforts saved the City nearly $500,000 that many on the City board could have cared less.
A contractor building a subdivision for homes is required to install and maintain erosion control to stop dirt and mud from running off into a nearby creek. The creek is already on a list of waterways that are strained. I was at that time a member of the City Planning Commission having some oversight role in these matters. The construction site when I visited after some reports of major erosion was in my opinion a major disaster and was the worst erosion I had ever seen under the supervision of City Staff. I called for an emergency meeting the next day to address the matter. After the meeting all who attended agreed to shut the site down until erosion control measures were installed. Staff failed to do this and mislead me in handling the matter. In order to get the situation addressed I had to file a formal complaint with the Tennessee Department of Environment to send a State inspector who then made the order to fix it or be shut down.
Stealing is a crime. When it was reported to me about the ongoing thief of scrap metal, I began a covert investigation. After about a year to be sure the problem was there and not an isolated incident I brought what I had found to other members of the City Board and told them to do something about it, I was tired of bringing issues to the Board and seeing my efforts fall flat. Nothing happened. They didn’t care.
If you had rainwater pouring into your yard or driveway from the street and called the City to fix it, You’d be told we don’t fix storm water issues on private property. This is true, but sometimes it depends on who’s asking and who is at fault. The City just approved by 6-1 spending $1,700,000 to fix a collapsed tunnel under a railroad which is private property allowing water to run into a State Highway that the State said they would not spend any money to repair because its on private property. Guess who did not vote for this?
The City Industrial Development Board was asked to approve a loan of about $7,200,000 by a Nashville Attorney representing a trust of unknown people. I tried to find out who they were but no one would talk or say if they did. The loan was to buy an apartment complex in Springfield. Another in East Tennessee and one in Georgia at low interest and be tax-exempt as a nonprofit, I am trying to get all members of this City board and others across the State like this to be required to file financial disclosers each year under penalty of a new law.
Please Vote to keep integrity and at least one on the City Board of Mayor and Aldermen who at least acts like they give a damn.
Vote Henry Clay Sneed, Alderman Ward 6 Springfield November 3, 2020. Learn more here.
Clay Sneed
Email: [email protected]

Emily C Green
I believe that creating change for the better starts first at a local level, in our community, our churches, our families, our schools. This is why I believe local politics matter and why I am running for Alderman of Ward 6. As someone who grew up here and now practices law in the heart of downtown Springfield, I love our town and would be honored to represent the citizens of Ward 6.
My goal, should I be elected as Alderman of Ward 6, is to listen, to learn, to educate, and to empower. As you may know, an Alderman’s responsibility is to be the voice of their specific Ward when voting on issues in the monthly Board of Mayor and Alderman meeting. To that end, I want my neighbors to know that I am passionate about our community, connection, and classroom.
Community – Our neighbors and our local businesses are the heart and soul of Springfield. I believe in supporting our community and in strategic growth. Yes, that involves encouraging new businesses to come to our city and shopping local to keep our tax dollars in our town. But I believe that another aspect of supporting our community as an Alderman is working towards finding middle ground, respecting and listening to all sides of a discussion, and trying to bring civility and courtesy back to politics. This helps forge a stronger, more positive community as we grow and change.
Connection – One of the most important things about being an Alderman is being accessible to the citizens you are representing. As an Alderman, I would view it as my responsibility to be available to my community and to keep Ward 6 informed of local politics, laws, and issues. As an attorney in Springfield, my office is located on the courthouse square and is open to all to come in and share their thoughts and concerns with me. I have also created a Facebook page where people can connect with me directly and where I can share information. My goal is to be accessible to those in my Ward so that we can connect.
Classroom – The future of our city is in our classrooms, starting in daycares and preschools and continuing through our community colleges. Education is key to empowering our citizens, both in their personal lives and in their careers. Every citizen needs access to the best quality education that we can provide. I believe that investing in our citizens is the best investment that we can make. And education does not stop when we get a diploma—that is just the beginning. Part of my hope as an Alderman is to help continue educating citizens about issues in our city and productively discussing them together.
Thank you for taking the time to consider my candidacy. I look forward to serving Springfield and seeing how we grow together. Learn more here.
Emily C. Green
Candidate for Ward 6 of Springfield, TN
[email protected]
(931) 516-3606
See MAP of Ward 6. If you reside in Ward 6, it will be listed on the back of your Voter registration card

City Of White House Alderman Ward 4
Vote For 1
Clif Hutson – Incumbent
See MAP of Ward 4. If you reside in Ward 4, it will be listed on the back of your Voter registration card
State of Tennessee House of Representatives District 66
(R) Vote For One (1)
Sabi (Doc) Kumar – (R) Incumbent
Thank You Robertson County!
It is an honor to serve as your State Representative in the Tennessee Legislature! I am proud of my service since 2014! I ask for Your Vote and Support because:
1. I Have Served the People.
As a surgeon, I always return my patient’s calls. I have done so for the last 43 years. As your State Representative, I have always responded to your calls, messages, emails and letters. In the time of the Covid-19 pandemic and the economic downturn, my office and I have worked to help all citizens who have called us for help with state matters including unemployment benefits. I, and my staff, give advice or connect you with the right person in government. We follow up and make sure that you received the help that you needed. Life being what it is, not all problems can be solved. When such is the case, we explain why and folks understand.
A particular joy has been to attend the eight High School Graduations in Robertson County. Sadly, this may not happen in 2020. We will always invite young graduates to come and shadow with me as a Surgeon or as a State Representative. It is a blessing to guide and inspire them!
2. I Have Served The Community.
I was elected to be your State Representative on November 4, 2014. Just ten days later, on November 14, 2014, I met with the TDOT Commissioner. I had not even been sworn in, yet! The plans about widening of highway 431 and a traffic signal at the junction of highways 49 – 257 have existed for years. I worked to make it happen. Construction is inconvenient, but the new roads are going to be beautiful!
3. Support Our Veterans
My wife Linda’s dad served in Korea. Linda and I have a special place for Veterans in our hearts. We visit, support and honor our Veterans!
4. I Have Served The State.
I have stood for our Common Sense Conservative Values: Love of God, Country and Sanctity of Life. I have worked to lower taxes, improve government, support 2nd Amendment and a balanced budget (Yes!). I have pushed for the largest ever increases in funding for our public schools and raises for our teachers.
5. I Give Back to Our Community.
I donate my salary to local causes and civic organizations.
This is my way to give back to a community that has given me everything that I have, including my wife Linda – 38 great years!
6. Keeping in Touch
Linda and I greatly enjoy and visit people, organizations and community events. My newspaper articles have regularly kept you informed.
7. Looking Ahead
I have set a foundation of trust, friendship, and honesty with citizens and fellow legislators. They seek and value my opinions. I am grateful to my wife Linda and our daughter Nina for love, support, help — and a little criticism, when necessary!
Please, pray for God’s Guidance. I ask for your vote and thank you for the trust you have placed in me! God Bless You and Our Nation! Learn MORE…
Contact info: [email protected]
Tennessee House Of Representatives District 66
(D) Vote For One (1)
Reverend Jarvus Turnley (D) Announces For Tennessee State House, District 66
Jarvus Turnley has qualified to run as the democratic candidate for TN State House, District 66.
Mr. Turnley is a lifelong resident of Robertson County and is a graduate of Springfield High School, class of 2005. Mr. Turnley is a member of Beards Chapel Baptist Church and Assistant Minister under the leadership of Pastor Randy K. Taylor.
“Since the age of 16, I have enjoyed helping to serve the needs of others. I’ve coached youth sports during the last eight years for the city of Springfield, I currently serve on the Robertson County Foster Care Review Board and the National Youth Rights Organization.“
“I understand the struggles of everyday working people of Tennessee who are one paycheck away from homelessness. I feel the pain of our youth who struggle to get a proper education in order to be successful. I’m running to be a voice for every citizen regardless of political affiliation, for I believe that it’s time to stop playing the political game and time to represent the will of the people of our county. I believe in being a voice for all businesses- from merchants to farmers – of District 66. As a candidate, I will always care and give my all for the citizens of Robertson County. This election is not about me. This election is about every individual in Robertson county.” Learn MORE…
Mr.Turnley is the loving father of four wonderful children.
He can be reached at- [email protected] or 931-614-9492
Attention CANDIDATES…………..
A sign on a street corner can’t say it all……If you want Robertson County voters to know your name, your face and where you stand on the issues, submit your FREE announcement/photo for candidacy to Smokey Barn News at [email protected]

Robertson County Election Commission
513 South Brown St., Room 137
Springfield, TN 37172
Phone: 615-384-5592 /Fax: 615-382-3122
Email: [email protected]
Website: (for Sample Ballot and other information) (to register to vote on-line and other information) (For Military and Overseas Voting)
• District 1-1 East Robertson Elementary 5177 East Robertson Rd. Cross Plains
• District 2-1 Robert F. Woodall Elementary 300 Eden Way White House
• District 3-1 Ebenezer Baptist Church 6028 Ebenezer Rd. Greenbrier
• District 3-2 White House Heritage HS 7744 Hwy 76 East White House
• District 4-1 Watauga Elementary School 1755 Lake Rd. Greenbrier
• District 5-1 Greenbrier High School 126 Cuniff Dr. Greenbrier
• District 6-1 Coopertown Middle School 3820 Hwy 49 West Springfield
• District 6-2 Mt. Sharon C.P. Church 4634 Mt Sharon Church Rd. Greenbrier
• District 7-1 Jo Byrns Elementary School 6399 Hwy 41 North Cedar Hill
• District 7-2 Stroudsville Church of Christ 1531 Stroudsville Rd. Adams
• District 8-1 Krisle School 6712 Hwy 49 East Springfield
• District 8-2 H.A.T.S. 4859 Hwy 431 North Springfield
• District 8-3 Owens Chapel Fellowship Hall 6730 Owens Chapel Rd. Springfield
• District 9-1 Robertson County Fair Assoc. 4635 Hwy 41 North Springfield
• District 10-1 South Haven Christian School 112 Academy Drive Springfield
• District 11-1 Westside School 309 Alsup Dr. Springfield
• District 11-2 Heads Free Will Baptist Church 2792 Heads Church Rd. Cedar Hill
• District 12-1 Bransford School 700 Bransford Dr. Springfield