UNARCO Closes, Sends All Employees For COVID-19 Testing
SPRINGFIELD TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – In a bold move, Unarco Material Handling Inc., has closed their Springfield plant and sent all of their employees to be tested for COVID-19.
The decision somewhat overloaded the COVID-19 testing location in Springfield but the lines are improving, according to Robertson County Mayor Billy Vogle.
According to Linda Lascara, Vice President, Marketing & Retail, at UNARCO, the decision to close the plant and have all the employees tested came after additional employees tested positive for COVID-19.
Lascara told Smokey Barn News that UNARCO will remain closed until Monday while the firm performs a deep cleaning of the plant and all equipment while it maintains the rigorous cleaning schedule it started back in March.
“Everyone will have to provide documentation of a negative test result before they are allowed back to work”, Lascara said.
Unarco Material Handling Confirms One Case Of COVID-19