Youth Flag Football League Comes To Robertson County (How You Can Sign Up)
ROBERTSON COUNTY TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – It’s official, Flag Football has come to Robertson County for boys and girls of all ages. This article will cover everything you need to know to sign up and play.
Robertson County Flag Football League (RCFFL) was created as a non-profit organization to bring flag football to the youth of Robertson County and surrounding areas. RCFFL gives the local youth an opportunity to participate in an organized sport at minimal costs.
The ultimate purpose of our organization is to allow any and all youth who wish to participate in an organized sport that opportunity regardless of his or her economic means.
Through our partnership with the NFL, our organization is able to bring a high level of flag football competition to Robertson County.
Under Tennessee state laws, RCFFL is formed as a non-profit corporation. The organization is headed by Joseph Ellis and Randall Alexander. The League is a licensed non-profit corporation under 501c3 federal tax law.
RCFFL has assembled an experienced leadership team:
President: Joseph Ellis
Vice President: Randall “PIERRE” Alexander
Secretary: Whitney Owens
Treasurer: Justin James
Legal Counsel: Rett Roach, Esq.
The Robertson County Flag Football League is a non-profit corporation and operates exclusively for educational and charitable purposes. We strive to provide and encourage the ideals of teamwork, responsibility, and integrity for all participants involved. We strive to facilitate a positive, competitive, and structured environment that catalyzes the growth and development of all youth involved. Our flag football program will focus on giving our youth a positive outlet that is engaging, fun, and educational.
Starts August 26th, 2023. To be played by GIRLS AND BOYS between the ages of 5 years of age to 17 years of age!
RCFFL is partnered with RCX Sports (NFL Flag Football League). Through this partnership, the following is provided by RCX sports:
1. Handling of equipment orders and league software
2. Program rules and onsite asset’s
3. Only league that offers NFL branded gear.
4. NFL Flag Matrix
5. Coaching Resources- partnership with MOJO for coaching programs (age directed).
6. Officials Training
7. Equipment: Fully sub-laminated jerseys with NFL logo and flag belt. Option to add additional merchandise.
8. Marketing Tools: flyers, social media posts, league registration packets, and marketing resources/tools
9. Sport Connect players health and safety insurance.
Robertson County’s population increased 11 out of the 11 years between 2010 and 2021. Its largest annual population increase was 1.7% between 2020 and 2021. Between 2010 and 2021, the county grew by an average of one percent (1%) per year. In fact, according to data provided by the State of Tennessee, Robertson County is the fifth rapidly growing county in the State of Tennessee. Robertson County Public School enrollment: Kindergarten Enrollment 652 (84.9%) Elementary School Enrollment (Grades 1-4) 3,125 (83.7%) Elementary School Enrollment (Grades 5-8) 3,531 (86.5%).
Register Online at League Website:
A limited number of scholarships are available to those with limited economic means. Email [email protected] for more information.