Annual Autumn In The Brier Event Coming Sept. 25th
GREENBRIER TENNESSEE: (Smokey Barn News) – The annual “Autumn in the Brier” event will be held on Sat. Sept 25th from 9 AM to 3 PM at the Greenbrier Historical Society Museum & Library grounds on W. College Street across from Greenbrier City Hall. The fall event is free to attend and features historical demonstrations, a Bake Sale, Book Sale, Silent Auction, BBQ, Hamburgers, Hot dogs, plus vendor booths according to Society President Sheila Watts.
Booth spaces available for $10 for arts & crafts and other vendors. Call 615-643-8461 for info or come by museum/library to pick up booth form.
*Proceeds benefit the Greenbrier Historical Society Museum and Library.
Fall fun for everyone!, take a look at the event in 2012 from Smokey’s video archive.
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